[IGFmaglist] Reminder - Virtual Meeting III

Chengetai Masango cmasango at unog.ch
Wed Feb 4 05:18:27 EST 2015

Dear All,

For easy reference :

Best regards,



Third Virtual Meeting of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group 
Wednesday, February 4, 2015 
2:00 pm | GMT Time (London, GMT) | 1 hr 30 mins 

Register  <https://intgovforum.webex.com/intgovforum/j.php?RGID=r646beb5054143d0f55d7125a3fb95af0>
After your request has been approved, you'll receive instructions for joining the meeting. 

Can't register? Contact support. <https://intgovforum.webex.com/intgovforum/mc> 

Adoption of Agenda (5’)
Endorsement of the main themes and sub-themes: (10’)
The Evolution of Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development
ST1. Cybersecurity and Trust;
ST2. Internet Economy;
ST3. Inclusiveness and Diversity;
ST4. Openness;
ST5. Enhancing Multistakeholder Cooperation;
ST6. Internet and Human Rights;
ST7. Critical Internet Resources;
ST8. Emerging Issues
Call for proposals – workshops, seminars, briefs – timeline (10’)
6 February – 6 April (cob)
Themes for the Best Practice stream (proposal from December meeting) (15’)
ICT and gender
Update on inter-sessional activities. Overview of public comments. (15’)
Progress report on self-assessment of IGF. (15’)
Progress report of the WG on Communications (15’)
AoB (5’)

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