IGF 2024 Lightning Talk #159 The legal position of AI & IP in Africa

    Internet South Africa
    Gabriel Karsan Emerging Youth Initiative Civil Society Group Africa Region Sabelo Zimu, Internet Society South Africa, Academia, Africa Region ERNEST MAFUTA KATOKA, Chair Affordable Internet Access SIG - Internet Society, Africa Region Jesse Nathan Kalange, Internet Society Uganda Chapter, Civil Society, Africa Region
    Sabelo Zimu, Internet Society South Africa, Academia, Africa Region Adv. Dennis Ramphomane, South Africa Artificial Intelligence Association, Academia, Africa Adv. Nandipha Ntsaluba, University of South Africa, Academia, Africa
    Onsite Moderator
    Jesse Nathan Kalange
    Ernest Mafuta
    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    12. Responsible Production and Consumption

    Targets: 9: AI vs IP: We are moving to the digital age, we need to foster digital innovators and as such provide a habitable industry with adequate infrastructure to make it fashionable 12: AI has had a lot of cyber security issues and we seek to highlight how legislation can be of help to the consumer and identify the producer whom will be a threat actor in this case
    Hybrid Roundtable
    Duration (minutes)
    In this session we will be navigating the legal position of AI in the Intellectual property discipline with focus on the rising issues of copyright infringement and examine what sort of legislation expressly provides for such protection, a comparison with the EU a bit shall be done. This will be to highlight the need to alter or enact legislation models, bring the legal fraternity on par with emerging technologies to protect African innovators to build sustainability in Africa

    1. We will ensure that our online moderator has reliable internet connectivity to support seamless communication between the onsite participants and online attendees. To enable interaction, we will use zoom that allow online participants to join the session in real-time and engage with the onsite speakers and attendees and this platform has inbuilt features that allow for Q&A and raising of hands to allow for input 2. Due to limited time, we will prepare speakers to keep discussions brief to ensure that all participants have the chance to contribute their perspectives. 3. Social media use. We will ensure that we are live on at least 2 social media platforms to enhance participation to those who do not have access to Zoom as an app