[WG WSP] feedback survey for workshop proponents

Sylvia Cadena sylvia at apnic.net
Wed Oct 16 19:17:57 EDT 2019

I agree with you Jutta, it will be good to have done and analysed before the IGF. A reminder and a deadline of 31 October should be ok. 

However, I think it may be worth considering the possibility to extend it if we don't get the number of responses that are needed to actually have a survey that can assist with planning and recommendations. 

Hope the number of responses increase. 39 responses will keep the survey results just at the bottom of the scale to be considered statistically significant, which means the results are not really representing the community surveyed and may not be a good idea to use them for planning/recommendations. Using the same sample size calculator a response rate of 39, represents an 80% confidence level (quite low) and a 9.5% margin of error (quite high). For the survey results to be statistically significant, we need at least 154 responses out of the 255 unique workshop organizers (60% of the unique workshop organizers) for a 95% confidence level (best practice for surveys) and 5% margin of error, which are both the best practices. 

Sylvia Cadena | APNIC Foundation - Head of Programs | sylvia at apnic.net | http://www.apnic.foundation
ISIF Asia, WSIS Champion on International Cooperation 2018 & 2019 | http://www.isif.asia | FB ISIF.asia | @ISIF_Asia | G+ ISIFAsia | 
6 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane, QLD,  4101 Australia | PO Box 3646 | +10 GMT | skypeID: sylviacadena | Tel: +61 7 3858 3100 |  Fax: +61 7  3858 3199
* Love trees. Print only if necessary.

On 16/10/19, 4:15 pm, "Jutta Croll" <jcroll at digitale-chancen.de> wrote:

    Dear all,
    during yesterday’s MAG meeting the question a raised how long the survey for workshop respondents should be open. We should have analysed the survey’s output before IGF 2019 in order to inform outgoing as well as incoming MAG members on the results. So far we have received 39 responses. I suggest to send out a gentle reminder to the workshop proponents and keep it open til Oct 31st. That leaves us with around three weeks for analysing the results. I’ll set-up a doodle poll to arrange for a Zoom meeting in the week starting on Nov. 11th for the final deliberations of the results.
    In case you have any objections against this plan, please send an email to the list before Friday 12..00 UTC.
    Kind regards
    Jutta Croll M. A.
    Stiftung Digitale Chancen
    - Projektleitung Kinderschutz und Kinderrechte in der digitalen Welt -
    - Vorsitzende des Vorstands / Chairwoman of the board -
    Chausseestr. 15
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    Skype: jcrollSDC
    Tel.: ++ 49(0)30-43727730
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    E-Mail: jcroll at digitale-chancen.de<mailto:jcroll at digitale-chancen.de>
    URL: www.digitale-chancen.de
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