Caribbean Youth IGF

The Caribbean Youth IGF was recognized in 2023. Its main goal is to create a platform for multistakeholder engagement with youth from the region and their capacity development in Internet governance.

Youth Panama IGF

The Youth Panama IGF was established in 2024. It is a multistakeholder inclusive platform for discussion of Internet governance issues with and for youth. 

Lusophone IGF

The Lusophone is a sub-regional IGF recognized in 2023. It creates an open, inclusive and bottom-up platform for all stakeholders from the Portuguese-speaking countries to cooperate on matters related to Internet governance.

Colombia Youth IGF

The Colombian Youth IGF initiative was established in 2023. Its objective is to facilitate a multistakeholder process through which the youth from Colombia can engage in Internet governance discussions.


The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) IGF was established in 2022. It serves as a mechanism for establishing a platform and process in which SIDS can collaborate, cooperate, share experiences and have their voices heard regarding Internet governance issues impacting their communities.

Chile IGF

National IGF of Chile was recognized in 2022. It stands as a multistakeholder platform for  discussion of digital public policy issues in Chile and beyond.

Argentina Youth IGF

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The Youth IGF of Argentina was established in 2018. It serves as a forum for discussion and exchange space that aims to expand the voices of young people between 18 and 30 who are interested in Internet governance.

Nicaragua Youth IGF

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The Nicaragua Youth IGF was established in 2019. It aims at creating a multistakeholder platform for channelling the inputs from young people in Nicaragua on Internet governance matters of priority to the wider Internet governance ecosystem in the country, region and world.

Youth IGF Movement

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The Youth IGF Movement, established in 2011, is a capacity development initiative with an international scope. Its main objective is to support a new generation of Internet leaders dedicated to civic progress in line with the goals outlined in the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, promoting global sustainable development. Additionally, it aims to advance the vision of the Global Digital Compact by generating impactful youth-driven ideas to facilitate the local integration of global digital cooperation principles.





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Youth IGF of Latin America and Caribbean (YouthLACIGF) was established in 2016 year, in order to increase the participation of young people in Internet Governance related discussion in this respective region.

Youth Observatory

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The Youth Observatory aims to connect youth from various countries and regions in Latin America. It is focused on knowledge-sharing and enhancing youth engagement in Internet governance-related processes.

Caribbean IGF

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The Caribbean IGF was formed in 2005 with the overall objective to provide a unique space for various concerned stakeholders to come together and discuss issues related to Internet governance in the Caribbean region.

North African IGF

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The North African IGF was officially inaugurated in 2017. Its mission is to create a unique platform for the community of this region to discuss issues pertaining to Internet governance.

Uruguay IGF

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Uruguay national IGF was created in 2016 year. Its main objective is to gather different stakeholder groups from this respective country to address relevant Internet governance issues.

Venezuela IGF

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National IGF of Venezuela was established in 2018. Its core objective is to make possible for the multistakeholder community of Venezuela to channel the inputs regarding the development of Internet Governance related matters.

Panama IGF

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Founded in 2017, the national Panama IGF aims to provide a unique platform for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss issues pertaining to the Internet.

Paraguay IGF

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National IGF of Paraguay was established in 2014 year. It creates a multistakeholder space for this respective community to address issues related to Internet governance, from the national perspective.

Peru IGF

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National IGF of Peru was organized in 2015 year. Its mission is to create a space for a dialogue on Internet Governance, in which various stakeholder groups discuss the use and development of Internet in this country.

Haiti IGF

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Haiti national IGF was established in 2018. Its purpose is to facilitate an open, inclusive, bottom-up and multistakeholder process for its respective community.

Honduras IGF

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National IGF of Honduras was established in 2019. Its main objective is to create a multistakeholder platform for discussion on Internet governance matters of national priority.

Mexico IGF

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Mexico national IGF was created in 2015 year. The goal of this Initiative is to bring the different stakeholder groups in one place to discuss the issues on Internet governance relevant for their respective community.

Colombia IGF

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National IGF of Colombia was launched in 2014 year. The Forum is focused on discussing needed efforts to shape the evolution and use of the Internet in Colombia.

Costa Rica IGF

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The Costa Rica national IGF was established in 2017. Its central objective is to create an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss Internet Governance issues of relevance for this respective community.

Dominican Republic IGF

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The national IGF of the Dominican Republic was organized in 2015 year. The main aim of this national IGF is to bring into the discussion the Internet Governance issues of relevance for this respective community to be discussed among interested stakeholders.

Ecuador IGF

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The Ecuador IGF was formed in 2016. Its main goal is to bring together all concerned stakeholder groups in this region to discuss issues related to the Internet.

El Salvador IGF

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National IGF of El Salvador was established in 2018 year. It aims to establish a multistakeholder process for its respective community, to discuss Internet governance issues of relevance.

Guatemala IGF

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The national IGF of Guatemala was established in 2017. Its objective is to create a forum for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss issues related to Internet governance.

Argentina IGF

Argentina national IGF was established in 2015 year. The main goal is to create a space for a dialogue on Internet Governance matters, in which different stakeholders discuss the development of Internet in this respective country.

Barbados IGF

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Barbados national IGF is established in 2017 year. Its objective is to provide Barbadians from all sectors of society with a platform to discuss how they use the Internet and the most pertinent issues affecting them.

Bolivia IGF

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The Bolivia IGF was organized in 2017. Its main aim is to create a unique multistakeholder platform for discussing policy issues pertaining to Internet governance that are of relevance for this respective community.

Brazil IGF

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National IGF of Brazil was organized in 2010 year. Its main objective is bringing together different stakeholder groups to discuss Internet-related issues in Brazil and worldwide. The Forum is, therefore, an open opportunity and an invitation to discuss the current and future challenges of the Internet as a whole.