[IGFmaglist] R: MAG members attending the WSIS Forum

CASSA Concettina cassa at agid.gov.it
Tue Jan 21 04:23:57 EST 2020

Dear Chengetai,
attending the WSIS is not in my schedule at the moment but having a MAG meeting on that week could be an opportunity to attend it.

Best regards,

Da: Chengetai Masango <chengetai.masango at un.org>
Inviato: venerdì 17 gennaio 2020 18:26
A: MAG-public <Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org>
Oggetto: [IGFmaglist] MAG members attending the WSIS Forum

Dear All,

I hope you all had good trips home.

Can we have a quick indication of those MAG members who will be attending the WSIS Forum?


Best regards

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