UNESCO, jointly with partners : Polish National Commission for UNESCO, German National Commission for UNESCO Information for All Programme (IFAP), Council of Europe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Association of Progressive Communications, Missions Publiques, CETIC, Universite Bordeaux Montaigne, Internet Society (ISOC), Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 7Amleh, Development House KICTANet, Centro de Estudios en Technologias en Sociedad (CETyS), Media Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD), Global Network Initiative (GNI), I and J, CIPESA
Tawfik Jelassi, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information Sidi Mohamed RALIOU, Secretary General of the Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and New Information Technologies - Niger Marielza Oliveira, Director for Partnerships and Operational Programme Monitoring Xianhong Hu, UNESCO Programme Specialist Sadaf Khan, Co-founder, Media Matters for Democracy – Pakistan Mona Shtaya, 7Amleh – Palestine Simon Ellis, International consultant – Thailand Santosh Sigdel, Chairperson, Digital Rights Nepal – Nepal Shavkat Sabirov, President, Internet Association of Kazakhstan Ms. Ariunzul Liijuu-Ochir, consultant for Digital Era - Mongolia Pisal Chanty, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT) - Cambodia Asrat Mulatu, Lead Researcher of the ROAM-X assessment project, Ethiopia Simon Kafui Aheto, Researcher, Development House – Ghana Alain Kiyindou, Université Bordeaux Montaigne – Benin-Niger-Cote d’Ivoire Grace Githaiga, Convenor, KictaNet - Kenya Nashilongo Gervasius Nakale, Internet Society Namibia Fernanda Martinez, Executive Director, The Center for Technology and Society Studies (Cetys) – Argentina Eduardo Carrillo, Association of Technology, Education, Development, Research and Communication (TEDIC), Paraguay Matthias Ketteman, Head of Research Program, Leibniz Institute for Media Research │ Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) - Germany Alexandre Barbosa, Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society ( – Brazil Lucien Castex, Internet Society – France Simon Ellis, international Advisor of ROAM-X
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
Targets: This IGF session will underline the relevance of the indicators in providing stakeholders of ICTs for sustainable development with tools to strengthen their alignment with the UN SG’s roadmap of digital cooperation and Global Digital Compact for the completion of the SDGs. By aiming to give concrete responses for the completion of the Goals 4,5, 10, 16 and 17 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO’s Internet Universality Indicators framework fills a standard-setting void at the global and national levels and proves a holistic research tool to foster Internet policies for sustainable development in all countries.
Presentations and panel discussion
In the aftermath of COVID-19, it became clear that the world needs an Internet that respects human rights, is open without fragmentation, is universally connected and assessed by all people around the world. This is necessary in order to enable everyone to participate equaly in knowledge societies, to protect vulnerable and marginalized groups, and build reconciliation and peace in times of conflict. This is the call of UNESCO’s Internet Universality R.O.A.M principles, complemented by 303 indicators. The session serves as the annual presentation to the global Internet Governance community on the progress and challenges in advancing Internet Universality worldwide, and on reporting the evidence-based findings and recommendations that emerge from the national ROAM-X indicators assessment projects in over 40 countries across the five continents. The session will trigger critical policy discussions on three domains : 1) How to shape Internet governance and digital transformation by embracing ROAM (human Rights, Openness, Accessible by all and Multi-stakeholder Participation) principles at all levels, including for bridging gender and other divides, and for supporting a human-centered Africa’s digital transformation by scaling up the ROAM-X support to Africa. 2) How to strengthen capacities so that national assessments are conducted via a multi-stakeholder process, and how to encourage additional countries and stakeholders to undertake voluntary assessments. 3) How to update ROAM-X indicators to after five years of fast digital transformation? 4) How can ROAM contribute to operationalizing the UN Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation and contribute to the consultations towards Our Common Agenda' s formulation of the Global Digital Compact. For more information on the ROAM-X project and the Dynamic Coalition of ROAM-X, kindly visit the dedicated webpages: along with
This session will be an interactive panel discussion with the moderator allowing very short statements from on-site and remote national leading experts to trigger discussion on the national Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators assessment in their country. We aim to display their diversity in expertise and share outcomes of the assessment results in more than 40+ countries in five different countries, provide good practice and lessons learned from the methodology and process of conducting ROAM-X assessments at national level.