IGF 2018 - Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity - Draft Output (pre IGF)

IGF 2018 - Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity - Draft Output (pre IGF)


The Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity aims to be  bottom-up, open and inclusive and therefore invites all interested to comment and contribute on its draft outputs.

The BPF output consists of a Background document (part I) and a Summary report of public contributions (part II)

General comments as well as comments on specific parts of the report are welcome. In the later case, please  indicate clearly what section, page or paragraph of the text your comment relates to.

Comments can be submitted by clicking on 'Add new comment' below and will be shown in the column on the right. 

Received public feedback will be taken into account in the final version of the BPF output, which will be published shortly after the IGF meeting.




Part I : Background paper to the IGF BPF on Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity culture, norms and values

  • Introduction to the BPF on Cybersecurity
  • Culture, norms and values
  • Background on norms development
  • The case for cyber norms
  • Norms development processes
  • State of existing  norms development and implementation
  • Digital security divide

Download the background paper  & click below to comment 

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Part II: Summary report of the public contributions to the IGF BPF on Cybersecurity

  • Defining a culture of cybersecurity
  • Typical values and norms of importance to the contributors
  • Organisations promoting specific cybersecurity norms
  • Norms that have been effective at improving security
  • Norms that have failed or had adverse effects
  • Methods of implementing cybersecurity norms
  • A Digital Security Divide

Download the Summary report   & click below to comment

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