Round Table - Circle - 90 Min
The program for this DCAD session is:
1. Welcome & accessibility check
2. Roll call
3. Introduction – Gerry Ellis
4. DCAD IGF Participation Support Grant – Gunela Astbrink
5. Experiences of online meetings:
- Paulina Lewandowska has done extensive research in distant learning and teaching and empowerment for people who are hard of hearing in a practical and policy setting.
- Petra Rezar or Damjan Šebjan have set up a project to share stories among Deaf people globally using up to 13 sign language interpreters from countries represented in each online call.
- Muhammad Shabbir Awan will present his experience as a person with a visual impairment in academia and civil society in the Global South.
- Discussion
6. Accessibility of 2020 Virtual IGF – Discussion
7. Proposal for a Best Practice Forum on Accessibility – Gunela Astbrink
8. National/Regional Initiatives – Judy Okite & Judith Hellerstein
9. Dynamic Coalition liaison – Judith Hellerstein
10. Mainstreaming accessibility – Shadi Abou-Zahra & Peter Crosbie
11. Conclusion
The DCAD session is highly relevant to Internet Governance and will build on its previous work of developing Accessibility Guidelines for use by the IGF to ensure the venue and online facilities are accessible. Spreading information about accessibility to NRIs in a targeted manner will mean that more persons with disability will be able to participate in Internet Governance debates and discussions on a global, regional and national basis. As well, increasing liaison with other Dynamic Coalitions leads to increased understanding about each other's work and shared learning.
Inclusion is integral for over one billion persons with disability globally who need to access the Internet on an equitable basis. Persons with disability cannot be considered 'the other' but be part of the general community. This includes ensuring that Internet applications and systems are designed with accessibility in mind from the outset.
Gunela Astbrink, DCAD Coordinator
- Paulina Lewandowska
- Petra Rezar or Damjan Šebjan
- Muhammad Shabbir Awan
- Peter Crosbie
- Judy Okite
- Shadi Abou-Zahra
- Judith Hellerstein
- Gunela Astbrink
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
- Paulina Lewandowska
- Petra Rezar
- Muhammad Shabbir Awan
- Peter Crosbie
- Judy Okite
- Shadi Abou-Zahra
- Judith Hellerstein
- Gunela Astbrink
The session did not directly discuss gender issues. However, there was a gender balance in all the discussions.