Frameworks for addressing emerging Internet issues in the context of cooperation in policy design
Date |
Tuesday 20 October 2020 – 13:00-17:00 UTC Join Zoom Meeting |
Overview of topic |
Discussion on frameworks for addressing emerging Internet issues. Several organisations and academic institutions are currently developing such frameworks which can have an important impact on how policy is designed. Why is this important? While we have all accepted that the Internet is an essential part of our societies, it is hard to provide a single definition of what it is. The Internet is not 'one' thing and it is not a monolith. At the same time, in the absence of a definition, it is often hard to analyze its evolution, explain which developments are healthy and which are not, and understand how some approaches could be problematic. On top of that, there is also the tangible danger that the Internet with a capital "I" might simply disappear from the discourse, subsumed by higher level concepts, such Digital economy, Digital transformation, etc.. One promising way to address these issues is to look at some of the properties that characterize the Internet. These properties should not be seen in isolation but in conjunction with the benefits they generate. This will allow us to better understand their relationship to the Internet's successful evolution. There are several efforts that follow this approach, for instance the work by the MIT team (W. Lehr, D. Clark et al "Wither the Public Internet"), "The Idealised Internet vs. Internet Realities" by the New America's Cybersecurity Initiative. Finally, the Internet Society work on "Internet Invariants: What Really Matters" and now its further development in the "Critical Properties of the Internet Way of Networking (IWN)". The goal of this discussion is to: a. solicit feedback on the properties that are identified by these frameworks and b. to work with the IGF community to identify use cases and case studies that could use such a framework as a guide. |
Discussion leads |
Konstantinos Komaitis and Andrei Robachevsky ISOC |
Co-conveners |
MAG Chair and the Internet Society |