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IGF 2017 WS #128
The future of Internet governance: submarine cables and global inter-connectivity

    Short Title
    Submarine cables governance, the future of interconnectivity
    Proposer's Name: Ms. Florence Poznanski
    Proposer's Organization: Internet Without Borders
    Co-Proposer's Name: Mr. Felix Blanc
    Co-Proposer's Organization: Internet Without Borders
    Mr.,Jonas, VALENTE, Civil Society, Intervozes (Brazil) Mr., Diego VICENTIN, Technical Community, Univesidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil)
    Additional Speakers

    Pastora Valero -  Vice President, Public Policy and Government Affairs for Europe, Middle East, Africa & Russia at Cisco (waiting for confirmation)


    The panel will last 1h30. The first 60 minutes will be reserved to the interventions of the panelists and then 30 minutes of questions and debate.It aims to present the preliminary results of a research on the governance of submarine cables. In this sense, it is divided into two fundamental parts. The exhibition by the speakers and the exchanges with the participants.

    * Indroduction by Florence Poznanski and Felix Blanc: presentation of the research and problematization

    * Painelist presentation (15 minutes each)

    - Roxana Radu, Technical Communitiy, DiploFoundation, Switzerland: Balance and perspective of the place of submarine cables in the international governance of Internet

    - Luca Belli, Technical Community, Fundação Getulio Vargas/Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade, Brazil: Governance, legislation and comunity connectivity in Latin American case

    - Julie Owono, Civil Society, Internet Without Borders, Cameroon: Internet Shutdow and censorship in Africa, the urgency of new Internet gateways

    - Rafael Zanatta, Civil Society, IDEC, Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor, Brazil: Digital Rights and regional infrastructures, mapping the ecosystem of relationaship between providers, users and citizens in Latin América

    * Debate, questions and further research perspectives (30 minutes)