IGF 2024 Launch / Award Event #67 Ensuring International Security and a Safe and Open Internet

    United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
    Dr. Samuele Dominioni, UNIDIR, Western European and other States. Ms. Marie Humeau, First Secretary Cyber, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Conference on Disarmament, Western European and other States. Ms. Wenting He, UNIDIR, Asia-Pacific States Mr. Pavel Mraz, UNIDIR, Eastern European States.
    Dr. Samuele Dominioni, UNIDIR, Western European and other States. Ms. Marie Humeau, First Secretary Cyber, Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Conference on Disarmament, Western European and other States. Ms. Emmanuella Darkwah, Senior Manager, International Cooperation, Cyber Security Authority, Ghana, African States (TBC). Mr. Diego Sánchez Moreno, Advisor on Multidimensional Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico, Latin American and Caribbean States. Ms. Jaqueline Pateguana, Clearing House Coordination, Global Forum Cyber Expertise, African States.
    Onsite Moderator
    Ms. Wenting He, UNIDIR, Asia-Pacific States
    Online Moderator
    Mr. Pavel Mraz, UNIDIR, Eastern European States
    Dr. Samuele Dominioni, UNIDIR, Western European and other States
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

    Targets: This launch event is designed to support the attainment of SDGs 9, 16, and 17. In terms of SDG 9, the event will be the occasion to engage with the IGF community to discuss several key themes to ensure resilient digital infrastructure, such as protecting critical infrastructure from malicious ICT incidents (SDG 9.1). In addition, the event will also be the occasion to promote cyber capacity-building actions to sustain the implementation of cyber norms in least-developed countries (SDG 9. a). Moreover, the topics that will be covered in the event are also relevant to the targets identified in SDG 16. In particular, during the roundtable, speakers and participants will discuss how to reduce malicious and violent acts coming from the ICT environment (SDG 16.1), develop effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels (SDG 16.6), broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance related to Internet and ICT security (SDG 16.8), ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms in cyberspace (SDG 16.10), and strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building cyber capacity at all levels (SDG 16. a). Finally, the roundtable will foster the targets under SDG 17. In particular, the event will contribute to stress how cooperation and collaboration are essential, especially for composite, interconnected, multi-stakeholder fields or domains, such as the Internet and international security (SDG 17.16).

    The format of the event is structured in the following way: - Introduction by the Moderator (5 minutes). The Moderator will introduce the topic, the publication, and the list of speakers. The moderator will also outline the run of the show and the modalities through which the audience will interact with the speakers. - Presentation of the publication and main findings (15 minutes). The author of the publication will present the main findings of the research project using visuals and infographics. - Discussion of the publication by the other speakers (20 minutes). After the presentation of the main findings, the speakers (coming both from state and non-state actors) will discuss why and how the findings are relevant and important to them. - Q&A with participants both in-person and online (20 minutes). The Moderator will open up the roundtable for questions and comments from the audience. This phase is crucial to discuss and receive feedback on the research findings from the IGF multistakeholder community.
    Duration (minutes)
    The event will launch the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) publication "International Security and Internet Fragmentation." It will engage the IGF multistakeholder community in an in-depth discussion of the report's key findings. This report builds on the previous UNIDIR research project, "Internet Fragmentation and Cybersecurity," and looks at the impact of Internet fragmentation on the United Nations (UN) Framework of Responsible State Behavior for Cyberspace (the Framework) and contributes to the ongoing efforts undertaken by the UN, including the Tech Envoy and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), to avoid Internet fragmentation. Specifically, the report explores how current trends in Internet fragmentation at different levels (technical, legal, commercial) negatively impact the Framework's implementation and observance, with possible adverse effects on international security and stability. The report outlines good multistakeholder practices for adopting policies, processes, and technology solutions to safeguard the Internet's open, stable, and secure nature, implement the Framework, and contribute to peace. The event, which is in a roundtable format, will be a pivotal occasion to engage a diverse IGF audience on this topic and gather grassroots insights from digital practitioners, cyber experts, and the technical community. Resource: Samuele Dominioni. 2023. Internet Fragmentation and Cybersecurity: a Primer. UNIDIR. https://unidir.org/publication/internet-fragmentation-and-cybersecurity…

    The event will allow in-person and online attendants to participate fully in the roundtable. To ensure an equal participation and interaction, the organizers will take the following steps: 1. The event foresees two moderators (both in-person and online). The in-person Moderator will be the leading facilitator of the event and will be in constant communication with the online Moderator through direct channels (Teams or other messaging apps) to ensure prompt responsiveness to the needs of both in-person and online participants. 2. The organizers will inform the speakers beforehand about the run of the show. The in-person Moderator will ensure that the structure of the event is respected. For the Q&A session, the online attendees will be encouraged to take the floor first for their questions/comments. Subsequently, the in-person attendees will have the opportunity to take the floor. The online Moderator will inform the in-person Moderator if there are any other requests to speak from the online attendees. 3. All attendees will have the opportunity to use Slido, which is a digital platform that allows participants to write questions/comments and vote for their favorite entries, and online pooling tools, such as Mentimeter to receive instant feedback on key issues (the online Moderator will be in charge of this activity). The in-person Moderator will consider these inputs during the Q&A session. Moreover, Slido and Mentimeter will allow to datafy some of the perspectives shared by the participants both online and onsite that will be used to feed into the outcome report.