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IGF 2022 Open Forum #65 Promoting democratic culture online and transforming global

    Tuesday, 29th November, 2022 (10:50 UTC) - Tuesday, 29th November, 2022 (11:50 UTC)

    Debate - Auditorium - 60 Min


    The digital world provides an environment that is fundamental to democratic processes and practice, including the dissemination and mediation of information online. It constitutes an important platform for intercultural dialogue through social media and is the context in which citizens increasingly exercise their rights to participate socially, economically and politically. Digital Citizenship refers to the ability to engage positively, critically and competently in the digital environment, drawing on the skills of effective communication and creation, to practice forms of social participation that are respectful of human rights and dignity through the responsible use of technology. In 2019, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)10 which incorporates a set of guidelines to member States asking them to develop and promote digital citizenship education and make it a priority for policymakers. According to the Recommendation, the digital environment provides an unprecedented means for people to express themselves, to assemble and participate, and opens new opportunities to improve access and inclusion. The text underlines the importance of empowering “learners” by providing the means to acquire the skills and competences for democratic culture, and by enabling them to tackle the challenges and risks arising from the digital environment and emerging technologies. From AI to social media, and video games to virtual reality, digital citizenship is crucial in helping young people and their parents and teachers understand and protect their rights, and assume their responsibilities, in the ever-evolving digital space. To be effective, digital citizen education requires a shared understanding of the opportunities and challenges arising from the digital environment and emerging technologies, and an integrated set of actions at the level of policy and practice that also effectively mobilises multistakeholder collaboration. This Open Forum will discuss the principal ways in which the Council of Europe’s Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)10 has sought to promote digital citizenship education through the acquisition of competences for learning and active participation in digital society, and the promotion and protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in cyberspace. The text of the Recommendation will be circulated in advance as a Background Paper. Panellists will make short interventions on the following aspects of the Council of Europe’s activities in promoting digital citizenship education to its member States: • Ahmet Murat Kilic (Moderator) Council of Europe will give a short introduction to Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)10 and set the scene for the panellists’ interventions • Brian O’Neill, Technological University Dublin and DCE Expert, Council of Europe, will discuss the incorporation of the CM/Rec(2019)10 principles of digital citizenship education into guidelines to support equitable partnerships between educational institutions and the private sector as a means of fostering a culture change in the deployment of digital technologies in educational settings. • Janice Richardson, DCE Expert, Council of Europe, will report on how parents’ organisations have been mobilised as digital citizenship promoters within the context of CM/Rec(2019)10 • Alessandro Soriani, University of Bologna and DCE Expert, will present how video game culture has been deployed as cultural tools to promote and practice digital citizenship as described in CM/Rec(2019)10. • Vitor Tomé, DCE Expert, Council of Europe will present on how CM/Rec(2019)10 is key to tackle disinformation, relating it to the EDMO's network of European fact-checking hubs, including IBERIFIER - Iberian Digital media and Fact-checking hub, a consortium of 12 universities, 5 fact-checkers and 6 research centres. Ahmet Murat Kilic (Moderator) Council of Europe will open the floor for questions and discussion on digital citizenship education and its contribution to cyber good governance. Nezir Akyesilmen, Rapporteur, will assess the significance of CM/Rec(2019)10 and digital citizenship education as a key component of global cyber governance particularly at the individual level where it has the potential for transformative impact. Background documents: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)10 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on developing and promoting digital citizenship education… Council of Europe Guidelines to support equitable partnerships of education institutions and the private sector… Digital Citizenship Education Handbook

    We will use online collaboration tools such as Padlet, Mentimeter or Miro to interact with online participants.


    Council of Europe
    Brian O’Neill, DCE Expert Group, Council of Europe Janice Richardson, DCE Expert Group, Council of Europe


    Brian O’Neill, Technological University Dublin and DCE Expert, Council of Europe Janice Richardson, DCE Expert, Council of Europe Alessandro Soriani, University of Bologna and DCE Expert Vitor Tomé, DCE Expert, Council of Europe

    Onsite Moderator

    Ahmet Murat Kilic, Council of Europe

    Online Moderator

    Olena Styslavska, DCE Expert Group, Council of Europe, Educational consultant in the field of Democratic Citizenship, Human Rights and Intercultural Education


    Nezir Akyeslimen, DCE Expert Group, Selçuk University, Turkey



    Targets: Digital citizenship education (DCE) aims to ensure that all citizens understand and respect their own and each other’s rights and responsibilities, in particular through quality education (SDG 4.4; 4.3; 4.5; 4.7; 4a). This will help overcome structural poverty (SDG 1.4) by empowering all sectors of the population, regardless of gender or physical capacity (SDG 5.1; 5b), to benefit from the employment, health and well-being opportunities afforded by digital technologies. DCE aims to foster a deeper awareness of the social, societal and economic challenges technology can bring, including health risks (SDG 3.7; 3d), disinformation and excess consumerism (SDG 4.7). It encourages citizens to actively participate in society, locally and globally, equipping them to assume their role by showing them how they can support inclusive and sustainable growth for all (SDG 8.3; 10.2). Through a deeper understanding of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, citizens are able to contribute to the development of equitable governance strategies and stronger, more transparent institutions (SDGs 16.1; 16.3; 16a).