IGF 2017 WS #75
Internet + Big Data Governance for Poverty Alleviation and Environment

    Short Title
    Show cases and best practices
    Proposer's Name: Mr. MINGLEI SHE
    Proposer's Organization: China Association for Science and Technology
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Chuang Liu
    Co-Proposer's Organization: China Association for Science and Technology
    Mr. Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo,civil society, International Commercial Law of the Universidad Humannas, Mexico (Education, Estado de Mexico) Mr. kalanidhi Adinarayana, civil society,Common Wealth Science and Technology Academy for Research, Indian Mr. Waweru Mwangi, civil society,Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University for Agriculture and Technology, Keynya (Education, Nairobi, Kenya) Mrs. Meng Zeng, Inter-govermental Organization,Development Program of United Nations (UNDP) Mr. Yunqiang Chu, government, ICT for Agriculture, Agriculture Department of Guizhou Province, China Mr. Jinnian Wang, Private sector, China Remote Sensing Application and Technology Ltd. Mrs. Babara Rayn, Inter-govermental organization,Group of Earth Observation Geneva
    Additional Speakers

    Meng Zeng,Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,

    She has been working for UN China since 2015. She is the principal author for the first big data report of UNDP on “the Living Standards Dimension of the Human Development Index: Measuring Poverty with Big Data in China” with five big data proxy indicators to measure poverty in 2284 counties across the country. Based on this index and on the data collected in 2284 counties throughout China, she has developed an interactive visualization map, which allows users to zoom in on any province and visualize its performance across all eight indicators. In order to promote application of big data for development, she designed and implemented “Big Data China Road show”.

    She is currently working for UNFAO China as Poverty Reduction and Innovation Consultant. She focuses on study and practice of e-commerce for poverty reduction in China through harnessing big data.

    [email protected]


    Prof. Ms LiuChuang will start the session by welcoming all the speakers( including online participants) and audiences and then give her perspective on policy enact and regulation regarding big data contributing to poverty reduction and environment protection.
    Mrs. Meng Zeng from,Development Program of United Nations (UNDP) will share her experiences of using internet to alleviate poverty worldwide.
    Mr. kalanidhi Adinarayana from Common Wealth Science and Technology Academy for Research, Indian will address the technical barriers we are going to face when tackling poverty and environmental issues in the developing and the least developed countries.
    Mr. Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo from International Commercial Law of the Universidad Humannas will talk about internet access and human rights (especially women and children).
    Mr. Jinnian Wang from China Remote Sensing Application and Technology Ltd will discuss the cooperation between private and public sector.
    Mr. Yunqiang Chu from Agriculture Department of Guizhou Province will present his report about big data technology application in Guizhou and current challenges confronted by the government agency.
    Mrs. Babara Rayn from Inter-govermental organization,Group of Earth Observation Geneva will talk about how to avoid the lessons the industrialized countries made during the past decade.
    Ms Rebecca Ryakitimbo from Tanzania will discuss "Water data for food security and environment conservation to ensure sustainable development.

    Other experts and audience will make comments and raise questions in regards to the speeches presented,guided by the moderator.

    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions
    IGF 2017 Reporting Template - Session Title: Internet + Big Data Governance for Poverty Alleviation and Environment - Date: December 18 - Time: 10:10-11:40 am - Session Organizer: China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) - Chair/Moderator: Kan Gao/Chuang Liu - Rapporteur/Notetaker: Jing Ma - List of Speakers and their institutional affiliations: Prof. Chuang Liu, China Association for Science and Technology/ Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS,China Prof. Waweru Mwangi & Dr. Lawrence Nderu, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya Prof. Kalanidhi Adinarayana & Mr. Ni WeiPing, Commonwealth Science and Technology Academy for Research, India Prof. Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo, Universidad Humanitas, Mexico Prof. Xiang Zhou, Task group on Science and Technology Data in Developing Countries, CODATA/Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, CAS Ms. ZENG Meng, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Ms.Wenbo Chu, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Secretariat - Key Issues raised (1 sentence per issue): 1.Key Elements of governance on big data for poverty alleviation and environment, including legal Framework and data shaing principles 2. Cooperation mechanism of multistakeholders on big data for implementing SDGs 3. Best Practices and capacity building on implementing big data governance in Developing Countries - If there were presentations during the session, please provide a 1-paragraph summary for each presentation: Prof. Chuang Liu Liu introduced general status of Sharing of Research Data for Sciences and Sustainability in Developing Countries and explained the concept of Sharing Research Data for Reducing Digital Divide. Big data will provide strong support to the poverty alleviation and response to global environment problem on data resources and technology solution. The outcome and practices on data policies (Nairobi Data Sharing Principles), technology solution (Global Change Research Data Publishing & Repository) and information sharing (workshop & training) are good examples for implementation of big data in achieving sustainable development goals. Prof. Waweru Mwangi Waweru presented showcasing application of internet and big data in agriculture formalization in Kenya, it is a best practice on Poverty Alleviation among Maize Farmers using open Data. Technology will be the key driver to collect, manage and disseminate this data or information to all relevant stakeholders. Open and easily accessible data will facilitate improvement of lives of many households in Kenya and Africa as a whole. Mr. Ni Weiping Weiping analyzed the situation of poverty reduction and environmental problems in India and presented current policies and technology approaches to resolve those issues,including the infrastructure, Internet Access, Financial Aid and Public Resources. The information services based on big data will provide the decision making of the government and other communities. He also presented the action plan, and expected cooperation with multi-stakeholders will benefit the achieving of SDGs. Prof. Ricardo Israel Robles Pelayo Ricardo explained regulation of Intellectual property, big data and human rights according to Mexican law, and the governance and legal issues of data access, analysis and use certainly are the crucial for poverty alleviation and response to environment problem with the support of internet+ big data. The policies and legal issues of on Big Data need further studied and formulated with joint efforts from legal profession, scientists and other different communities. Prof. Xiang Zhou Prof. Zhou introduced a case study of the Internet + Big Data Governance for Poverty Alleviation through Agriculture in Guizhou Province, China. A combined 4+ model was built for supporting decision making in agricultural development with joint effort from multi-stakeholders, specifically, which are ‘IOT +’ for Targeted Agricultural Production & Management, ’ e-Commerce +’ for Sales of Agricultural Products, ‘Big Data+’ for Rural Financial Service, ‘Internet+’ for Rural Information Service. Agricultural poverty alleviation should be worked together by governments, enterprises and agricultural business entities taking different responsibilities under the support of science & technology, especially the modern information technology of Internet, big data, IOT, and 3S etc. Ms. ZENG Meng, Zeng presented Big Data for Measuring Poverty in China in angle of view from UN FAO, and ICTS related indicators like Mobile internet coverage are important evaluation elements as well as access to living services, access to financial services, access to roads, nighttime light density and so on. It revealed that internet and big data play important roles in poverty reduction in developing countries with less industrialized infrastructure. Ms. Wenbo Chu Wenbo introduced the GEO mission that solve global environmental problems with earth observation as an inter-governmental organization. Open sharing of data, information, knowledge, products and services are crucial drivers. GEO will pay more attention on open data policies and best practices, and capacity building to support the data sharing of developing countries in achieving SDGs, especially low and middle income countries. - Please describe the Discussions that took place during the workshop session (3 paragraphs): 1. The linking between Poverty reduction and environment The participants discussed the connections between Poverty reduction and environment in achieving SDGs. The environment is the fundamental for us to shift the world to a sustainable and resilient human society. The development of economy and poverty reduction must give priority consideration to environment protection with reasonable policy, technology solution. 2. Key governance issues and contribution of Internet+ big data The participants had a concern on the contribution of data, information and knowledge to the poverty alleviation and improvement of global environment. Undoubtedly, big data help us to find the hidden information from wide data collecting and data mining. The poverty alleviation and environment research needs the integration and deep analysis on data collected at different levels, and the results will benefit the different stakeholders at different level, both to individuals and to communities. 3. Strengthening the capacity The participants discussed the methodologies to better utilize big data from different sources to support the information extraction and decision making process regarding the poverty reduction. The effort will make communities expertise on data policy and best practice available to governments, users (famers or low-incomer), technology community, and private sectors at all stages, providing the support to implementation of sustainable development and governance all over the world, especially in low and middle income countries. - Please describe any Participant suggestions regarding the way forward/ potential next steps /key takeaways (3 paragraphs): 1. Policy and Legal framework for big data implementation It is important to promote development of strategy and institutional guidelines of big data and data policy for implementation of open data in developing countries. The work on Data policy and Legal framework will benefit the improvement of poverty alleviation and environment problem utilizing big data and very helpful for developing countries to have the good practice of open data in achieving SDGs. 2. Data sharing and information Services The speakers suggest to enhance the building of infrastructure and data center, and to accelerate data utilization. Internet Governance are crucial for successful implementation of big data in the information service in poverty alleviation and environment protection. 3. Multi-stakeholder engagement The implementation of internet and big data in poverty alleviation and environment protection requires the collaboration all of Civil Society, Government, technical communities, individuals. The countries may collect the best practice and the good example of application and the communities can share them with support of internet and big data, especially in Developing Countries. Action plan can be formulated and conducted through cross-region cooperation under IGF framework. Gender Reporting - Estimate the overall number of the participants present at the session:30 - Estimate the overall number of women present at the session:15 - To what extent did the session discuss gender equality and/or women’s empowerment? The composition of the speakers ( 3 women) demonstrate the gender equality and/or women's empowerment of respective organization they represent. - If the session addressed issues related to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment, please provide a brief summary of the discussion: Big data and internet provide more opportunities for the woman to improve education status, work easily, achieve personal goals and change family position,especially in rural area and poverty area. these issues were discussed during and after the workshop. without strong requirement on experience and knowledge, eService platform id able to eliminate traditional barrier by utilizing local products and resources and enhance the woman empowerment with improved equality.