The following are the outputs of the captioning taken during an IGF intervention. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
>> MODERATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed attendees, allow me to welcome you on behalf of the Creators Union of Arab, the consultating status of the Economic and Social Council in the United Nations as we organize this session in cooperation with the Arab media Union when also the ECOSOC consultating status in the United Nations and we are delighted to have EGDC training centre as our strategic partner, which has grandly contributed to spreading awareness about the importance of this curriculum among the AI revolution.
The need to educate educators, parents and most importantly the children who are the core of this curriculum. We extend a welcome to all who are attending our session, even in person or online.
Let me extend a welcome to our distinguished speakers in this session. On my right hand Dr. Ahmed Nour, the President of the creators Union and the Arab Union, and on my left‑hand side Dr. Nabeih Abdelmajid, Professor at the colleges of technological science in the UAE who is the intellectual property owner to the digital safety and cybersecurity which will be presented in this session today.
We welcome also our speaker from Egypt, Dr. His Excellency, the Secretary‑General of women's affairs at the Creators Union of Arab and Secretariat of the Union of Arab Women Leaders, the member of the state of Arab.
The session will address several key points, the mission of the curriculum is its implementation objectives and its impact on achieving safe Internet usage, and we will discuss the role of the supply chain in the cybersecurity.
Before we start this session, let me briefly outline the agenda of this session. We'll start with welcoming word by Dr. Ahmed Nour, then the intervention of Dr. His Excellency who is joining us online, and last but not least, we will share Dr. Nabeih Abdelmajid's journey with the digital safety and cybersecurity curriculum. Let's start our session by welcoming word by Dr. Ahmed Nour.
>> AHMED NOUR: Thank you for all. I have to speak Arabic because I am Chairman for the Union of Arab, but I like to say hello and welcome, everyone to our session today. I would like to express our delight in introducing this unique educational curriculum.
Well spare no effort in implementing it in practice. I extend my thanks to HDDC as the strategy planner of the Creator's Union of Arab for their effective contribution.
>> CHAIR: Thank you, Dr. Ahemd, now, we listen to Dr. His Excellency. She is joining us online. Here in Japan, we are afternoon. Please have the floor. Thank you. Husband husband dear Dr. Ahmed creatorses of the Arab media. It is honorable for me to be part of this Conference to talk about the importance of securing all of the information in the anymore of digital safety and cybersecurity curriculum.
My session today I'm going to speak about the role of Blockchain and how to protect our valuable data and our business. And cyber criminals are increasing with frequency and sophistication of cyber attacks by pooling their knowledge and the leveraging new technologies.
Their use of artificial intelligence and machine learning helps them to prepare cybercrime more efficiently causing more profound and widespread damage. So the traditional solutions alone are often insufficient to meet modern cybersecurity challenges, so we must explore other approaches for improving information security, including the Blockchain technology.
The Blockchain technology according to IBM is a shared immutable ledgers that facilitate the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. So is a system for tracking anything with value securely, transparently and cost efficiently. The name of Blockchain come from the fact that each transaction is recorded as a block of data and this block my record one or more data such as quantity, price, location.
These blocks become a chain and the assets move from one owner to the other owner, and the chain contains the details of each transaction including the times and sequences. Blockchain can be advantageous to any use case. The world benefit from secure, transparent decentralized network including healthcare, supply chain management, copyrights and reality, and right to protection, the IoT, Internet of Things, messaging, voting, charity, even the new innovation for drugs as I'm pharmacist, so it's very valuable for me to protect the innovation and know‑how from stealing.
The black chain has two types. One is the public type which we are all know is bitcoin which remains the most prominent example of the public Blockchain. As anyone can join the public clock chain and can do so anonymously. This Blockchain Internet system use Internet connected to computer or mobile to validate the transaction and to provide the agreed upon consensus.
The consensus here is achieve the bitcoin mine using computer resources to solve the cryptographic puzzle to create the proof by which to validate each transaction. This is the public Blockchain does not have any identities and access controls, so verification are largely carried out through public encryption.
A private clock chain is more important for our business, for our organisation, for our data. The private Blockchain relies receively on identity control, mostly through digital certificates using them to make the Blockchain private through mentorship and access privilege.
Typically private Blockchain only allows access to known entities and organisations. So the consensus is achieved by private block chain with the selective known users with privilege access and permission for transaction and maintain the ledgers. Due to this tight control, private Blockchain can be likely to supply industry regulatory compliance requirements. As we said before the innovation of the drugs, all of the secure data so that I think it's more compatible or more, more benefits for the different sorts.
Cybersecurity is built into Blockchain technology because of its inherent nature of being decentralized system built on transfers of security, privacy and trust. In addition to transparency and cost efficiency and enhanced security, it is fast.
Data on Blockchain network is delivered in real time making it useful to anyone who wants to track assets, and see transactions such as payments, orders, accounts or now‑how of drugs. In addition to transparency it's cost effective. It's important to note that viewing a transaction or transmission may be due to encryption and centralization process each record can be slow to upload compared to typical data. So Blockchain has many advantages like decentralization, also collaborative consensus as Blockchain collaborate allege rhythm can monitor ledgers for you'll or malicious activity.
Also the strong encryption practice and digital signature effectively using the public key infrastructure for validating configuration notifications authenticating devices, securing communication, and infrastructure of isometric cryptographic keys and digital signature is accord to Blockchain technology providing verification of data ownership and integrity.
The immutable records nobody can modify recording on Blockchain ledgers. If the record contains an error, it can only be rectified by making another transaction or another block, in which case post transaction will be legible.
So nobody can interfere with the data or change any data on the system. Also the Internet of Things protection with increasing the application in various industry, devices are often targeted by cyber criminals due to their inherent vulnerability. So Blockchain provides additional threat for those using IoT devices.
Also preventing DDoS attacks and distributed denial of service attack aims to overload a server with requests. It requires focal point to target, typically an intellectual property address or small group of IP addresses, however, Blockchain uses Domain Name System can remove that single focal point neutralizing cyber threats.
Also data privacy, it's very important while the transparency is a prime benefit of using Blockchain with everyone able to see immutable transactions, the Blockchain network will allow only the trusted network to view the participating transaction. This can be achieved with minimal governance.
Furthermore, Blockchain links, the traditional targets by cyber criminals making it more challenging for them to achieve unauthorized access by targeting the privacy. Blockchain will protect our contract as as Simone contract. The smart contract security are sets of rules stored on Blockchain that trigger transactions with the conditions are met. This automation makes payment for convenient. Clock chain remains secure because it's components are tested.
For authentication, data security, access control, and business logic validation. From the advantages of Blockchain, it's just as implementation of any business system through risk assessment and sub subsequent management processes are required to ensure data protection and safety of business systems.
So it is very important in the risk assessment department. And regulatory focus to protect the public and critical construct with clear guidelines regarding information security and any Blockchain implementation should be carried out with close eye on regulatory requirement.
Also in the disaster recovery plan, it's very important that the minimum security requirements for Blockchain participants and organisations implementing Blockchain solution require details policies on verifying verification and access management. This is a critical area for Blockchain applications since it is potential source and contributes to firm vulnerability.
So from my point of view, Blockchain has no single point of failure. Every chain is immute be willing, so no participant can break ‑‑ immutable, so no participate can break. It is almost impossible to tamper with one of these cryptographic chains because agreed mechanisms validate every transaction in the chain. However, Blockchain also faces some limitation and risks such as interoperability, regulation, governance and education.
So it's very important to share with you as the doctor tackle this point to be curriculum in the school. It's very important just for all of our students and our parents to be aware of it. Thanks for your kind listening. Thank you very much.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, the clarification about the role of Blockchain to cybersecurity, it will play a very important role in this matter. I think it's very important to concentrate of Blockchain and using it to achieve the cybersecurity. Thank you, Dr. Hala.
Now, it is time for our journey with Dr. Nabeih Abdelmajid, digital safety curriculum, owner of IP, intellectual property.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Thank you very much. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about this curriculum here in one of the distinguished events. I would like, first of all, to thank the creator of Arab and the Arab media Union. Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity, thank you for Dr. Nermi next also the security manager of the creative Union of Arab and I would like to thank the technology UAE, thank you for all of the support that you give me.
Today actually we are talking about something really critical for everyone because everyone has a child, and everyone has need‑to‑know what is happening with my kids. So are they using devices in a safe mode or not?
So what I did first of all, I studied the culture of modern country like Middle East, Saudi Arabia, and also I studied the culture of UAE and we have a lot of ‑‑ I have been choked by the number I saw. Let me go through these numbers, this study and just so show you why it's very important to take care of our children.
They do actually, when they are using the Internet are they playing, are they out of the target of hackers? And then we will talk about the solution that I'm providing, the curriculum where the students can know exactly, can teach themself. We can cooperate to rehabilitate the students in a way that they can know exactly what is happening when they are using the social media.
So what motivates me actually, when I saw a rapid development of information technology and existing of diversity and easy way for information. You know now everyone can reach to whatever he needs within a few seconds so it's so easy to be connected to the Internet. Although we have, as we hear, we have more than 2.6 billion don't have connection, but I'm talking about the other parts of the world that has connection, they have a connection, but actually they don't know exactly how to use it in a safe mode, most of the people.
And there has been a high amount among the students to use the social network. Everyone cannot live without the Internet, without the connection. And unfortunately I have to say that all of the communities, they don't, most of the communities, let me say, they don't rehabilitate themself. They don't teach themself first before they go to start using the Internet.
So that motivates me actually to stop here and take care. Let me study what is happening in the market. Let me study what is happening in between the children in the schools and one of the most striking results for the turnout is the many Ms. guided security practices.
And recent successes of these hackers in presenting user privacy and extortion. Let me tell you the study samples and what numbers I have and then what the solution. This is what I'm going to show you today.
So the samples actually identify the turn around degree of using social science, so how many hours everyone is using the Internet daily, and define the students' goals of using this science. And I will tell you that a high percentage of those who have been hacked between the students in the schools and I would show you what is the relation relation between the level of knowledge, and how you are secured actually.
Imagine these hours have not included the hours of studying. So so when I ask the students how many hours you use the devices Gail daily, most of them said that more than six hours daily, and the hours of studying using the tablet is not included. So if you adjust the hours of studying in the school or at home for studying, it's going to be more than 12 hours a day.
That's actually may me think what is happening during the 12 hours. Do we know as parents what is happening with our kids? I will not read all of this, but I need you to stop with me on what is happening actually. So more than 79 of male and female students have more than one account on these sites. I don't know why.
I was asking some of the students why you need to do this. They just playing, and around 90% of the students say that it is very difficult to stop using this site. So it is a type of addiction. It is type of they never, they don't stop. And 15.2 of the students are choosing fake names when they are using sites and also fake gender. Say somebody told that I'm a woman and I'm a man. So why when I was asking them, why you need to do this, they just play, and they don't know exactly how that might affect them.
So more than 23% indicated that the information is not real. And around 35% of students confirmed that they had established false relationships through these sites. I know definitely sure that you had a lot of cases similar to these cases, but actually what stopped me sometimes that more than 15% indicated that they are being subject to extortion continuously, and I think most of them, you know, in the Middle East, we have a culture that the women have a special, I mean privacy.
Of course, the privacy is special for everyone, but the extortion, 15% means that every hundred students, female students there have been extorted 15 students have been extorted. That's a big number. And I'm sure that many other higher than this because they are shy to say this. 22.2 of the students say they have been exposed to penetration during using these sites and 15.2% has been stolen their picture. So where we are, and look at the numbers, I'm sorry to read because it's very important, I need to read all of the numbers because it's really, I need all to cooperate to stop what is happening with our kids.
58.8 of the students express anywhere acceptance to any friendship request through these sides so they trust everyone. So this is something that make me stop. 38.9 believe that all information presents throughout the sites, we can believe it, and around 70% of the students believe the social network sites are safe and trustworthy.
These numbers actually stop me. I can tell you a lot of numbers in this study. And these slides are going to be shared with the, I'm sorry, IGF United Nations. So what about the parents now? And also the parents stop me, do you know what is happening with your kids? Can you work with the social media and devices as your kids? And when I study this, I found a huge bound between both of those. There is a parallel relation between your level of education and how you can help your kids against any cases of extortion.
And this table can show you that if your level of education is high, then you your fear will be low and the opposite. This is how many if you are high, how many cases you found with your kids and how many cases you help them. So it's around 70% of the cases parents can help their kids if they are dedicated to learn how to use the social media.
And this actually make me decide that to solve the problem, that is not only for the kids. You should not target the little kids. You have to target different parts of the community, the first one is kids, the second one is parents, and also the educators in the schools. So if we collaborate all of these parts of the community, then we definitely will help the world to be more secure and the people being sure how we are going to use this social media.
So what we need actually a curriculum, and this curriculum that I created in fully support with HDTC and also hackers of technology, curriculum which connected with platform with videos and interactive screens so we teach the students do you know that this website is fake or note? How do you know that this ‑‑ is somebody opening my camera or not? And also we are targeting the parents to hold them towards their kids to let them know exactly is somebody trying to attack my kids, to extort my kids or not.
So we create this curriculum in three different levels. We are starting with introduction to information security, going to operating system, why we have to update operating system. Personal account management skills, you have to increase your skills, build your skills in a way that you can secure yourself, and social network security skills and early intrusion detection.
There are some signs I have to teach the students, if you saw this, you ought to be attacked. Take care, and then browsing skills and then preventing ex to, and external control. This is all for the level, of course, more details I can share with you.
The second we took in file docking, how we know that if I delete something it is deleted and no one can retain it back. It's a type of privacy, and how I have it back and a lot of details about the privacy and control application activities and hide my moving in the Internet so no one can track me.
The last one is how to control your account iCloud or Android or any other Claude. So we start by iCloud management skills because I do believe that the systems, the tools has a lot of features, but actually the people don't know all of these. We know how to use this mobile. We know how to start calling somebody, but how to hide my call, how to hide myself, how to be ensured that no one is observing me, this is the challenge actually to build the knowledge for the community.
So these three levels actually in order to what? We need a comprehensive program from basic to advanced in order to move up all of the community, and we need to develop a leader in cybersecurity experts. I'm dreaming one day that we have students before you go to the security you are secured enough. I know that no one can say I'm secure 100%, but what we are trying to do is decrease the number of hits.
So in a way that it's not easy for the others, for attacker, for criminals to attack the kids. Let's come back together starting from simulation. So it's not only me, it's not only creator Union of Arab, and that's why we choose this event to launch this curriculum in order to help all of the community.
We are trying to help different community in order to be secure like operative with all elements of the community. So let's talk about SDSC about this introduction about it.
I'm happy to show you how we build this curriculum and how it's easy for the students because it's not only just education, it's a career improvement. And it's a good opportunity to bridge the global skill application. It's a goal to everyone to be at the front of cybersecurity training.
So I do believe that the world has a lot of technologies, the only thing we need is to know how to use this technology and these resources will be shared also the study of different cultures. We call the curriculum SDSC, digital student safety certification.
And we have a lot of certificates in the same area, like school safety schools and a lot of curriculum, but actually ‑‑ why it's not working. Okay. So this is the curriculum, the WSIS+20 where you can find student digital safety certification. Before we go through the curriculum we have to start by survey, and actually we build three types of surveys.
The first survey is for the parents and the second one for students and the third one for the educators themselves. I think we have a problem with the speed of connectivity. ‑‑ it is online.
>> MODERATOR: There is a problem in connection.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: There is no Internet connection here?
>> MODERATOR: Never mind.
>> MODERATOR: You can explain the steps.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: I'm very excited to show you the curriculum and interactive screens.
>> MODERATOR: Let people discover it on the site.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: I will try to do this.
>> MODERATOR: We are here to make infrastructure for us all. If not, I will talk about the crick curriculum.
>> MODERATOR: We can let them discover and visit our site, doctor. You can explain it.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: This is like my kids. I need to show everyone what I have.
>> MODERATOR: You have been working this curriculum for seven years ago, and we get this chance to launch it to all educational institutions to get benefit from this curriculum because it's very important to save our kids role of parents they know how to use the curriculum to protect their kids without them losing their self‑confidence. This is a very important point that we concentrate on.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: I'm so sorry. Just a moment.
>> MODERATOR: I'm sorry, we thought the WiFi would get online. Dr. Nabeih Abdelmajid will complete.
In is the survey, we start by giving a survey for everyone like parents and students and teachers. So if you are parents, we need to check your level or students, your security level and teachers. So if you just click on the survey for your information, and when you finish the survey because we have a lot of questions, okay, it's a multiple choice question and then you will receive an analyzed email that this is your strong point and this is your weakest point.
Some the actually you go to LMS. They are our colloquial.. We can have in different languages. We have Arabic and English now of so what is your device? Is it Android or iOS because Androids have different screens and different than iOS, so if you are busy then device iOS and then click iOS and then start the different curriculum here. This is the first as I told you we start from introduction in the Internet safe browsing.
Each one of them has a lot of assignments, group of assignment and exams. So you can see it's a complete school for assignment and assignment 2. I need to show you because the time is con souping how one of them is working. So if you find who is spying your device, for example, the video will start telling you introduction about the decision and start. There is no sound.
You can be hacked without you even realizing it and without any change (Audio stopped). Did you know, dear student that it is possible for your device to be hacked without you realizing it and without any change in the performance of the device.
Yes, this is real. Let's consider what this means. Many programmes have the ability to breach and sneak in your device and then start monitoring you without your knowledge. These are called hacking programmes. Let's consider various examples of how hacking software can affect your device. If, of course, you do not take the necessary steps to prevent it.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Teacher can stop and go back and forward so it's easy to use. Allow me to take two minutes from your time and then we will proceed to different parts of the class.
>> Let's start with the first example. What if these hacking programmes remotely controlled your device's camera. This mean that hacking program that infiltrated your device without your knowledge as managed to activate your device's camera. Thus the hacker who runs this program will be able to look at you and monitor you all of the time without your knowledge.
The attacker is controlling your device's camera and may be able to see who is sitting with you as well. Do you agree with this?
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: So on. This is the first part of media, and then the next step you will start exercises. So it's interactive screen.
>> Using the following two steps ‑‑
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: The student has to click start.
>> Go to the Whatsapp web or desktop option as shown in the following screen.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Step by step we teach students what to do in order to implement this and that idea.
>> Go to the using your laptop.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Interactive screen as I told you.
>> Scan the QR code as shown in the following screens. Go back to Whatsapp web or desktop and see the result of the test. The screen shown indicates that there is no tracking through Whatsapp.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Student can repeat it as much as he needs. At home he has his name and password and he can get access to the website. So we have different sessions and we have sub sessions inside each one of them. So for the next, you will start exercise number two. I need to go to the third part of the class where we have conclusions.
>> In this lesson we have learned two distinct ways ‑‑
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: So after the subsequent decision then we go to conclusion and we go to some sort of questions for the students.
>> Preserve privacy to make sure that no one is using our personal accounts. The first way is by using the WhatsApp application, and the second is by opening the Google account through the browser. Make sure you can do them properly, then move onto the next session wishing you all the best.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: And then we have three or four questions to be sure between faculty or teacher and student that you are with me or not and let's answer the question and review the question together.
It's not exam, it is just reviewing.
>> Please answer the following question.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Then start, discuss between teacher and this makes a real interactive or active class in the class. So if you just answer it will tell you wrong or correct.
>> Wrong.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Let me have one right, please.
>> Correct answer.
>> Please review this lesson and try again.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Because your score is, and you can review the quiz also, discuss between the faculty and the teacher and the students. You have to answer this one and why, and actually allow me to tell you about we just implement this program as a pilot, test, because we are planning to launch here in then event by supporting of Dr. Ahmed Nour so we launch it for a different community. So you see exactly where you fall in next.
And you go back to the curriculum. Allow me also to tell you that we V a lot of different privilege for student different than manager different than teacher. And the way that you can observe, you can monitor your kids, your students, why he ants or she wants and where be wants and where he or she exactly now.
So we start by survey, and we end by survey also, and we have a lot of you can find here site administrator, and you can go to different and different options, okay. So we have, and it's customizing so we gave you the opportunity to do your own revert g I do believe that if we cooperate all of us, okay, we can help the community be secure, and this is our message actually. We need to collaborate all of us. It's not only teacher. It's not only the one who created this program. It's an effort has to be taken by all different parts of community.
So lits start from this distinguished place to cooperate, because I have five kids. Everyone has kids and we need to be secure. Let's be sure to reach the level of secure community. This is my message. This is the message of creator of Creteer Union of Arab and. And what I also supported from and. Thank you for attending and it's yours thank you very much.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you. It's amazing and outstanding really program, but I want to ask just how old are the kids that this curriculum targeted? Maybe maybe well, we targeted from grade 5.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: They can use it starting from grade 5.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: There are different levels.
>> MODERATOR: I think all persons in room what the role of parents of the kids in this curriculum..
>> When you participate in this program, your parents have to attend global sessions just to show them how you, I don't say, I don't want to say observe or monitor or just how you take care of your kids.
>> MODERATOR: They you have observe or monitor, we are in open environment of digital and there is a lot of risks.
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: Yes. What I need to say that the students can do whatever they need. Even if you close the doors, they will definitely find another door, but actually the best thing is to think how to be just watch them, take care of them. It's right to help them against any extortion if it happens, this is my message actually.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, Dr. Nabeih Abdelmajid, we have left five minutes. If anyone in the room have a question, please get the floor in the middle of the room.
>> HALA ADLY HUSSEIN: Thank you for this valuable session. It's very, very valuable for me because I am targeting the education in our project, so if this is approved by the education, the Ministry of Education for children or still not approved?
>> NABEIH ABDELMAJID: No, we are accredited from KHD in Dubai. So it is accredited, yes. That's why we are looking for the recommendation from the IGF here to be implemented in a different places in different community.
>> HALA ADLY HUSSEIN: It's just implemented in Emirates, just only in Emirates?
>> We hope to share the curriculum all over the world so we make this point start for all of the students, all schools.
>> MODERATOR: The goals of the session, one of the goals of the session, Dr. Hala, to share this curriculum or with a large number of ‑‑
>> HALA ADLY HUSSEIN: With Arab legal, I think you have to put it, the next meeting.
>> MODERATOR: Yes, sure. We are already talking about this point with the Arab league. Thank you for this intervention.
>> HALA ADLY HUSSEIN: Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you. And anyone have a question? Okay. I think no one has any questions. Yes, please.
>> AUDIENCE: Thank you for this opportunity. My name is Rod, I am from Nepal I am I student with a Master's Degree, and what are the ethical concentration in cybersecurity, especially in ‑‑
>> I think most of the section is how to stop hacking the privacy., how to learn exactly if somebody attack my PC (Nabeih Abdelmajid) by catching my Cambodia, my mic and how if I delete some of the files being sure that no one retained it back and take my privacy. This is another session.
If somebody attack my iCloud, for example, how would I know, and then how I stop them. That is another session we have in this curriculum. And also what exactly you can control the specification of a lot of options in iCloud and in Android and then let's teach the students also a lot of sessions in the curriculum how to control, what is this and that, how could I use and that one in controlling my privacy using any account.
A lot and a lot of basically this curriculum build on this.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you. I think we are here because this is a resolution of all kinds of technology, and we have a long‑term work to achieve what you say about the cybersecurity in all categories of usage and users of Internet in the environmental world. So thank you very much for all attendees online and in person, and I hope thank you Dr. Nabeih for the outstanding presentation. Thank you, Dr. Nour for this initiative, thank you, Dr. Hala for joining us in your presentation. We hope it will be implemented by the largest number of educational institutions to protect our children and draw a new map for the safe use of the Internet. Thank you for you all, thank you IGF in Riyadh. Thank you.
>> HALA ADLY HUSSEIN: Thank you hope to see you soon. Thank you.