IGF 2020 Main Session: Digital Cooperation

    Thursday, 12th November, 2020 (17:50 UTC) - Thursday, 12th November, 2020 (19:20 UTC)
    Room 1
    About this Session
    Global Digital Cooperation is a defining aspect of our time. Cooperation within and between the public, private and civic sectors through multistakeholderism, including the whole world, is essential to the future we want. This session will build on the United Nations Secretary-General's Roadmap for digital cooperation to connect, protect and respect int he digital age, with a focus on the role of the IGF.
    1. Brief Description/Objective
      This session will engage participants in furthering global digital cooperation, with a focus on the IGF’s role therein.

      In June 2020 the UN Secretary-General called on all stakeholders to boost efforts to connect, protect and respect in order to ensure an inclusive, fair and safe digital future for all. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted more than ever the need for Digital Cooperation at the international level, in an increasingly interdependent world. Following the recommendations of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation in 2019, and the work of the co-champions and many involved stakeholders through 2020; the Secretary-General’s Roadmap offers a plethora of opportunities for the IGF community to support.

      This main session will be guided by the Roadmap on Digital Cooperation and the options paper presented to the Secretary-General. Participants will have the opportunity to make pledges and work towards an implementation plan for an IGF fit for purpose for our common digital future.
    2. Policy Questions

      1. Inclusion and Broader Participation: In what ways could you/ your stakeholder group further inclusion in global digital cooperation, particularly from so far underrepresented stakeholder groups, especially from the global south?
      2. Accelerated Cooperation: How should different stakeholder groups, organizations, processes and fora work better together, in order to bridge the gap between discussions and implementable solutions? What frameworks and models currently serve as best practices for cooperation? How might the IGF be better connected with other fora?
      3. Outcomes: What additional methods for concrete policy recommendations might be tested at the IGF, such that the forum remains a discussion body but facilitates a greater range of outcomes? What form of outcomes would support your work as a decision maker?
      4. High-level Engagement: What challenges currently exist in global digital cooperation, and what value could the IGF add in this area? How might the Multistakeholder High-level Body serve to address challenges in global digital cooperation, in tandem with the existing Multistakeholder Advisory Group?
      5. Communications & Financing: How might the visibility of the IGF be bolstered in order to promote adequate and reliable financial resources? What additional sources of outreach and financing should be considered?
    3. Session Agenda
      I.     Introduction to Global Digital Cooperation by Chair

      II.   High-level Segment
                  - First Policy Question for each speaker
                  - Second Policy Question for each speaker

      III. Moderated Dialogue with audience
                   - Lead Discussants
                  - Open to audience
      IV. Closing
                  - Final word by speakers
                  - Closing by USG Hochschild


    1. Chair and Moderators
      Chair: Fabrizio Hochschild, Under-Secretary-General and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on Digital Cooperation.
      Online Moderator: MAG Member Rudolf Gridl.
    2. Speakers

    High-Level Speakers: (part II)




    H.E. Mr. Omar Sultan Al Olama

    Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Government and Remote Work

    Government of the United Arab Emirates

    H.E. Mr. David Sengeh

    CIO  and Minister of Basic Education

    Government of Sierra Leone

    Ms. Sophie Soowon Eom


    Adriel AI and Solidware

    Ms. Lise Fuhr

    Director General


    Mr. Joseph Hall

    Senior Vice President for Strong Internet

    Internet Society (ISOC)

    Ms. Olga Cavalli

    Academic Director

    South School on Internet Governance

    Ms. Miranda Sissons

    Director for Human Rights



    Discussants: (part III: moderated dialogue)





    H.E. Mr. Thomas Schneider

    Ambassador, Director of International Affairs

    Swiss Federal Office of Communications


    Ms. Sandra Hoferichter




    Mr. Bocar Ba

    Chief Executive Officer

    SAMENA Council


    Ms. Lynn St Amour

    President and CEO

    Internet Matters


    Mr. Radosław Kędzia

    Vice President CEE & Nordics



    Ms. Anriette Esterheusen

    Co-facilitator - MAG Strategy and Strengthening Working group

    Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the Internet Governance Forum


    Ms. Daniella Brönstrup

    Director of Digital Policy

    Government of Germany


    Additional participants from the floor

    1. Rapporteurs
      June Parris,  MAG Member,  Adama Jallow, MAG Member
    2. Facilitators:

    Hana AlHashimi, Cassa Concettina, and Adama Jallow (all MAG Members)


    1.  Desired results/output. Possible next steps for the work
      The session will work towards concrete next steps, pledges, and ideas towards an implementation plan for the IGF+, building on the options paper for Global Digital Cooperation.
    2.  Annex Documents and Sources

    UNSG Roadmap on Digital Cooperation:


    Options paper submitted to the UNSG on Global Digital Cooperation:


    Response document by MAG working group on Strengthening & Strategy:


    1. Links to SDGs
      SDG 17: Partnerships