IGF 2017 WS #42 Internet of Things for Smart City: Green and Sustainability

    Short Title
    Policies and Practices

    Proposer's Name: Mr. MINGLEI SHE
    Proposer's Organization: China Association for Science and Technology
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Xu ZHAO
    Co-Proposer's Organization: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
    Prof.Mr Xiaofeng TAO,Civil Society,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
    Ms. Xu ZHAO,Civil Society,China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)

    Additional Speakers

    1.Helani Galpaya,

    Helani Galpaya is CEO of LIRNEasia, a pro-poor, pro-market think tank working across the emerging Asia Pacific on ICT policy and regulatory issues. She assumed the CEO role in Jan 2013. Prior to that, she was LIRNEasia’s Chief Operating Officer.

    She researches, does consulting work and engages in public discourse on issues related to net neutrality, policy and regulatory barriers in Internet access, e-Government, broadband quality of service, and how knowledge and information disseminated via ICTs can improve inclusiveness SMMEs (small, medium and micro enterprises) in agriculture and micro-work markets. She is currently conducting research on digital labor in Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia, looking at online platforms that enable freelancing and micro-work. She is also carrying out nationally representative surveys of Internet use by households and individuals in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar and Nepal. In Myanmar, she’s continuing ongoing with a new initiative to examine how experiences and perceptions of harassment, surveillance and privacy impact how people of Myanmar experience the Internet.

    Prior to LIRNEasia, she worked on at the ICT Agency of Sri Lanka implementing e-Government projects under the World Bank’s e-Sri Lanka initiative. She was a management consultant at Booz&Co.(now Strategy&) in New York and has also worked at Citibank and Merrill Lynch in the USA. She has an MS in Technology & Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA and a BA in Computer Science from Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, USA.

    SpecialtyICTs, Digital Trade, and Development

    [email protected]

    2.Aihua Wang

    Ms. Aihua WANG, the Chief Engineer of Planning & Design Research Institute of CAICT. She has been participating in Telecommunication and Internet Research for over than 20 years and undertaken a considerable amount of projects from national ministries and local governments. Those projects relate to Telecommunication and Internet Network Planning, National Economy &Society Informatization, IOT & Smart City, Internet Governance etc.

    Specialty:Artificial Intelligence, Smart city,Internet of Things, Internet Governance etc

    [email protected]

    3.Feng GUO

    Feng GUO is the vice chair of Governmental Advisory Committee(GAC) of ICANN and GAC representative of China.  He provides advice to ICANN on issues of public policy on behalf of China, and especially where there may be an interaction between ICANN's activities or policies and national laws or international agreements. His usual research focuses on Internet governance, such as policy and security research of DNS, IoT and smart city etc. He provides principles to help policymakers establish policies and programs to support and accelerate the deployment and adoption of the Internet.

    Specialty: Internet Governance, DNS, IoT

    [email protected]



    Session Format: Panel - 90 Min


    The speakers represent those knowledgeable in internet governance and working in the IOT industry, and those academic studies are to identify critical issues and best practice, and to influence the development of Internet of things in ensuring the best results by IoT development.

    Professor Xiaofeng TAO will make an opening speech introducing the agenda of the workshop. After that he will give a presentation on the overview of the IoT development worldwide, technologies currently available or being released into the market, strategic IoT solutions for smarter cities, and how to create successful international collaboration among multi-stakeholders.

    Ms. Aihua WANG will talk about 'Policy and Regulation' on innovative forms of smart city, especially focus on rapid deployment and feasible regulation of new IoT devices and applications in smart cities. Examples of Chinese best practice in building green and sustainable infrastructure and the services in the future of smart cities will also be discus]sed.

    Karim Benabdallah will talk about the application of information and communication technologies in smart city projects. How can the IoTs-based technologies improve and reshape our future city in an environment-friendly manner.
    Daniel Omondi is going to give his apprehension of the smart city in nature and present on how private sectors can actively participate in the smart city initiatives. How developing countries can learn from the experiences from the developed countries in the process of urbanization.

    Ms. Helani Galpaya will give a research talk related to how mobile phone CDRs are being used to identify traffic patterns, poverty mapping, and so on (all being used by the colombo megapolis project in sri lanka to make policy decisions).

    Dr. Mikhail Komarov will discuss IoT and behavior change with the use of IoT and energy-saving solutions. how default settings in smart devices change our behavior

    Feng GUO will highlights principles that policymakers in nations need to apply in order to maximize the considerable promise of the Internet of Things for economic growth and social well-being. Information security concerns and align IoT strategy with security policy will also be included.

    Content of the Session:
    The smart city is the future of urbanization; A city whose foundation is information technology especially integrating IoT is known as smart city. The innovative technologies (IoT, big data, cloud computing, AI etc.) developed over the last five years start to draw a picture of what smart cities will look like within the next decade. Smart City is about smart technology, but it is also about smart governance, smart people and smart economy. This session will bring a full view of how to improve quality of life, foster economic growth, and deliver on eco- sustainability initiatives utilizing IoT for smart cities. It will present smart city framework, development tools and policies in different filed, such as smart transportation, smart Energy and water management, smart environment, smart health care etc. Besides, considerations for regulation & management for smart cities will be displayed through some best practices, and those practices in different perspectives from different nations, department and stakeholders and the challenges of future smart cities would be addressed and discussed.

    Relevance of the Session:
    The purpose of this workshop is to highlight how the IoT is playing a key role in supporting local and global communities to achieve smart management and operation, and provide a series of policy options to utilize the Internet of things to realize the goal of sustainable development (SDGs). The session will be directly related to the theme of IGF2017: “Shape Your Digital Future”, which promotes a strong emphasis on creating technical solutions smart management and sustainable form of governance. Smart city gives us a better glimpse of embracing new technologies and innovations for shaping a digital future, also raises a point about what regulations and governance methods suit for the newly created. Smart cities use IoT devices to collect and analyze data, connect everything in city. The cities then use this data to improve infrastructure, public utilities, services, and more. The power of IoT connectivity allowing city governments, businesses, and citizens to interact in new ways that make cities more efficient, safer, cleaner, and more livable. 

    This discussion will bring together participants from both the established IG technical and academic and those in working in the evolving IoT space to consider the interaction of the existing structures of Internet governance and technical and administrative, which adapt to the requirements of the IoT, including openness, transparency, security and continuity of Internet service and multistakeholder cooperation for smart city.

    Tag 1: Internet of Things
    Tag 2: Internet & ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals
    Tag 3: Multistakeholder Cooperation

    Professor Xiaofeng TAO will make an opening speech introducing the agenda of the workshop. After that he will give a presentation on the overview of the IoT development worldwide, technologies currently available or being released into the market, strategic IoT solutions for smarter cities, and how to create successful international collaboration among multi-stakeholders.
    Doctor Cai CHEN will talk about 'Policy and Regulation' on innovative forms of smart city, especially focus on rapid deployment of new IoT devices and applications in smart cities. Examples of Chinese best practice in building green and sustainable infrastructure and the services in the future of smart cities will also be discussed.
    Karim Benabdallah will talk about the application of information and communication technologies in smart city projects. How can the IoTs-based technologies improve and reshape our future city in an environment-friendly manner.
    Daniel Omondi is going to give his apprehension of the smart city in nature and present on how private sectors can actively participate in the smart city initiatives. How developing countries can learn from the experiences from the developed countries in the process of urbanization.
    Dr. Mikhail Komarov will discuss IoT and behavior change with the use of IoT and energy-saving solutions. how default settings in smart devices change our behavior

    Proposers, Co-organizers and Speakers have been chosen to ensure Geographic, gender, and stakeholder group diversity. Each speaker will bring a unique perspective and experience to the ways in which IoT can realize a better digital future and green and sustainable life. For gender diversity, there are 1 female co-organizer, Ms. Xu ZHAO, who has proposed the session jointly and coordinated the content with the experts. 2 female speaker, Ms. AiHua Wang and Ms.Helani Galpaya, who are senior experts in the research and planning division of IoT and smart city. For geographic diversity, there are 2 from Africa, 3 from Asia Pacific, 1 from Europe; the moderator is from Asia Pacific as well. For stakeholder diversity, there are 2 from technical community,4 from civil society, 1 from ICANN GAC(government). Here, Ms. Aihua Wang comes from technical community, but she is involved in the IoT and smart city research and planning for enterprises and private sectors for many years.

    Onsite Moderator: Prof.Mr Xiaofeng TAO
    Online Moderator: Prof.Mr Xiang Zhou
    Rapporteur: Mr Minglei SHE

    Online Participation:
    Online participation will be led by a facilitated dialogue. Online attendee will get involved in the workshop during the whole session and have separate queue and microphone which rotate equally with the mics in the room and is entitled to raise questions after each presentation of the speaker and engage during the panel discussion.

    Discussion facilitation:
    The moderator will open the session by welcoming all the participants, introducing the topic about to be discussed and the speakers onsite and online. (10 minutes)
    Speakers make their presentation respectively.After each presentation, the moderator probably make comments and engage the audiences and online participants in a quick Q&A session.(40 minutes)
    Then the moderator will engage the panelists in a lively conversation to get their perspectives on topic related questions.(20 minutes).
    The moderator will elicit what panelists find most insightful from the discussion and build on them by asking questions to create active flow of conversation with both panelists and experts in the audience.(10 minutes)
    The last ten minutes, the moderator will warp up the discussion by summarizing the consensus of the facilitated dialogue and pointing out the challenges we are confronting.(10 minutes)

    Conducted a Workshop in IGF before?: Yes
    Link to Report: https://www.intgovforum.org/filedepot_download/4098/230

    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    IGF 2017 Reporting Template



    - Session Title: Internet of Things for Smart City: Green and Sustainability

    - Date:   December 20,2017              

    - Time:   16:40-18:00,            

    - Session Organizer:   China Association for Science and Technology            

    - Chair/Moderator:  Mr. Xiaofeng Tao        

    - Rapporteur/Notetaker:  Mr. Minglei She          


    - List of Speakers and their institutional affiliations:   

    Prof. Xiaofeng Tao                Beijing university of posts and telecommunications

    Mr Anthony Wong                The Australian Computer Society  (ACS)

    Mr. Yu Liu                                Academy of Information and Communications Technology (China)

    Prof. Michael M. Komarov     National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia)

    Mr. Avetik Yessayan                Shirak Technologies(Armenia)

    Ms. Helani Galpaya                  LIRNEasia      

    - Key Issues raised (1 sentence per issue):            

    1. IoT development worldwide, technologies currently available or being released into the market, best practices in various countries such as China, Australia and Sri lanka
    2.  Challenges confronting us as individual and as a country in terms of governance and regulation,  and are our laws catching up with the rapidly developing eco-system
    3. Influence of IoT on Humans behavior and society
    4. Vulnerabilities and hacking the Internet of Things    

    - If there were presentations during the session, please provide a 1-paragraph summary for each presentation:   


    Mr. Xiaofeng Tao

    Mr. Tao gave an overview of the development of internet of things/smart city worldwide, IoT supply chain and development trends. Then his presentation covered some industry applications of internet of things for smart city before he concluding his speech with the open-end topics about to be discussed by the following speakers.           

    Mr. Anthony Wong 

    Mr. Wrong first offered us a glimpse of the IoT and Smart Cities initiatives in Australia  and stressed the importance of the new technologies for our future green and sustainable urbanization process. Then he brought up the challenges we are facing: E-Privacy,Cybersecurity, network performance  as well as the ownership of data. Next he elaborated on the data ownership issue with case study and legal perspective.

    Mr. Yu Liu

    Mr. Liu first introduced the IoT development in China. Then he moved on the IoT applications in government, transportation etc. He wrapped up his speech by sharing the future trends of IoT for smart cities.


    Mr. Michael M. Komarov

    Mr. Komarov touched on the issue of Customer behaviour management with the use of IoT. Then he used his research to analyze the possible implications and benefits of location data to digitized loyalty programmes:

    Possible Use-cases, Development of a location graph model as base for future location prediction algorithms

    Strategy for storing location and context data efficiently.




    Mr. Avetik Yessayan  

    Mr Yessayan raised the concern of  Vulnerabilities and hacking the Internet of Things. First, he gave us an outline of the challenges of the securities of IoT  and listed the reasons why IoT is particularly vulnerable. Facing the challenges and hacks, he talked about the IoT governance, compliance  and in-depth defense through secure usability.

    Ms. Helani Galpaya 

    Ms. Galpaya brought up the issue of  urbanization which needs our city more livable. With IoT technology and big data, we may tackle some of the challenges we are facing. Then she used detailed case research to illustrate Mobile network & big data for planning transport, and identifying disease spreading                                 

    - Please describe the Discussions that took place during the workshop session (3 paragraphs): 

    How to use IoT technology to tackle the polution of river and ocean?

    The relationship of 5G and IoT

    IoT based human rights

    Leagal issue of Big data     


    - Please describe any Participant suggestions regarding the way forward/ potential next steps /key takeaways (3 paragraphs):    

    The session covers various aspects of IoT for smart city’s sustainable development, be it technologies,social impact,best practices or legal challenges. The participants agree and would love to exchange ideas about this topic in respective studies in the future


    Gender Reporting


    - Estimate the overall number of the participants present at the session: 50

    - Estimate the overall number of women present at the session: 20

    - To what extent did the session discuss gender equality and/or women’s empowerment? 

    Gender equality and/or women’s empowerment was not raised in the session. We would like to add this issue to our future workshop agenda..

    - If the session addressed issues related to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment, please provide a brief summary of the discussion: