[Wg-mwp] FW: [DC] Coordination of intersessional activities

Ben Wallis (CELA) bewallis at microsoft.com
Thu Jun 14 12:57:51 EDT 2018

Forwarding this suggestion from Markus to WG MWP. As I mentioned in the chat during today's call, it seemed to link well with Timea's proposal for identifying linkages and gaps in IGF processes

-----Original Message-----
From: Markus Kummer [mailto:kummer.markus at gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2018 7:19 AM
To: Igfmaglist at intgovforum.org
Cc: dc at intgovforum.org; intersessional_2015 at intgovforum.org
Subject: [DC] Coordination of intersessional activities

Dear all,

There was a common conclusion emerging from the BPFs and DCs, namely that it would be beneficial for the broader IGF community if all intersessional activities had some form a light coordination among themselves. Obviously, there would not be a coordination in terms of substance, this would be more an alignment of procedures and deadlines, such as  by when a first draft should be posted and opened  for comments, by when a second draft should be posted, when should the document that is submitted to the IGF be frozen and similar procedural issues.

A streamlined approach with common deadlines would make it easier for the broader IGF community to participate actively in the various activities and provide comments. As all these activities are getting started now, it would be useful for them to have a joint call to discuss these issues. This could be done as soon as the consultants who will support the BPFs and CENB have been recruited.

The MAG may wish to discuss this at today’s or at the next call and provide guidance, time permitting.

Best regards

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