IGF 2018 Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network

    Salle IV

    The Secretariat of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network will inform participants at the IGF about the outcomes of the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network, which was organized in partnership with the Government of Canada on February 26-28, 2018, in Ottawa, and institutionally supported by the OECD, Council of Europe, UNESCO, European Commission and ICANN.

    In detail, the I&J Secretariat will provide an update on the progress of the three multistakeholder Contact Groups that were set up to implement the Ottawa Roadmap, which was adopted at the 2nd Global Conference. Over 100 stakeholders from all five continents currently work in the Data & Jurisdiction, Content & Jurisdiction, and Domains & Jurisdiction Contact Groups to develop proposals for operational solutions and policy standards. The result of their work will be released in April 2019 for deliberations, and serve as input for the 3rd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network on June 3-5, 2019, which is organized in partnership with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    The I&J Secretariat will also be present from November 12-14, 2018 with a booth at the IGF Village.  


    -Session Type (Workshop, Open Forum, etc.):

    Special session


    - Title:

    Session of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network  


    - Date & Time:

    Tuesday, November 13, 2018, 1:30-3pm


    - Organizer(s):

    Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network


    - Chair/Moderator:

    Bertrand de La Chapelle, Executive Director of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network

    Paul Fehlinger, Deputy Director of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network


    - Rapporteur/Notetaker:

    Xavier Guyot de Camy, Project Officer, Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network


    - List of speakers and their institutional affiliations (Indicate male/female/ transgender male/ transgender female/gender variant/prefer not to answer):

    The session is a special format and thus did not have formal speakers or a panel. The Coordinators of the thematic Multistakeholder Contact Groups of the Internet & Jurisdiction were asked by the Secretariat to take the floor and update IGF participants on the work underway.

    Among the discussants were:

    -       Bertrand de La Chapelle, Executive Director, Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network

    -       Paul Fehlinger, Deputy Director, Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network

    -       Robert Young, Legal Counsel, Canada – Department of Global Affairs (and Coordinator of the Data & Jurisdiction Contact Group)

    -       Wolfgang Schulz, Director, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (and Coordinator of the Content & Jurisdiction Contact Group)

    -       Maarten Botterman, Director of GNKS Consult and Board Director, ICANN (and Coordinator of the Domains & Jurisdiction Contact Group)

    -       Rudolf Gridl, Head of Internet Governance Division, Germany – Department of Economic Affairs and Energy

    -       Luisa Paez, Policy Advisor, Canada – Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development



    - Theme (as listed here):

    • Cybersecurity, Trust and Privacy
    • Evolution of Internet Governance
    • Development, Innovation & Economic Growth
    • Human Rights


    - Subtheme (as listed here):

    Development, Innovation & Economic Growth

    • Big Data

    Human Rights

    • Cybercrime
    • Freedom of Expression

    Cybersecurity, Trust and Privacy

    • Data privacy & protection
    • Internet of Things?
    • Legal & Regulatory Issues

    Evolution of Internet Governance

    • Broadening stakeholder participation in internet governance
    • Multistakeholderism

    Technical & Operational Questions

    • Domain Name System


    - Please state no more than three (3) key messages of the discussion. [150 words or less]

    The session of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network had two main objectives:

    1. To inform about the outcomes of the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network, which was organized in partnership with the Government of Canada on February 26-28, 2018, in Ottawa, and institutionally supported by the OECD, Council of Europe, UNESCO, European Commission and ICANN.
    2. To update on the progress of the three multistakeholder Contact Groups that were set up to implement the Ottawa Roadmap. Over 100 stakeholders from all five continents currently work in the Data & Jurisdiction, Content & Jurisdiction, and Domains & Jurisdiction Contact Groups to develop proposals for operational solutions and policy standards. The result of their work will be released in April 2019 for deliberations, and serve as input for the 3rd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network on June 3-5, 2019, which is organized in partnership with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.


    - Please elaborate on the discussion held, specifically on areas of agreement and divergence. [150 words] Examples: There was broad support for the view that…; Many [or some] indicated that…; Some supported XX, while others noted YY…; No agreement…


    This session allowed the I&J Secretariat to report upon the outcomes of the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network, held in Ottawa, Canada, on February 26-28, 2018, and to present progress made since in the three programs of Data & Jurisdiction, Content & Jurisdiction, and Domains & Jurisdiction. Discussants and participants highlighted the importance of jurisdictional issues online, and expressed support for the ongoing work organized within the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network. In particular, the participants emphasized the significance of the three multistakeholder Contact Group, whose objective is to develop proposals for operational solutions, to be tabled at the 3rd Global Conference of the Policy Network, in organized in partnership with Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy in Berlin, on June 3-5, 2019.


    - Please describe any policy recommendations or suggestions regarding the way forward/potential next steps. [100 words]

    The session’s objective was to inform participants about the outcomes of the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network, and update on the progress of the policy development activities organized by the I&J Secretariat. No formal policy recommendations or suggestions were therefore endorsed formally during the session. Participants expressed strong support for the continued relevance and importance of the work conducted through the Contact Groups and Working Groups of the Policy Network, within the three Programs of Data & Jurisdiction, Content & Jurisdiction and Domains & Jurisdiction.


    - What ideas surfaced in the discussion with respect to how the IGF ecosystem might make progress on this issue? [75 words]

    In general, it was highlighted at the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network that more cooperation and policy coherence on jurisdictional issues in cyberspace is urgently needed. The IGF is a crucial moment for different stakeholders to gather, exchange, and coordinate. Moreover, the outcomes on concrete policy standards and operational solutions of the 3rd Global Conference in Berlin will be presented at the 2019 UN IGF to reach broader levels of recognition and traction.


    - Please estimate the total number of participants.

    About 120 participants.


    - Please estimate the total number of women and gender-variant individuals present.

    About 50 women.


    - To what extent did the session discuss gender issues, and if to any extent, what was the discussion? [100 words]

    The session did not specifically discuss gender issues. The purpose of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network is to address the tension between the cross-border nature of the Internet and national jurisdictions, in order to preserve the cross-border nature of the internet, protect human rights, fight abuses, and enable the global digital economy. The Secretariat strives to fulfil this public interest mission through processes with geographical and gender balances, as all outcomes are intended to benefit all people, regardless of gender or origin.

    Session Time