IGF 2022 Day 2 DC Main Session: Our Digital Future: How Dynamic Coalitions Support the Global Digital Compact – RAW

The following are the outputs of the captioning taken during an IGF intervention. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.



>> MARKUS KUMMER:  Good afternoon to the main session on Dynamic Coalition how they continue to support the Global Digital Compact.  My name is Markus Kummer, I'm the co‑facilitator of the IGF Dynamic Coalition Coordination Group.  Next to me is Jutta Croll who is my co‑facilitator, and we have a session divided in two parts.  The first part we will look more at how the Dynamic Coalitions can contribute to the IGF+ model.  The second part will look at how they can contribute to the Global Digital Compact.

I have the first panel here, and to start also to my very left, UN Secretary‑General Envoy on Technology, Secretary‑General Amandeep Singh Gill, and next to me we have Jutta Croll as already said on the left and to the right is Paul Mitchell.  He is the MAG Chair, also a member of the Leadership Panel.

And to his right is Wout De Natris, Dynamic Coalition of standards.  To the right is Mark Carvell, who will be the Rapporteur of this session.  Let me start by saying a few words about the Dynamic Coalitions.

They came into being right at the first IGF meeting back in 2006.  There was the idea, the notion that there is a need for work between the annual meetings and somebody came up with the name, let's call them Dynamic Coalitions.

Right now we have 24 of them.  They are very diverse and they are self‑formed and autonomous.  They abide by common principles.  They agree to be open, to have open archives and to be open and inclusive.  This is the very basic notion and they have to also produce an annual report, but, again, they are autonomous, and right now we will discuss, look how they can maybe evolve and make a positive contribution to the IGF+ model.

With that, I would like to give the floor to the MAG Chair who may have a few ideas.  Please, Paul.  Mitch my apology, I have forgotten to introduce the co‑moderator on line.  You can see her waiting patiently.  Hello, Tatiana Tropina, and can you say a few words of your vision and I would invite you also then to be a tough moderator and ask for a lot of questions and make it hard for the panelists to look at the online chat and bring in the participants who are remote participants.

>> TATIANA TROPINA: Thank you very much, Markus.  Welcome, everybody, especially my co‑fellow online participants.  I want to say that I am excited yet again to co‑moderate the session on Dynamic Coalitions because we frequently forget that IGF is not a once a year event, that work is going on between the annual IGFs.

And Dynamic Coalitions is some sort of, for me, institutionalized process when channels this work which splits it apart into different channels and then brings outcome to the IGF.  I am going to be a very tough moderator, so be ready all of the panelists, I am going to be asking about actionable outcomes, about the significance of the outcomes for the IGF+ and later for Global Digital Compact and WSIS plus 20.  With this, back to you, Markus, thank to you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, Tatiana.  And my apologies to Jenna Fung.  I forgot to introduce her.  She is a remote panelist and she represents the youth coalition on Internet Governance.  Again, back to you, Paul.

>> PAUL MITCHELL: Thanks very much.  So when I think about the 24 Dynamic Coalitions that we have already, they strike me that they all are ways to try to get synergy towards a common set of goals, whether that's building a new product set, building a new policy language, building a new regulator idea, they are tuning like‑minded people and organisations together for a common purpose.

In this it's very similar from my perspective to the process of developing standards.  Whether those are standards for building high rise apartment buildings.  They all share common structure of being able to define a problem concisely, iterate on what the problem is and what needs to be done to address it, and then to put voices in place and rolls in place to actually create an implementation.  It's a vibrant economy already.

There is opportunities to take us forward, and what's been, I think, most striking to put a light on the subject is that it's taken, taken flight through individual, individually perceived needs and wants.  And in that sense, it's been a journey of perspectives for each of them.

As we move forward, we think about IGF+ model which is really about finding ways to implement ideas that have been fomented in an IGF process or in an IGF environment.

We are getting to the point where these are taking flight with really complicated and important ideas, and in terms of timing with the IGF+ model in the background from the work done before and the approach right now moving forward towards the, I'm sorry, I'm blanking, I'll just collect my thoughts.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for this initial comments.  One thing I forget to say, we have a very strict time control and I ask the speakers to respect the three minute timeline.  With that, can I give the floor to you, Jutta Croll?

>> JUTTA CROLL: I will take one microphone.  Thank you for having me on this panel.  I'm representing the Dynamic Coalition on children's rights and digital environment which started their work in 2007 and then it was called the Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety, and referring to this objective of the Dynamic Coalition, I would like to quote from the UN Secretary‑General's Roadmap on Digital Cooperation which is outlined the prevalence of child sexual exploitation and abuse as a major concern and referring also to the international community standing united in its shared resource to protect children.

When we decided to rename the Dynamic Coalition from child online safety to children's rights in the digital environment, this was a deliberate decision to underline that children are humans so they enjoy all human rights, but given a certain vulnerability of this group, they afford also the rights dedicated to them in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

And just recently more explicitly lay down in General Comment 25 on children's rights in the digital environment.  Several members of the Dynamic Coalition have been part of the Working Group on this achievement of the general comment.  Having said that, I would like to go more into the details of these rights of children as a cross‑cutting issue in Internet Governance, and that is where I come to the cooperation we need between the Dynamic Coalitions and between all of the other platforms that we have within the Internet Governance ecosystem.

The Dynamic Coalition on children's rights has a strategic focus on facilitating the stakeholder dialogue on human rights, advocating for children, being respected as rights holders, and early adopters of technology, and this leads me directly to the long lasting debate that we have had with the freedom of expression community, and that is another example where we see that we only can address the issue when we have a balanced approach between these two objectives.

When we look at the development in technology that we see so far, the IoT, the AI and now innovations like the metaverse, all of these are impacting not only on the lives of children, but all of our lives and, therefore they are matters that affect also the rights of children as referred to in Article 12, the right to be heard.

Let me refer to the right of privacy which holds some ambiguity.  Privacy needs to be protected regardless of age, but at the same time privacy needs to be balanced with other rights to protection, for example, the right to be protected from exploitation and abuse.  I see I have to stop here, but we will continue the debate further on.  Thank you so much for listening.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, Jutta.  Let's now turn to Wout De Natris, Internet Standards Security and Safety Coalition.  Please.

>> WOUT DE NATRIS: Thank you, Markus.  My name is Wout De Natris, and as he said, I'm the coordinator of the Dynamic Coalition Internet standards, security and safety.  The question I would like to raise here is how ‑‑ this is not working, feedback.

  Is this better?  Can I start at zero, please?  Thank you.

As already said, I'm Wout De Natris and let's go into the question I would like to raise is that how is the IGF going to ensure that multistakeholder IGF initiatives such as the Dynamic Coalitions are recognized for what they produce as outcomes which often include policy recommendations, best practices and guidelines.

I believe this question is relevant to the output of all intersessional IGF activities, so BBS, policy networks included.  However, it has always been more difficult for the Dynamic Coalitions as a team of experts and specialists in their field working to their own agendas and programmes of work, and without any financial and content related secretarial support provided by IGF do achieve an informal recognition for the results of the dedicated and hard work.

But why is this question important and relevant?  I now speak for a moment only of my own Dynamic Coalition which I coordinate, but I won't go into content.  I3C has a following motto to make the Internet more secure and safer and our goal is to speed up the existing security related Internet standards and ICT best practices.

At the IGF this week we are presenting the outcomes of three global studies.  Firstly related to the security by design of the IoT, secondly, security education and skills and thirdly, data governance and security.  All three reports of last year's work by dedicated teams of experts in their respective Working Groups come with the recommendations and recognize best practices for decision takers, industry, and national or regional policy makers.

How are we to reach them and to have outcomes recognized if there is no platform or mechanism in place for sharing and disseminating these outcomes?  This question becomes even more relevant for the RS3G where we expect to have 10 Working Groups.  It has shared specific proposals with the MAG on how to resolve this question, by contribution to enabling stakeholder coalitions that may have similar output oriented objectives and expectations to become an integral part of the IGF+ movement.

I will stop there and later come back to suggestions.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, Wout De Natris.  Thank you for respecting the time limit.  Now, we have our online participant, Jenna Fung from the youth coalition on Internet Governance.

>> JENNA FUNG: Thank you very much for having me on this panel today.  As part of the member of the WWEOG different from other DCs mostly we contribute to strengthening capacity building but at the same time youth as you know very important stakeholder of our next generation, I believe they have to have the capacity to contribute to other areas, to this year with my colleague from the youth coalition, we managed to form Working Groups to get the youth from the global community to make workshop and submit it to IGF.

That's a good process that the youth is taking the initiative to getting involved in the whole ecosystem and trying to lead the discussion on topics they are interested or topics that are concerned by the youth, but at the same time, I believe youth has to do more work to close their knowledge gap in order to constructively contribute to other key areas, that is the main focus for the IGF+.

For sure, on one of the other sessions at the Global Youth Summit this year we addressed the importance of beating digital illiteracy our next generation when they started young.  We are saying we should be making it compulsory, but at the same time we are lacking the people to actually train‑the‑trainers because teachers in public school systems may not necessarily have the knowledge to teach what is needed nowadays.

And we believe youth can fill out this role in contributing, but I believe there is a big need in collaborating with different DCs in the IGF because like I said earlier, youth has to advance the knowledge in different areas in order to contribute, and I believe it is also a process for us not only to work towards a common goal and with a common purpose, but also that will help with making the youth voice more diverse and inclusive at the same time being able to actually reflect the youth perspective at the same time being able to address the issue.

So I think these are the main things that we have had from the work we have done in this year,.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Indeed it is important to hear the voice of digital natives.  I'm a digital immigrant.  Somebody once pointed out, normally it's not the immigrants who make the laws but the natives.  And here, I think, it's good to have you on the panel.

Tatiana Tropina, do you have any comments, follow‑up questions or have you followed a little bit the chat in the Zoom?

>> TATIANA TROPINA: Thank you, Markus, hello from someone who is between digital natives and immigrants.  There has been no messages in the chat, but I listened to our panelists, our discussants with great interest, and what really struck me that everybody mentioned the issue of cooperation, cooperation between Dynamic Coalitions, but while I recognize the importance of cooperation, bringing it together with my idea of maybe tangible and actionable outcomes, I wanted to ask first of all, I want to frame the question in a different way for different pundits.  Jutta Croll, your Dynamic Coalition has done a lot of work in terms of protecting children online in terms of safety of children and you are comprised, you have lots of experts on board.

I just wanted to ask you, in terms of really delivering your outcomes and channeling them into the IGF+ process, which Dynamic Coalitions would be the most official to work with.  The same question goes to Jenna.  In terms of cooperation, how do you see in the context of the IGF+ cooperation between Dynamic Coalitions and the youth Dynamic Coalition?

A few ideas how to streamline this.  And to Wout De Natris, a bit of a different question, because I do agree with you that perhaps the Dynamic Coalitions need more recognition and need more instruments to become more visible, but so, again, I would like to ask you how to do you see cooperation between other coalitions, because you also mentioned this, but what I want to ask you is this interplay between the outcomes of Dynamic Coalitions and visibility.  Your Dynamic Coalitions produce several reports, right, how do you see your coalition channeling this outcome, delivering these results in the broader context of the IGF+?  So what I want to ask you is how this help that you need, the visibility and support that you need would support your actionable outcomes?  I hope that that is not too convoluted but please let me know if it is.

And Markus, you decide who responds first.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for that.  That's a very good question.  We originally had thought to have Amandeep Singh Gill here only for the second panel, but as he is here, I would like to take advantage of your presence, but if you don't feel like it, if you already at this stage prefer waiting?  Okay.  Thank you for that.

Well, the question you asked, I think is is the crux of the matter, and I don't know who would like to answer that?  I'm looking to Paul.

>> PAUL MITCHELL: Okay.  So I think the question you asked really gets to how does this all get actioned so that good happens?  I think that's the key challenge, and the key approach is to be able to reach out to those with common interests, define what it means to actually have any implementation of whatever this outcome, this work has defined, and then work through the process to get supporters that ultimately can put it into position for operations or execution depending on whatever it is that it is.

If it's regulation resources or policy resources, or technical implementation resources, the key is to be buttoned up and work through the process to take it to those who will actually implement.  And as I view it pretty much like a standard development process in which you start with figuring out what needs to be done and what problem you are trying to solve.

I think the examples here that we are using with the outputs of the Dynamic Coalitions are problems needing to be solved and the coalition is doing the solving.  The next challenge is to actually get what's needed to actually implement the solving and get it at scale.


>> WOUT DE NATRIS: Thank you for that question.  It's probably the hardest question that we have in front of us.  When I look at a Dynamic Coalition as is working now, basically I have the question who do we direct our output to?  Is it the MAG Chair?  Is it the Leadership Panel?  Is it the Tech Envoy, the UNDESA or nobody in this process?

I think that is the first question that we need to solve is who actually is going to make the outcome a little bit more official because how can it get an IGF stamp from the report that the Dynamic Coalition is writing?

We have some ideas on that, on how to make that possible.  For my own Dynamic Coalition, I see what we came up with is the public review to use the IGF review system to say, okay, this is our findings, these are our recommendations.  What are your comments?  And that way everybody around the world can comment what we propose to do in the draft version and then we come up with a more final version, and that could be one step towards a better recognition, but the next step is how do we get it officially on the figure website as an output.

Secondly, how are we going to organize, and I mean as IGF community organize ourselves to actually drive the outputs, for example, through capacity building programmes or through, I don't know, seminars around the world, presentations to Regional IGFs or to Government or industry bodies?  But we need to find a way perhaps with the Leadership Panel to disseminate the major outcomes of the IGF.

That would make the major difference, perhaps, because then it gets dissemination.  I hope this answers your question a little bit.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, Wout.  We would like to open the floor for other comments, questions from the floor, but before, maybe, Jutta, would you like to react?

>> JUTTA CROLL: Yes, of course, I would like to react.

I think the question was which of the Dynamic Coalitions of the 24 or the 23 if I take ours out, we would prefer to cooperate or to collaborate and as it is with the children's rights, I would also not prioritize one right over another right, so I would not prioritize any of the Dynamic Coalitions.  Putting children's rights right in the digital environment is a cross‑cutting issue.  So there are links of our work to the link of, I would say, most of the Dynamic Coalitions.

We advocate for the principle of the best interest of the child as it is laid down in Article 3 of the UN Convention, and if in our work and in the work of the Dynamic Coalitions everyone would have a lack at what is in the best interest of the child, I would say that we come a major step forward to have human rights and children's rights in a good way in the digital environment.

We have been collaborating with the Dynamic Coalition on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things in a quite concrete way.  We have also been in cooperation with the Dynamic Coalition on core Internet principles, for example, and, of course, we have there some debates whether core Internet principles have integrated the prioritization of the best interest of the child, but that is necessary to come to the best solutions.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, and I see a request for the floor, and I know it's Sandra, but could you nevertheless for the benefit of the other participants introduce yourself before you ask your question, please.

>> AUDIENCE: Thank you very much.  My name is and dra, and I'm speaking now as someone who is involved or sharing the Dynamic Coalition on schools and Internet Governance.  I'm organising one school myself, and actually there should have been a speaker from us.  I don't know if he appeared.

The main question on how schools could contribute to, how the Dynamic Coalition could contribute to the Global Digital Compact could be answered from the schools in Internet Governance concretely, in terms that there is a good tradition meanwhile that these schools are organising practicums and many times these schools are taking on a very actual topic which is going on the UN level.

And I am aware of two posts one that I am responsible for myself, took the opportunity to submit a contribution to the Global Digital Compact.  So to say it was part of the curriculum to go through the submission form and make a submission and agree on all of these things within this group of panelists, I think and I'm pretty sures uploaded to the website, and I would encourage all of the other schools on Internet Governance and we will foster this from the Dynamic Coalition as well, to participate in these global processes.

Global Digital Compact is for sure not the last opportunity.  There may be other UN and global processes, and I think if there comes input from this level that it would be helpful for both sides.  Thank you very much.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: There will be a representative of the Dynamic Coalition on schools on Internet Governance on the second part of the panel, which you had already addressed but that doesn't matter, it was very welcome contribution in any case.


>> Just to say we have someone with a question online.

>> TATIANA TROPINA: Jenna, would you like to go ahead?

>> JENNA FUNG: I would like to go ahead before we figure out the logistic on site, in response to your questions and also just to add a few things that Wout mentioned earlier, I think the youth at the moment unlike other DC, we don't really have someone to organize and report annually simply because maybe the youth coalition still has to do a lot of work to make the structure of the coalition to function slightly more effectively in order to make concrete output, because right now if you can see the work we have done this year mostly we are on, focusing on capacity building webinar.

And that's one thing we are doing.  If we are talking about contributing to the actual policy making process, we are just like forming Working Groups that help youth to come up with workshop proposals for IGF.  So comparing to so many other DCs, I think there is still a long way for us to get there in order to get the youth voice officially recognized, just like what Wout mentioned earlier.

I think IGF has, should do something to get the reports of different DCs uploaded on the website because taking the youth initiative as an example, every year we will have youth report uploaded on the website from different youth initiatives and me as coordinator for the ASHA Pacific IGF, I put so much effort in including all of the Asia‑Pacific comments from those comments in those reports because that's one way to make comments or contributions accessible to different stakeholders.

I think that's a one system will way for us to do in terms of collaborations, I believe anyone on the panel or any members of other DCs can easily contribute and provide insights to newcomers, because, because they are very new to Internet Governance.

And everything is very new, so something as simple as a webinar between different Dynamic Coalitions will be very beneficial, and will be insightful for the youth.

I believe that will be able to contribute back to our community in the long run because, like I said, we need to close the gap within the youth community while they are trying to contribute to capacity building for newcomers, but I think, like, youth like me who participate here for, like, five years, I start to feel like I am stuck in between, like I can't talk about, like I need to get heard without any standing ground.  I have to slowly adjust myself to find some kinds of focus on certain topics, but still, I feel like lacking knowledge that I can contribute to.

So I believe that kind of contributions for collaboration, I mean, correct myself, that kind of collaboration between DC is something I would like to see and, lastly, to add in terms of report from the youth community, I think that's something we should work on.

And then in terms of methodologies or how to maintain a Working Group to get things done, I think that's something the youth has to take initiative to learn from other DCs in order to make their opinion official and recognized instead of repetitively mentioning on different occasions that youth is not heard.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.

>> TATIANA TROPINA: Markus, perhaps, before I give it back to you, again, what really struck me in all of these discussions is that Wout's intervention partially answered my question which I had to Paul after his intervention.  So basically Paul was elaborating on reaching out, reaching out to create this process is facilitating the actionable outcomes of disseminating them, of making them more visible, perhaps, and then making somebody take an action on them.

I did have a question when I was listening to this because indeed it did sound a bit general to me because there are various venues and avenues in this world where people produce reports and go to policy makers and ask for actions and try to create tangible outcomes.  I wanted to ask maybe not only Paul how IGF is different in this sense?

Is the IGF and IGF+ the right place to channel this outcome?  This came with a comment of Minda on the chat which said to whom do we go with the output.  And Wout basically answered this question with a question to whom do we go.  Sometimes it looks to me or I hear that the Dynamic Coalitions depending on, I mean, some of them are more mature in terms of outcomes, but less visible, some of them more visible but still in progress in terms of creating tangible outcomes but still very powerful like Jenna said youth Dynamic Coalition is still a work in progress, but I hear about a lot of results which might need more visibility and more sort of power to be provided, more support.

So I guess my question is to all of you unless, Markus, you have another question, if there is one thing you would like to be changed at the IGF, maybe one more channel, maybe one more platform, maybe one more push at the IGF that will give you more opportunities to create actionable outcomes, what this would be?  This is the question for Dynamic Coalitions, but feel free to generally reflect on my comment if you want to.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for that.  That gives me a good segue to close the first part of the session and give each of the panelists a short elevator pitch where they can say what would be the one thing they would like to see.  I would like to ask you last after you heard all of the others.  Can we start with Jutta first.

>> JUTTA CROLL: I would like to see that we all understand our work in Internet Governance not as competitive, but as cooperative.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  Very concise.

>> WOUT DE NATRIS: Thank you, the short question that Tatiana, I would like to answer, first, I think the IGF is the only platform where everybody can meet on equal footing, and all of the other Internet standards are more or less on specific topics, but that's my personal position.

I think that looking at the IGF, I think, and what happens important for Dynamic Coalitions to see if they can be integrated and invited somehow in the preparatory process because they are working on substantial tangible outcomes and then part of the strategy discussion of the IGF.

But let me thank you colleagues and moderators for the session, and if the IGF is to become the policy incubator, the Secretary‑General of the UN has described, this should become more than an appendix to the IGF program and strategy.  Without the opportunity to make a difference through contributing through more trackable IGF outcomes and creating more positive and constructive impact in the digital cooperation.

I hope that our discussion today helps the global IGF community to move forward with answers on how to integrate the work of volunteers in the Dynamic Coalition more effectively into the work and output of the IGF.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  Before handing to you, Paul, I would like to ask our remote panelist, Jenna, what is the one thing you would like to see, please.

>> JENNA FUNG: I would really like to see partnership between the Dynamic Coalition because that's the key to achieve all of the common goals and purposes that we identify.  And one last thing is I want to highlight this may be my personal opinion, but I believe outputs sometimes is not necessarily to be a solution, but the progress or the process itself could be the output also.

And I believe with our partnership, we can make the discussion outcomes and discussion progress accessible to more people.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  Now, to you, Paul.

>> PAUL MITCHELL: I would just advocate that there be a process put in place somehow to allow tangible outputs to go forward.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  So with that, we close the first half of our panel.  The panelists here are free to stay, but they are also free to go.  Would would like to invite the other panelists are mainly remote, but we have one here, can you come up and take a seat and is professor Gupta is he in the room?  Please join us.

With that, without further ado I turn to Amandeep.  You can, A, reflect on what you heard and, B, I would like to hear also your vision on the Global Digital Compact and how in particular you would like to see what the Dynamic Coalitions can contribute.  We already had one contribution from the floor, but some schools made a written suggestion.  Please, you have the floor.

>> AMANDEEP SINGH GILL: Thank you very much, Markus.

It was very informative to listen to the previous speakers and some of the comments and questions from the floor and online.  I see a twofold relevance for the Dynamic Coalitions in the context of the Global Digital Compact.  And the first one is with regard to the consultation phase where the goal is to use a multistakeholder framework and also the lens of diversity,en inclusiveness, and closeness to actual happenings on the ground to drive inputs into the Global Digital Compact elaboration process.

So the different coalitions that have been mentioned, and within those coalitions, the initiative, for instance, taken by the schools of Internet Governance to gather inputs, they can be very helpful in enriching the discussions in New York.  With those live inputs from the ground which touch on areas, for instance, as digital health that are emerging and areas that have been around since the beginning of the WSIS process, the enduring challenges and problems.

The second role I see is that the GDC is not an end in itself, it will contain certain guidance that will have to land in practice in the work of different stakeholders, Governments, private sector, academia, civil society, and the tech community.  So these coalitions can then help with that aspect of the GDC.

So it's not only the consultation and inputs, but it's also the practice of the Global Digital Compact beyond its adoption.  Obviously there are challenges and some of the challenges have been reflected in the questions that have been asked.  The dynamicity in terms of topics and membership, how can that be kept up as the technical field evolves, as the societal economic implications are better understood, are better debated, and also the participation.

It is volunteer participation, so those who have time, those who have resources have the inclination to step forward, but can we be more deliberate about more diverse participation in a sense enlarging the size of the coalitions, making them more inclusive, and then those questions around channeling the output, the visibility, who to address, what is the right link in a sense?  The Leadership Panel was mentioned, so one of the core functions of the Leadership Panel is to bring more visibility to the discussions at the IGF, and the outcomes that the IGF has, so that is obviously an important interface.

And post GDC as I mentioned, they will be opportunities for this interface to be strengthened, to be reinforced.  I would just like to conclude by saying that the concept is very powerful.

If you look back at the discussion on those models of digital governance, digital cooperation during the High‑Level Panel on Digital Cooperation's work over 2018, 2019, the IGF+ model which has been picked up for implementation, there were two other models, and there was one common theme across all of those three, which was that you need a network approach.  You need to bring together different strands of thinking, different participants around some of these governance teams, and in a sense the policy incubator role comes alive through these Dynamic Coalitions, these groups of multistakeholder experts.

So the idea is very powerful and we need to keep working on how to implement it better.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you very much.  This is very encouraging remarks for the Dynamic Coalitions.  I would also like to introduce our remote panelists.  We have Bishakha Datta from the Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance.  We have Herman Ramos from the Dynamic Coalition on Data Driven Health Technologies, and you have Frank from the Internet rights and principles coalition, and lastly we also have representative of the digital natives, Mauricia Abdol Tshilunda from the youth coalition on Internet Governance, and on the stage is Professor Rajendra Pratap Gupta from the Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Jobs and Babu Ram Aryal from the Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance.

So I would like to invite them in the order they are listed, and first turn to Bishakha Datta from the Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance.  You have the floor.

>> BISHAKHA DATTA: Thank you so much and thank you for inviting me to participate on this panel for the Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance.  I just wanted to talk a little bit about the relevance of gender as a sort of central organising principle for the Global Digital Compact which we have been talking about for a while.

Given that the Global Digital Compact aims to come up with an outline for shared principles for a free, open, Internet for all, these are words that have very, very gendered meanings.  So when we talk about say, free or we talk about freedom, we know that even the freedom to use digital technologies is dependent not just on access and connectivity, but also as a gendered phenomenon, and is really depends on the gender location, whether you are a man, a woman, whether you are trans person, et cetera.

I think similarly when we talk about a secure Internet, we know that the word security particularly in the context of the pervasive online harassment, violence, et cetera, that, and abuse that we see is something that needs particular attention in the context of gender.  And I think we are really getting to a place where we are seeing that practically everything.    For example, even if we think of a phenomenon like disinformation, which has become so significant over the last two or three years, and including during the COVID pandemic.

I think research is showing that disinformation which is seemingly gender neutral do have very different gender connotations and contexts.  That that context I wanted to say that I think for the Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance, there are three priorities going ahead.  One is to really talk about gender more broadly as a spectrum going beyond men and women.  The second is to really talk about gender in the context of the Internet going beyond online violence to many more things, and the third is actually to demystify Internet Governance itself for women and other marginalized genders.  I will end on that note.  Thanks very much.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for that.  Next is Herman Ramos from the Dynamic Coalition on data driven health technologies.

>> HERMAN RAMOS: Good morning, good afternoon depending where you are.  Basically my name is Herman Ramos from Mozambique, and I'm talking about the Dynamic Coalition on data driven health technology.  Basically this Dynamic Coalition was created by analyzing the gaps that exist between health sector and also the digital technology.

Our aim basically is to develop educational materials and information materials and make them available to different stakeholders that are basically working under the space of data driven health technology.  Basically for that, we work with different kinds of members from medical doctors, technologists, and we try to engage in a collaborative way, and produce different kinds of evidence and different kind of studies.

We aim to explore the relationship with other Dynamic Coalitions, but also we aim to expand our work between acquiring partnership with different kinds of organisations.  That's why during the year we conduct different kinds of conferences and events related to the Internet Governance space, and we also going to communities, special in the field of AI.

So our aim is basically to produce different kinds of inputs and outputs that can explore in this field of data driven and technology.  Basically we also understand that this field is quite new at some point because we are also moving to the digital transformation, and it's important that we provide the digital not only for members, but also for medical doctors and people with disabilities that somehow are left behind.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  Now, from the Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Jobs.

>> RAJENDRA PRATAP GUPTA: Thank you, Markus.  As you can see that I am compared to my colleagues under dressed for the occasion.  As we heard yesterday Vint Cerf who is a founding fathers of Internet said we should roll up our sleeps and get to action.  So I put that to practice and I am in my T‑shirt.

As Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Jobs we were founded in 2018 at IGF Paris where during the closing remarks I said that proliferation of knowledge should not be just for productivity and profits.  It should bring people to the core.  I must say that I do the know of any organisation other than IGF that has 193 companies and thousands of people that attend.  I'm given to understand that there are 170 countries with 4,000 people registered for this IGF.  So this makes this the most important platform on digital platforms.

Given the work we have done we produce a annual report called Internet and jobs.  We produced 2021 and 2022 is in the works.  Sites I want to draw attention toward we heard yesterday that 2.5 billion are still not connected to the Internet.

One of the things we have seen in the last month or so is massive layoffs.  Going back to what Paul mentioned when you have a process for tangible outcomes, so today I'm going to announce a project here, and I know that IGF was founded in Africa, and this project I'm announcing is about tangible outcomes.  This project is called create which stands for collaborate, realize, employment and entrepreneurship for all through a technology ecosystem.

What we want to do is flip the model where we are welcoming at technology and automation leading to redundancy and job loss, we want to make sure that Internet for all should lead to livelihood for all.  This is where as a Dynamic Coalition when we meet next year in Kyoto.  We have a blueprint that we should take Internet for all and create livelihood for all so there should be job creation opportunities.  I am immensely thankful for Markus with who we have worked with the team, and we hope that our work and reports will lead to achieving our goals.  Thank you so much.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you so much for respecting the time limit and for those who are new on this panel, again, the same time limits will apply, three minutes for all of the speakers.  Frank from the Internet rights and principles coalition, one of the very old, so to speak, coalitions, please.  Nice to see you online.

>> MARIANNE FRANKLIN: Thank you for having me.  If I take ten seconds extra to share my screen.  Thank you.  I am Frank, I'm representing the Internet rights and principles coalition.

The charter of human rights and principles for the Internet has been a crucial framework for those committed to upholding human rights online since its inception at the IGF in 2009 in Sharm El‑Sheikh, and the publication of the charter and ten principles in 2011.

Before I continue, I would like to applaud the Secretary‑General and the Technical Envoy on behalf of the Internet rights and principles coalition for moving commitments to recognizing and enabling the environment of human rights online up to the next level of action.  The contribution of the IRPC, the Internet rights and principles coalition to the Global Digital Compact, IGF+, WSIS+20 and other related projects is as follows.

First of all, we bring the charter of Internet rights and principles, the charter of human rights and principles for the Internet to the Global Digital Compact and partner initiatives.  Why?  Because this charter as you can see on screen provides an authoritative bedrock and longstanding resonance to these recent undertakings.

Number two, the DC offers over a decade of outreach experience with and through the charter and through its 21 Articles and the 10 principles in partnerships with Governments, tech communities, civil societies, by supporting the translation and dissemination of the charter in its booklet form into many languages as possible, 12 languages including a most recent nap pole lesion and I Italian and the ten principles which are in nearly 30 languages.

We believe it can offer an enormous amount of grassroots, community level.  It allows people to get aware of, to organize around digital rights online, human rights online in particular from grassroots right up to multilateral institutions, judiciaries, private interprize.

This translation work and all that we mean by translation in word the charter itself and indeed by engaging others to do the translation is crucial to the future of the IGF to the Global Digital Compact, and how the Internet might look in the future is because like Internet metering indications that make sense of our world we make sense of the communication networks through how we use them.

Thirdly, we bring to the Global Digital Compact and particularly the Summit of the Future in 2024 all 21 Articles of the charter, and the work that we are doing to dig down deeper, particularly around environmental sustainability, which is listed in Article 4, and human rights online at the online and offline nexus through the charter's articulation of the full spectrum of existing human rights and principles so that the Internet for the future can be by design diverse, fully inclusive, respecting for individuals' rights and communities and a contributor to addressing climate change and climate justice.

Thank you for allowing me ten more seconds.  I hope that was clear.  Thank you very much.  I'll stop sharing.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for this contribution.  Now next is Babu Ram Aryal from the Dynamic Coalition on Schools of Internet Governance.

>> BABU RAM ARYAL: Thank you, Markus.  We school or Internet Governance Dynamic Coalition is common to others as well.  We are capacity building school and this Dynamic Coalition contributes to the content of all other Dynamic Coalitions as well.  So this all of the standards and policies and principle and brings to the grassroot level of people, user, innovator in the School on Internet Governance, we have various stakeholders and participants and these all participants are these grassroots contributors build a big ecosystem and that contributes to the objective of IGF that already our Technical Envoy analyze the importance of the School on Internet Governance.

And this School on Internet Governance is very important not only because of grassroots engagement of people on Internet Governance, rather bringing the policies and principles to the grassroots, and bringing those grassroots at senior levels like Regional IGF and other forums and IGF forums so this is the connector of the, all of the knowledge and innovations to the global level.

So this will be a very significant initiative for next compact as well.  So on behalf of the School on Internet Governance Dynamic Coalition, I recommend in next compact to promote the Dynamic Coalition platforms that now this has become very common collaborating as well.  The forum is one forum and Dynamic Coalition is another forum that brings a process, that brings a standard progress, and this brings a very good recommendation to the United Nations to this initiative.  So I recommend also though it was very, from very beginning Internet Governance in schools were simultaneously with the Internet Governance Forum, but still sustainability of local level Internet Governance in schools are very significant.  So how will the compact address on this initiative also is very important, and I recommend to the compact if we can mention all of this issues, then that will be very grateful.

With respect of the time, I will stop here and join further discussion.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, and I think for the participants in the room we have realized by now how diverse the Dynamic Coalition is and the wide range of issues they are dealing with, and, again, we have the voice of the digital natives, a representative of the youth coalition on Internet Governance, Mauricia Abdol Tshilunda.

>> MAURICIA ABDOL TSHILUNDA: Thank you very much.  Good morning, good afternoon and good afternoon everyone in the room and on site, on line.  My name is Mauricia Abdol Tshilunda, and I am representing the youth coalition on Internet Governance.  We are a Dynamic Coalition that actually consists of representatives from each and every region across the world.

And we have been extensively working towards our contributions in making sure that the voices of youth are being heard in and in decision making spaces, and we have done so across all regions.  Therefore we do see that this can be, this data that we have collected can be widely beneficial for the Digital Compact.  We know that, for example, in every region each representative focused on gathering data specifically for their region.  So we have, we are able to provide this for the actual report and what we did was we had webinars also throughout the year.

With these webinar interventions, we focused on various aspects and thematic areas being discussed at the IGF.  Therefore we have positions on various topics and themes such as gender issues, such as meaningful access issues that we have covered and we have now the voices of youth that express their views on these matters, we have the various demographics across the various regions of the world being stated and being represented in these webinar discussions.

We have this data available and we would love for it to be includeds so that we know that the youth voices of the world are being well represented when it comes to the Digital Compact.  We also have been working very extensively in terms of collaborating across various youth bodies.  So not just within the youth coalition itself, but we have, for example, a very strong collaboration with the Internet Society youth standing group.

The youth standing group also is cross regional in its structure, and so even the youth body and the youth voice coming from this community is widely representative of the youth across the world, and we can, therefore, substantiate the validity of the data that we have collected in the conversations we have been having as being trustworthy, and can be beneficial for, well, any conversation really, not just the Digital Compact, but any conversation that would really want to involve the youth voices not just as a separate category, but really coming to the table as being recognized as a beneficial voice for any decision making process going forward, and really rounding off what we would call a multistakeholder approach to problem solving in the Internet Ecosystem.

One of the biggest kind of achievements that we have been able to establish through this collaboration has been right here, manifesting right here at the IGF.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Can you wrap up, please.

>> MAURICIA ABDOL TSHILUNDA: Simply put, we were able to have eleven of our submits proposals at the IGF accepted and so not only the official youth‑led sessions will have youth voices involved but at the decision making table as speakers and Rapporteurs we have youth voices now in sessions across the various themes at the IGF.  And this data that we are honing in can also be made available to the Digital Compact.  Thank you so much.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you very much.  Tatiana, will you have follow‑up questions or comments?  Please let us know if there is anyone in the Zoom room or also if there are in the chat interesting comments.

>> TATIANA TROPINA: Thank you very much, and for those of you who online I just want to say that Minna shared a couple of feelings for the Dynamic Coalition writing.  I want to congratulate all of the discussants on the achievements of their Dynamic Coalition.  It looks and sounds impressive and I would like to refer to what Amandeep Singh Gill said that the space being a policy incubator and Dynamic Coalitions being valuable contributors into this policy incubator, not only in terms of actionable items, but, for example, referring to what Bishakha Datta said, challenging the current narratives, challenging the current environment, actually trying to prove that a lot of what we do actually has impact like on gender.

We have not embraced and we have to embrace.  So what I would like to ask you because it is a very, Markus, feel free to ask my further questions, but as we don't have much time for discussion left, I would like to ask you in all of these achievements, in all of your work, in the context of Global Digital Compact and WSIS plus 20 what is your main challenge?  What are you struggling with where we all can help each other and where IGF can help you, where Global Digital Compact can help you?

What would be the valuable contribution to address this challenge from something in this space or maybe from Global Digital Compact itself?  And Markus, please feel free to ask other questions.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you very much very much.  I'm very happy with your question, and I would like also to turn to my panelists and if the Technical Envoy, Amandeep Singh Gill, you are free to jump in at any time you wish or would you like to wait.

>> AMANDEEP SINGH GILL: I would like to wait.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Who first?

>> thank you for the important question but I must say as has the world's most important platform that is powerful.  The idea is to work together, get tangible projects and ask them out.  I have no asks from the IGF, it's a wonderful team, great support and very open to ideas.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.

>> BABU RAM ARYAL: Yes, it's very important because IGF is and Internet Governance we have various new innovative ideas how to make this very inclusive.  Recently many of the regional and national IGF and also Dynamic Coalition on Internet Governance they introduce various critical issues like gender issues are included, highlighted, and like other one of major issue are AI are discussed at grassroots level.  And also persons with disabilities who are very seriously considered.

So making all of these inclusive and innovative ideas and bringing to this great forum is very significant and School on Internet Governance DC is contributing on this.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  And, yes, do we have a remote question.

>> ONLINE MODERATOR: Yes, the floor is yours.

>> BISHAKHA DATTA: I just wanted to answer the same question and say I think one of the things we are finding is that Internet Governance is a hard concept for many people to understand, even when people are deeply engaged with the Internet, which is pretty much a chunk of the world nowadays.

Internet Governance because it differs from sort of traditional models of governance, et cetera, people find it quite hard to conceptualize and to really figure out how they can participate in it, even though it's an open process.  So we would love some help from the IGF actually on really thinking this through and demystifying Internet Governance.

>> TATIANA TROPINA: I think your comment goes well with the first comment with the Technical Envoy about diversity, about actually bringing diversity on board, about diversifying the work, about diversifying the participation.  And, perhaps, I mean, it also goes well with the challenges for your coalition as well.

I would like to call on remote panelists and Mariana do you want to comment on anything that was said before or answer my question, whatever you prefer?

>> MARIANNE FRANKLIN: Thanks so much, Tatiana, as always a cogent question.  Where do we start?  The challenges are challenges we all share.  Dynamic Coalitions are part of a larger network, part of a larger constituency.  I'm going to speak from the view of Internet rights coalition, and that is that the charter has 21 Articles.  It includes the right to development, the rights for women, the rights for children.

It draws on all of the generations of existing human rights treaties and covenants.  To date we see the emphasis on privacy, freedom of expression which are called important, but they are not the only human rights that are at stake as our lives become deeply enmeshed in the online and offline mix.

The challenges to see the charter which has been around 10 plus years to see it fully recognized and there by by the full spectrum of human rights online become integral to all things about how this thing called the Internet looks in the future so that human rights are embedded in the design, the data collection and access terms by all stakeholders, and particularly our colleagues in the technical sector who had such enormous influence on how anything works.

I want to see much more explicit acknowledgment, and if I may be bold, less lip service to generalities and more action on the part of the IGF leadership and colleagues at the UN.  I applaud the Techl Envoy and the Secretary‑General and technical Tech Envoy by taking the bull by the horns.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, Marianne.  And I think the question you asked is a very central question of the challenge you mentioned is precisely how to link the Dynamic Coalitions which are autonomous to the broader IGF and this is in a way the missing link, the question we have not been able to answer yet.

You asked for more recognition, but what would be the process to give that recognition?  This is something, I think, we will need to address, and also I think in the context of IGF+ and contribution to the GDC, and also the relationship with the Leadership Panel, this is, I think, a question worth taking up, but, Herman Ramos, would you like to have comments and Mauricia Abdol Tshilunda on the challenges.

>> HERMAN RAMOS: Thank you.  I will say that one of the changes that can result in tangible output will be looking because as we make partnership with different kinds of organisations working with specially Dynamic Coalition, working on efforts driving technology, we find it very difficult because there is no action after producing, for example, scientific evidence or after the information material, education material.

So there is no, there is no production of recommendation.  There is no action to be taken to implement this recommendation.  So I believe that this change can provide the possibility of providing tangible outputs and also will allow different organisations and stakeholders to participate at IGF with more strength, and also contribute to the robust partnership in the system.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.

>> MAURICIA ABDOL TSHILUNDA: In the youth coalition of Internet Governance.  We have had a beautiful experience this year when it comes to inclusion.  I must say between the 12 or 13 sessions that we had submitted for the actual IGF meeting this year, 11 was selected so that absorption in and of itself has made a big difference in comparison with our experience that we have had in previous years when it comes to inclusion.  What we have also done and what we have now seen is that, okay, so we have been intentional about increasing the participation of women and girls in all of our sessions and so what resulted from that is seeing the increase at the IGF as well.

We have faced challenges with regards to cross regional collaborations.  We couldn't, for example, engage physically with our European counterparts, with our Asian counterparts because we don't have the necessary support for those regions when it comes to attending physical meetings, specifically for our European youth counterparts.  So we find ourselves in situations where you would have the African youth represented, you would have Asian youth represented, but then we don't have the other regions coming to the party, for example, because there is not sufficient support for them to travel to where we are.

So this was definitely a challenge we faced.  And then many, just to close, many of the sessions that were accepted came from our own agency.  We were the ones who pushed for those.  We would love to see other communities within the Internet Governance ecosystem absorb voices more into their own sessions that we do not have panels, for example, where no youth voices are represented.  Thank you very much.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  And I think we all agree how important it is to have the voice of digital natives to be heard.

Jutta, you are could facilitator of the Dynamic Coalition Coordination Group.  

>> JUTTA CROLL: I would not like to talk about the challenges but about the opportunities, and representing the digital opportunities foundation, and I have a good overview on the Dynamic Coalitions, I would say we are all working in practice, and, therefore, referring to what the Tech Envoy said in the beginning we are in position to give guidance to land the GDC in practice but have to consider how we can do that.  Sometimes we are more focused on theory than on practice, but we all have our basic in the practice, and, therefore I think we are in good position and that would be our contribution.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for that, and the European School on Internet Governance an example on making a concrete contribution to the GDC.  With that, Amandeep Singh Gill, would you be willing to give some of your reflections of what you heard?

>> AMANDEEP SINGH GILL: Absolutely, and this is a very positive segue to what I was going to say.  So looking at the opportunity, the challenges are there, but I think we have the goodwill and we have the expertise to address those challenges.  I was very struck by what was said by Dr. Gupta on this issue of jobs, the opportunity side.  This is an issue that's often neglected in many other discussions, so the Dynamic Coalitions have been able to put the spotlight on issues that have not been sufficiently explored, and bring them to a level where they start to get noticed.

That is often unsung work.  Others may then start running away with it and get the glory, but I think it needs to recognized today.  There is obviously a lot of, now, just take digital health, for instance, last few years so many forums have come up in and around the WHO, but also at the world health Summit, the global digital health partnership, et cetera.

So earlier it used to be easier to be focused in that thematic area.  Now, it's very difficult.  So we have to make an extra effort, extra effort with the quality of our work.  I just want to end by referring to what Paul had said earlier.  He reminded us that this is akin to a standards development process.  And standards compete, and sometimes one standard gets selected and others don't.

And that happens often because you have grabbed the opportunity and you have spoken the quality of our work.  So quality then speaks for itself.  I think that's the challenge and today we have heard many, many excellent examples of quality work.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for these comments and remarks.  We still have some time left.  I would like to invite comments from the floor or is there a comment online, please.

>> ONLINE MODERATOR: It was my own comment.  So one of the things which I am finding interesting as the liaison between the DCs and the IGF Secretariat is that some of you stress the need for more support and a desire with more corporation with the IGF Secretariat while others stress the autonomy of the DC.  Given these diverse opinions on the matter, how can we come to a unanimous decision, how do we navigate this?

>> TATIANA TROPINA: Markus, there is a hand in the room, in the online room, maybe to answer think request.  Frank, please.

>> MARIANNE FRANKLIN: Yes, thank you for the question from the floor.  I don't think unanimity, being unanimous is what we should strive for.  If we are unanimous we are no longer diverse, diversity does not unanimity.  So I think what we need to strive for a space where differences of opinion and different world views can actually in the just coexist but thrive together.  That's what the human rights frameworks were all about when they were generated and developed, and continue to develop, and that we now have a digital dimension, a network dimension to these existing treaties and covenants.

It's a very, very important move.  So I have no problem with disagreement.  I think we need to, perhaps, work at mechanisms to manage disagreement and intense differences, but not to obliterate them.  The minute we do that we are not creating utopia even if we wanted, we are creating something else and that's not a world I want to live in.

I respect the question, but I think we shouldn't try and all agree because we can't.  It's impossible.  Thank you.

>> TATIANA TROPINA: Just before I move to Bishakha Datta, I think Paula's question was on the process, how do we agree on the process of IGF Secretariat actually helping Dynamic Coalitions while some of them try to be autonomous?  However, I'm going to move to Bishakha Datta, sorry for taking over the floor.  I want to make sure that our online panelists are heard.

>> BISHAKHA DATTA: Thanks, I also wanted to comment on the same question.  I think they are not necessarily opposed to each other.  I do think that the Dynamic Coalitions need a certain amount of autonomy to be able to explore, like, sort of the specialist focus that we have, but I also want to say, for instance, we recognize that the Dynamic Coalition on gender, that we could have a much bigger multiplier effect if we could actually work quite closely in a more loose network kind of thing with some of the other Dynamic Coalitions.

So I don't see them as always being in conflict with one another.  And I think by and large for the Dynamic Coalitions as a whole to have a bigger impact, we do need a certain level of cooperation, even if we don't sort of fully agree with each other.

>> And Tatiana, here, here to the point.  I don't think autonomy is counter productive to cooperation and coming out with a common path.  Again, there have been multiple pathways and multiple levels to work on.  Where there is a will there is a way.  Thank you.

>> TATIANA TROPINA: Thank you, mayor Ian and Markus back to you.

>> AUDIENCE: Thank you.  Avri Doria speaking.  I actually don't see that there would be, I don't see how it would be a problem because, I mean, in every type of service and help that people get, it isn't ever a one size fits all, so I think it would be possible and having spent some time playing Secretariat in my life, it would be possible to come up with a range of offerings, not anything for anyone, it doesn't matter, but ranges of support where, you know, you get the intense package or you get the "we leave you mostly alone but just check on you periodically" package.

And such.  So I can imagine that being something workable.  I apologize for missing the session.  Unfortunately I was on a panel in another session, so I have no idea what I'm talking about, but thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for joining us in any case.  I think your comment is more than relevant.  There is no one size fits all for Dynamic Coalition because we recognize their diversity.  We are approaching slowly but steadily the end of our adotted time.  I would like to ask each of the panelists whether they would have a final closing remark, and our Rapporteur, Mark Carvell will then give his reading of the entire session.

Let's start again with Jutta.

>> JUTTA CROLL: That's a surprise to me, but nonetheless, I really appreciate this session.  I would like to thank all of the participants and the speakers in the session, and what is most close to my heart is where the voices of the youth coalition because referring to Article 12 of the UN Convention of the rights of the child, we should not only listen, but we should make the voices of young people heard in all matters affecting them, and what if not the digital environment and Internet Governance is affecting the life of all young people?  So thank you for letting me say this.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you for that, and I would also like to invite our remote panelists to give their short elevator pitch.  Just imagine you are in the elevator with the Tech Envoy and you have to say to him in 30 seconds what is important to you.  Let's start with Bishakha Datta, please.

>> BISHAKHA DATTA: I mean, I think what I would say is that we know that the world going forward is hybrid.  We know that it's digital, and that anybody who doesn't have sort of full access, rights, et cetera, on the Internet is going to get left behind in the world, sort of the future we are building and that it's absolutely critical for the Global Digital Compact, therefore, to really consider multiple social markers, including gender as we think of the future.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  Herman.

>> HERMAN RAMOS: Thank you.  So I forgot to mention that the Dynamic Coalition basically we develop different tracks.  We have a youth track, so this facilitates the partnership with the other Dynamic Coalitions, we hope so by next year in this case.  So I hope that we can basically continue this as we move to digital transformation.  It's important that we provide relevant not only information, but also education that can improve different kinds of communities and we ensure that these kinds of communities participate at IGF and these kinds of discussions.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.

>> RAJENDRA PRATAP GUPTA: Tech Envoy thank you for encouraging words.  I get that this could be one of the most impactful projects coming out of IGF.  I hope you will support us going forward on this.  That's what I expect from you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you.  That's what I call a good elevator pitch.

>> MARIANNE FRANKLIN: Yes, I think what really matters for the coalition going forward in terms of the charter work is to see the Digital Compacts linking the environmental sustainability issues we all face to these technologies.  These technologies are probably part of the problem as we become increasingly dependent on them.  For me it's a link between human rights online, environmental sustainability, and as integral to the design going forward.

I think there needs to be a bit of a sea change here about how we consider the environment, the climate, and our favorite technologies within a human rights framework.  That's the work that the Internet rights and principles coalition is working to expand and deepen based on Article 4 of the charter.  That's our priority at the moment amongst the other things we do.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Babu Ram Aryal.

>> BABU RAM ARYAL: We have developed great resource for grassroots capacity building.  It has built good syllabus, and it could be a very good asset for the compact.  Thank you.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, and Mauricia Abdol Tshilunda.

>> MAURICIA ABDOL TSHILUNDA: Thank you.  The youth coalition on Internet Governance is fired up and excited to be part of this conversation and to continue contributing in any way possible.  We literally have each coalition represented here today.  We have voices in our coalition in that can speak to, that can contribute and that can collaborate with every Dynamic Coalition represented here.  So we say use us, call on us, we are here and we would love to contribute to the conversations being held.

And once again, thank you for hearing our voices and we look forward to much, much more close collaborations going forward in years to come.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you, and very much like you being fired up and excited.  That gives real dine familiar mix to our discussion.  Dynamism to our discussion.

>> AMANDEEP SINGH GILL: I have learned a lot today and really energized by the conversation.  I think this idea of multiple social markers as a risk management strategy, we don't know what direction technology and business models around that would take, so that really resonated a lot.

Also this lens of environmental sustainability, digital environmental sustainability, both the risks based and the pull on resources but also the opportunity to move towards a circular economy from the current linear extractive model, the human rights aspect, the gender and the children's rights aspects, and then come from the school's perspective, the issue of demystifying Internet Governance and enhancing guilt literacy.  I'm also looking forward to working with the dynamic coalition on youth, the data, the evidence that you have gathered through those conversations.

Let's all challenge ourselves.  Let's try and get a million youth voices into the Global Digital Compact before the Summit of the Future.  Thank you so much.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: Thank you so much.  And now let's turn to Mark Carvell whos our Rapporteur.

>> MARK CARVELL: Thank you very much, Markus, and I have to say as one of the organizers of this main session, the quality of the presentations here and the thoughts and the fresh thinking has exceeded my expectations, and I hope the key messages that I will put together from this session will be recognized as a turning point really for the profile of Dynamic Coalitions within the IGF ecosystem.

An ecosystem that I have followed for many years since I think the third IGF in Hyderabad.  I was vaguely aware of a move towards group of stakeholders getting together over coffee and thinking maybe we could work on some issue on a semi permanent basis.

I think all of the presentations here and the conversations that we have heard demonstrate the potential for the Dynamic Coalitions if the conditions are right, if the questions that have been raised are answered about how the coalitions can articulate in all of their diversity of expertise the outcomes of their work through the ecosystem, and to whom they should articulate their outcomes.  These are the key questions which I think emerged very clearly in the session.

And we have heard, I think, very helpfully reference to at this time of the IGF in transition to IGF+, the deployment of the Leadership Panel, perhaps there are new ways of thinking we should deploy for the Dynamic Coalitions to advance their outcomes.  Be it their actual solutions or methodologies for achieving solutions as I think was one of the points made in one of the interventions.

So that's a key point, I think, for everybody to note from the session that there is this commitment for Dynamic Coalitions to contribute to and strengthen the IGF, and but we have to find the ways of doing that.  With regard to the Global Digital Compact, we had a very helpful steer from Amandeep that the Dynamic Coalitions, I'm getting the signal to wrap up, I just want to finish on this, I guess as a key point, the Dynamic Coalitions can contribute both to the formulation and the scoping out of the Global Digital Compact, and subsequently to landing the principles articulated in the compact subsequently.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: I'm sorry, I have to, apparently it's my fault.  Really, time management.  We should have stopped five minutes ago, and as far as I understand, the Zoom room closes on the spot, so the remote participants are not with us anymore.  My apologies to Tatiana.

>> TATIANA TROPINA: We very much are with you, but it's all good.

>> MARKUS KUMMER: I would have invited you also to make a few comments but I don't think we have anything to add to that.  Mark made an excellent summary and I would like to thank Amandeep who has given very good invitation to the Dynamic Coalitions to be part of the IGF+ and the DDC going forward.  I invite you to join me in applauding the panelists for their extent contribution.  The session is closed.