IGF 2018 WS #442 Emerging Technologies and Rights Future

    Organizer 1: Hanane Boujemi, Independent
    Organizer 2: Marianne Franklin, Internet Rights and Principles Coalition/Goldsmiths University
    Organizer 3: Minda Moreira, Internet Rights and Principles Coalition (IRPC)

    Speaker 1: Chris Doten, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Walid Al-Saqaf, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Hanane Boujemi, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 4: Chris Buckridge, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Hanane Boujemi
    Online Moderator
    Minda Moreira
    Michael Oghia

    Flash Session - 30 Min


    The speakers chosen for this flash session have a set of skills and expertise to enrich the discussion:

    Chris Doten is the Chief Innovation Officer at NDI and leads the NDItech team. Chris has designed and implemented programs in dozens of countries which apply integrated, context-appropriate technology to reach more citizens, track political processes, improve organizing capabilities, and open data. He will be sharing the outcome of the research he is leading on machine learning and its role in mitigating hate speech, and blockchain use cases to protect human rights.

    Hanane Boujemi will be moderating the discussion and she is senior tech policy expert with more than a decade experience in the economic and legal aspects of Internet Policy and Governance. She is currently leading academic research on Blockchain technologies addressing soft power management and accumulation within distributed governance and she is also specialises in the legal and the policy challenges to blockchain deployment.

    Dr. Walid Al-Saqaf is a Senior Lecturer at Södertörn University in Stockholm, Sweden where he is specialized in data science, Internet policy, new media and blockchain technology. He will be addressing the question of defining a human right angle to emerging technologies deployment taking blockchain as an example to illustrate to what extent it incorporates the rights approach by design.

    Chris Buckridge represents the technical community and is the External Relations Manager for the RIPE NCC, coordinating the organisation's engagement with a broad range of stakeholders. He speciliases in IPV6 and will shed light of the challenges securing IOT devices and its impact on individual rights.


    The organizing team including the moderators and panellists are gender and stakeholder balanced. We have selected participants from civil society, academia, technical community, and International organisation. Three different continents will be represented in this panel, and each member will contribute constructively to the discussion basing on their expertise and knowledge and current work on the impact of emerging technologies on human rights. This session is championed by the Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition working to uphold human rights on the internet and to root internet governance processes and systems in human rights standards. the dynamic coalition sets out to promote, and provide a space for multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration. Its aim is to be an umbrella platform for facilitating collaboration on human rights issues in the Internet Governance Forum process. The IRP coalition network has over 320 active participants from government departments, intergovernmental organisations, the private sector, civil society organisations, individuals, academics and the technical community,

    Introduction (1 minutes)
    Part I: ( 8 minutes): Emerging technologies: the impact of interaction between the man, the machine and the data generated by both on rights holders

    Part II: How does the future of rights look like vis-a vis the exchange between Internet, things and humans and is Algorithmic literacy an indispensable criterion to technology transparency? (8 minutes)

    Audience Q&A/input ( 2,5 minutes)

    Part III: How do we holistically implement a rights’ approach to emerging technologies deployment? ( 8 minutes): Overview of ongoing efforts to integrate individuals' rights by design.
    Audience Q&A/input ( 2,5 minutes)

    The structure of this debate is intended to stimulate a brainstorm to gather input from all stakeholders on the topic. The session will be inclusive and will gather the perspectives of each discussants making sure the exchange is balanced and informative about each of the emerging technologies. We will aim at creating interaction between online participants and the audience and we will encourage participants to provide concrete case studies to help define the context, and the relationship between the concept and the right in question.

    The specific policy question session will address is what is the impact of emerging technologies namely Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, data mining and Blockchain on individual rights and how do we frame the debate on rights’ future considering technological advancement?

    Online Participation

    Remote participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during Q&A through the available remote participation platform. The session organizers have practical experience managing remote participation in IGF and EuroDig context. The input from online participants will be consolidated and included in the session report to ensure the session is inclusive of the global audience contribution.