IGF 2021 BPF Gender and Digital Rights

The Best Practice Forum on Gender and Digital Rights intends to explore the concept of gendered disinformation.

As the phenomenon of disinformation advances, it gains nuances and levels of complexity. In the current context, it is timely to explore the concept of gendered disinformation, its relation with online gender-based violence and hate speech, as well as its immediate effects on women and gender-diverse groups’ existence online and their freedom of expression.

Envisaged goals and deliverables:

  • Understand how gender based disinformation has been deployed as a strategy against women and gender-diverse groups.
  • Understand how the negative effects on digital rights spill over to other sets of rights, such as political participation, what allows gendered disinformation to be used as part of larger political projects of moral policing, censorship, and hierarchisation of citizenship and rights.
  • Map strategies and actions to halt the spread of gendered disinformation and build a less toxic environment for female and gender-diverse groups online.
  • Showcase positive initiatives that set the beginning of what can be a long term multistakeholder dialogue on gendered disinformation. 



BPF Gender and Digital Rights Final output report (December 2021)





    BPF Gender and Digital Rights at IGF 2021

    Thursday 9 December, 9:30 CET - 11:00 CET (8:30 UTC - 10:00 UTC)

    draft agenda

    1. Opening and introduction - 15min

  • Introduction to the BPF Gender and Digital Rights 
  • The concept of gendered disinformation and framing of the BPF draft report
  • Linking the topic of gendered disinformation to the IGF and Internet governance

    2.  Interactive Roundtable Discussion  - 60min

  • The purpose of the exchange is to get a deeper understanding of how different stakeholders relate to the concept of gendered disinformation away from traditional ways of tackling disinformation from a victim-centred approach.

    3.   Wrap up - 15min

  • Key takeaways of the session and input for the final BPF report
  • Discussion on outreach (who should get the report?) and next steps for the BPF Gender and Digital Rights 

Add the session to your personal schedule:


Draft BPF Gender and Digital Rights output report:  https://www.intgovforum.org/en/filedepot_download/62/20091

Comments on the draft report can be submitted to [email protected]



Between May and August 2021, the BPF organised a series of learning sessions with experts and stakeholders to explore the concept of gendered disinformation. This report provides a summary to serve as background for the BPF’s work in the second half of the year.  


Meetings & Updates

Upcomming meetings

BPF Gender and Digital Rights at IGF 2021 , 9 December,  9:30 CET / 8:30 UTC.



Past meetings & updates

  • BPF Virtual Meeting VIII, 4 November,
  • BPF Virtual Meeting VII, 14 October,
  • BPF Update to the IGF Open Consultations and MAG meeting, 29 Sept (slide deck)
  • BPF Virtual Meeting VI, 23 September, recording (recording pass code RzEW26L!  )
  • BPF Virtual Meeting V, 23 July, agenda, recording ( recording pass code 8U&tb93% )
  • BPF Virtual Meeting IV, 8 July, agenda, presentation ShePersisted, presentation EU DisinfoLab, recording (recording pass code $05cmhbK )
  • BPF Update at EuroDIG, 28 June, slide deck
  • BPF Virtual meeting III, 25 June, slide deck, recording (recording pass code uaQ6pNR# )
  • BPF update to the IGF Open Consultations & MAG meeting, 22 June (slide deck)
  • BPF Virtual meeting II, 3 June, slide deck, recording ( recoding pass code D@&3.sW4 ) 
  • BPF Virtual meeting I, 18 May, slide deck, recording ( recoding pass code +ZW6kGwe ) 


Join the mailing list and Participate 

Participation in the work of the BPF Gender and Digital Rights is free and open to all interested. Participants are expected to respect the IGF Code of ConductStakeholders interested in contributing to the work of this BPF are invited to join the dedicated mailing list. Subscriptions can be done via the link below:



BPF Coordinating team

  • Chenai Chair (MAG Facilitator)
  • Amrita Choudhury (MAG Facilitator)
  • Bruna Martins dos Santos
  • Debora Albu
  • Marwa Azelmat
  • Wim Degezelle (Consultant IGF Secretariat)



For any queries related to the work of this BPF, please send us an email at [email protected] .


About this BPF

Since its beginning in 2015, a Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Gender and Access has focused on different aspects of women’s meaningful access to the Internet: online abuse and gender-based violence (2015); barriers for accessing the Internet (2016); identification of the needs and challenges of diverse women’s groups with respect to Internet access (2017); the impact of supplementary models of connectivity on women’s Internet access (2018) were the topics addressed by the community; and opportunities and challenges that women face to get the necessary skills to benefit from the future of work. During these years, the BPF Gender has worked in a bottom-up process that allowed to collect, from diverse stakeholders, valuable data and anecdotal evidence of the challenges that formed the digital gender gap.


Past documents
