IGF 2018 WS #292
Trade agreements' impact on cybersecurity & data protection

    Organizer 1: Francisco Javier Vera Hott, Privacy International
    Organizer 2: Burcu Kilic, Public Citizen
    Organizer 3: Pablo Viollier, Derechos Digitales
    Speaker 1: Pablo Viollier, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 2: Burcu Kilic, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Snead David, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Burcu Kilic
    Online Moderator
    Francisco Vera
    Pablo Viollier
    Round Table - 90 Min
    This table discussion feature speakers representing trade and cybersecurity experts from the governments, CSOs and industry. The event is intended to provide attendees with multiple perspectives from trade delegates, as well as CSO and industry, focusing on the development aspects of the current digital trade agenda. This round-table will attempt to build a bridge between trade and internet governance worlds. The format will provide an excellent opportunity for active, in-depth discussion and interaction.
    This round-table will bring together a range of trade delegates, scholars and CSO experts with a genuine expertise and sensitivity for the concerns of the global South. Provisional Speakers List: - Vahini Nahidu, South African Permanent Mission (Female, Africa, Government) [email protected] - Francisco Vera, Privacy International (Male, Chile, CSO) - Burcu Kilic, Public Citizen (Female, Turkey, CSO) - Pablo Viollier, Derechos Digitales (Male, Chile, CSO) - David Snead, i2coalition (Male, US, Business) [email protected] - Rashmi Banga, UNCTAD (Female, India, International Organization)
    The roundtable will discuss the impact of multilateral trade agreements and regional comprehensive regulations on cybersecurity and privacy from a global perspective and focus primarily on consumers' trust and challenges faced by the developing countries. The discussion will cover: • What are the current international agreements and regional regulations impacting cybersecurity and privacy?. • How these different instruments could generate different privacy and security standards? How to harmonise these instruments? • What are the global implications of these instruments? Are we moving towards global privacy and security standards? • What are the implications of these treaties and regulations for the developing countries? • Are developing countries prepared to engage in digital trade from a cybersecurity and privacy perspective? • The difference of cross-border data transfer rules contained in regional regulations and trade agreements and its legal and technical implications. • What are the implications of adding privacy and cybersecurity provisions in trade agreements and regional regulations for internet governance? • How can privacy and cybersecurity rules affect data and technology transfer to the developing countries? Would this result in bridging the digital divide? • Can the ban on source-code disclosure in certain trade agreements affect the ability to conduct cybersecurity audit processes? • What challenges does the private sector have in relation with implementing new privacy and cybersecurity rules? Are we creating a race to the top or to the bottom?
    The first part of the session (45 minutes) will be dedicated to an interactive roundtable during which the panelists will be asked to provide concise answers (i.e. less than 5-minutes-long) to the questions asked by the moderator. Panelists will have the possibility to reply to their peers' statements. Subsequently, the panelists will engage in an open and dynamic debate, during which the audience will play a key role asking questions, providing inputs and steering the discussion. The attendees and the remote participants will be allowed to ask questions during the workshop, but their participation and inputs will be particularly encouraged during the second part of the session.
    Trade agreements are shaping our digital future. Recent reports by UNCTAD demonstrated that a majority of developing countries do not have an adequate legal structure regarding digital trade, internet governance, cybersecurity and privacy. Regional comprehensive regulations (including General Data Protection Regulation-GDPR, the Convention 108) and multilateral trade agreements (including the Comprehensive Partnership for the Transpacific Partnership- CPTTP and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership-RCEP) address issues ranging from protecting online consumers, protection of their personal information, cross-border data flows, data localisation, cooperation on cybersecurity matters, source code access to encryption and interoperability. The provisions covered in these regulations and agreements have a huge impact on cybersecurity, privacy and consumer trust.
    Online Participation
    We plan to engage with remote attendees using a combination of video and social media technologies, actively promoting and disseminating the content of the session through twitter and fully using the streaming capabilities of the venue. We will promote the workshop among relevant stakeholders working on digital trade and cybersecurity who are unable to make it to Paris. We will allocate specific times for remote attendants to intervene and interact with the rest of the session participants, in equal conditions with the physical participants. Online moderator will coordinate with onsite moderator for the questions, comments etc. If bandwidth conditions are suitable, we could count with remote speakers.