Multilingual inclusion and universal acceptance for all communities

About this Session
This is a collaborative session organized by several national, regional and youth IGF initiatives from different regions.

In today's interconnected world, where digital platforms serve as vital channels for communication, trade, and collaboration, the significance of multilingualism and universal acceptance cannot be overstated. Linguistic diversity reflects the richness of human expression and cultural heritage, making it imperative to ensure that digital spaces are inclusive and accessible to speakers of all languages. Embracing and ensuring multilingualism is critically important to unlock opportunities for cross-cultural understanding and collaboration on a global scale. Moreover, universal acceptance of diverse languages and scripts is essential for fostering equitable access to information and services. It ensures that individuals can fully participate in the digital economy, education, governance, and social discourse, regardless of their linguistic background or proficiency. For stakeholders, including governments, businesses, civil society, and technical communities, embracing multilingualism and universal acceptance is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic investment in fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and building more inclusive societies for all.

Through a dialogue and exchange of  practices and experiences of different NRIs, this session will focus on ways to foster digital inclusion through advancing multilingualism and universal acceptance. It will particularly illustrate digital capacity inequality and the gap that exists between developed and developing countries. The discussion will focus on several policy guiding questions:

  • How can we ensure that digital platforms and services are accessible and usable for individuals regardless of their linguistic background or proficiency?
  • What strategies can be employed to promote universal acceptance of diverse languages and scripts in digital content, applications, and online communication tools?
  • What are the existing national and regional practices to address the challenges of multilingualism in digital spaces, such as language barriers, cultural nuances, and linguistic diversity?
  • What role do technology standards and protocols play in fostering digital inclusion, particularly in relation to multilingual content and universal acceptance?
  • How can collaborative and cooperative efforts between all stakeholders  support digital inclusion initiatives, with a focus on ensuring equitable access and participation for linguistically diverse communities?

Digital inclusion plays a pivotal role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in several ways:

  • SDG8: Decent work and economic growth 
  • SDG9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure 
  • SDG10: Reduced inequalities 
  • SDG11: Sustainable cities and communities