IGF 2018 WS #219 Unleash the Power of Digital Economy & Society with Mobile Internet

    Salle III

    Organizer 1: Patrick Nommensen, Bytedance
    Organizer 2: Glenn Maail, World Wide Web Foundation's Open Data Lab Jakarta
    Organizer 3: Rhea See, She Loves Tech

    Speaker 1: Yi Ma, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Virginia Tan, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 3: Sandra Cortesi, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 4: Nicolas Miailhe , Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 5: Jia He, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 6: Lorrayne Porciuncula, Intergovernmental Organization, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 7: Glenn Maail, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 8: Ines Hfaiedh, Government, African Group
    Speaker 9: Stephen Mawutor Donkor, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 10: Malavika Jayaram, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group

    Additional Speakers

    No more additional speakers. And we will carefully go through the current list of speakers and work with the most relevant and available ones, considering the time is only 60 minutes. 


    Urs Gasser

    Online Moderator

    Chunyan Sun


    Junjiao Bai


    Round Table - 60 Min


    1. Mr. Yi Ma will show the most advanced technologies that are developing for mobile phone to solve the social problem in the digital society. 2. Ms. Virginia Tan will talk about the social challenges created by disruptive innovation and what we can do to overcome them, particularly through gender lens.  4. Ms. Sandra Cortesi will talk about the use of mobile phones among youth and explore opportunities and challenges from the perspective of digital economy and society. 5. Mr. Nicolas Miailhe will show the issues created by the application of advanced technology, and how those technology could be used not only for the benefit of economy, but also for the social good. 6. Ms. Jia He will share the examples of the way technology companies apply the advanced technology such as Artificial Intelligence and Big Data on mobile Internet to facilitate the life of people, empower the economy of rural areas, and increase the diversity of culture. 7. Ms. Lorrayne Porciuncula will talk about communications infrastructure and services in the digital economy, and also her project on "Southeast Asia Going Digital: Connecting SMEs" initiative. 8. Mr. Glenn Maail will share digital innovation research with open data projects he has done in developing countries such as Indonesia. 9. Ms. Iness Hfaiedh will share her knowledge on Interactive ICT Implementation in Formal and Informal Learning. 10. Mr. Stephen Mawutor Donkor will talk about his experiences on carrying out open data and internet research, providing training and building the capacity of targeted individuals and institutions. 11. Ms. Malavika Jayaram will talk about privacy, identity, free expression and internet policy in India and other Asian countries.


    1. Gender: Onsite Participants: we have 6 women and 5 men on the panel. Online Participants: 1 woman and 1 men Organizers: 2 out of 3 the organizers are women. Rapporteur is a woman and onsite moderator is a man 2. Geography: Panelists: 3 from USA(U.C. Berkley, Berkman Center, Harvard Law School), 2 from Asia (Indonesia Web Foundation, Digital Asia Hub), 1 from Arab (Arab World Internet Institute), 1 from Australia (University of Melbourne), 2 from France (The Future Society,), 3 from cross-national entities (OECD, She Loves Tech, Bytedance); 1 from Africa, 1 online participant from China (Chinese Academy of ICT), 3. Stakeholder groups: 5 panelists from research (U.C. Berkley, Berkman Center, Harvard Law School, University of Melbourne, Arab World Internet Institute, Digital Asia Hub), 2 from civil society(She Loves Tech, the Future Society), 2 from the private sector(Bytedance), 1 from the government department (China Academy of ICT), 1 from inter-governmental organization (OECD)

    Nowadays, we witness more and more cases of mobile Internet empowering people to connect with society, express themselves, and more importantly, find alternative means of income. For example, there are a whole new range of jobs that have been created due to mobile internet penetration. Globally, people share snippets of their daily lives and instantly earn a living simply by posting it online. Due to mobile internet access, there are also others who are able to work and do their business online and remotely.This new era has seen a thriving digital society and equally, an exponentially growing digital economy with mobile internet at the center.   However, with the unprecedented opportunities mobile internet brings a new set of dilemmas: ·        From the perspective of culture--The world is connected more than ever but the same technology has also disconnected us from our identities. Culture is withering away by the fast-paced advancement of technology. How do we assess what is more important? From the perspective of economy--The world has gone digital with practically all parts of life seemingly easily accomplished online but what about the other 4 billion people who were offline in the era of fixed Internet? Is mobile internet helping them or causing them more harm? From the perspective of society--Mobile apps have vastly changed the way we live, with connected devices becoming our smart assistants and helping us with menial tasks. But with the onset of these advancements, how can industries cope with the possibility of mass unemployment, privacy issues, etc.? From the perspective of culture, economy and society--This panel will discuss how innovations can leverage mobile internet to drive an inclusive digital economy and society. Intended Agenda: Introduction by moderator, Mr. Urs Gasser -5 mins Speech by 1-2 Speakers 10 minutes in total Round-table discussion cross speakers -60 minutes Q & A and discussion-15 minutes

    Mr. Urs Gasser (onside moderator) will give a brief opening speech and introduce everyone. Mr. Junjiao Bai (onside moderator) will communicate with all the panelists about the name list, agenda, questions' direction in advance. He will prepare a table for the panel with 8 table mics, 1 mic for onsite audience, and 1 mic for online moderator. Ms. Chunyan Sun (online moderator) will set up the equipment for the online participation. We will firstly use the IGF recommended equipment to make online participation viable. Online moderator will take the training and work closely with the IGF workshop facilitators. If IGF does not provide those equipment, Bytedance will also utilize its own App which has live broadcast function (called Toutiao). Bytedance is professional at providing live broadcast, and would like to bring the equipment including camera to the conference and make live videos for online participants. Before the start of the panel, online moderator will provide a link for all the online participants with email. When the panel is ready to start, online moderator will open every equipment. Attendees can watch the panel and ask questions/make comments via several ways. Bytedance will also create a zoom code/skype account for online attendees as an alternative. Ms. Chunyan Sun will initiate an online training with zoom/skype for potential attendees. Online attendees will have a separate queue and microphone, which will rotate equally with the mics in the room. Ms. Chunyan Sun will check the order according to the time marked at different queues.

    It directly relates to Internet for Development & Sustainable Development Goals; Lots of cases relate to the sub-theme of Future of Work; It relates to the theme of Digital Inclusion & Accessibility, including sub-themes such as Community Networks, Digital Capacity Building and Online Education. Tag 1: Digital Economy and Society
 Tag 2: Mobile Internet
 Tag 3: Culture

    Online Participation

    Ms. Chunyan Sun, from China Academy of ICT, will show some cases of innovations which could balance the economic and social development.


    Intended Agenda: 

    Introduction by moderator, Mr. Urs Gasser -5 mins 

    Speech by 4 Speakers 10 minutes each and 40 minutes in total 

    Roundtable discussion cross speakers - 15 minutes 

    Session Time
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    - Session Type (Workshop, Open Forum, etc.):

    Round table

    - Title:

    Unleash the Power of Digital Economy & Society with Mobile Internet

    - Date & Time:

    Wednesday, 14 November, 2018 - 10:10 to 11:10

    - Organizer(s):


    - Chair/Moderator:



    - Rapporteur/Notetaker:



    - List of speakers and their institutional affiliations (Indicate male/female/ transgender male/ transgender female/gender variant/prefer not to answer):

    Speaker 1: Sandra Cortesi, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Speaker 2: Caroline Jeanmaire, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Speaker 3: Ines Hfaiedh, Government, African Group

    Speaker 4: Stephen Mawutor Donkor, Technical Community, African Group

    Speaker 5: Malavika Jayaram, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group


    - Theme (as listed here):

    Development, Innovation & Economic Issues


    - Subtheme (as listed here):



    - Please state no more than three (3) key messages of the discussion. [150 words or less]


    From the perspective of culture--The world is connected more than ever but the same technology has also disconnected us from our identities. Culture is withering away by the fast-paced advancement of technology. How do we assess what is more important?

    From the perspective of economy--The world has gone digital with practically all parts of life seemingly easily accomplished online but what about the other 4 billion people who were offline in the era of fixed Internet? Is mobile internet helping them or causing them more harm?

    From the perspective of society--Mobile apps have vastly changed the way we live, with connected devices becoming our smart assistants and helping us with menial tasks. But with the onset of these advancements, how can industries cope with the possibility of mass unemployment, privacy issues, etc.?

    From the perspective of culture, economy and society--This panel will discuss how innovations can leverage mobile internet to drive an inclusive digital economy and society.