IGF 2019 WS #111 Business Innovations Foster Digital Inclusion, Bridge Gaps

    Organizer 1: B Wanner, U.S. Council for International Business
    Organizer 2: Bertrand Mouillier, International Federation of Film Producers Association [FIAPF]
    Organizer 3: Carolina Rossini, Access Now
    Organizer 4: William Hudson, Google Inc.
    Organizer 5: Judith Hellerstein, H&A
    Organizer 6: Marwa Azelmat, INTERNET SOCIETY YOUTH @IGF

    Speaker 1: Sajda Ouachtouki, The Walt Disney Company -- Moderator
    Speaker 2: Mark W. Datysgeld, Governance Primer, Brazil
    Speaker 3: Vanessa Ann Sinden, Triggerfish, South Africa
    Speaker 4: Ana Perdigao, Expedia Grou
    Speaker 5:  Mark West, Intergovernmental Organization, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Additional Speakers

    Sajda Ouachtouki, Disney -- Moderator

    Sasha Rubel, UNESCO

    Constanze Stypula, Audible, Inc.

    William Hudson, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Online Moderator
    Marwa Azelmat, Civil Society, African Group
    Judith Hellerstein, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Round Table - U-shape - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    It is undeniable that the Internet and digital technology play a critical role in the sharing and dissemination knowledge. Digital divides create gaps in what voices are represented. Fostering digital inclusion should consider how technology can facilitate the preservation and promotion of culture through investments in local content as well as enable more individuals with sensory or other disabilities to participate in society. This workshop will focus on how the private sector’s continuing efforts to innovate in the digital space have fostered digital inclusion by making technology more accessible and expanding opportunities for content creators and persons with disabilities around the world. Policy questions to be addressed include: 1. Why is the creation of local content important and how is this linked to digital inclusion, connectivity, and adoption? What is business, government, and civil society doing to foster creation of local content? 2. How are emerging technologies, such a Artificial Intelligence, enabling inclusivity of global citizens with disabilities? 3. How and where have technologies been used to enhance literacy? 4. How do we create an alternative narrative that focuses on technology as a "cultivator" of economic prosperity and societal well-being, rather than a "disruptor" that is burdened with laws and regulations borne out of fear?


    GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-Being
    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
    GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals

    Description: Speakers will consider how investments in new technologies have empowered industries, local communities, and individuals. This panel will focus on how digital technologies have fostered two dimensions of digital inclusivity: cultural, which will delve into technologies used to develop and disseminate multilingual and local content; and societal, which will explore technologies used to enhance accessibility and bridge gaps stemming from gender, age, or disability.

    Expected Outcomes: The workshop speakers will develop an alternative narrative that focuses on technology as a "cultivator" of economic prosperity and societal well-being, rather than being a "disruptor" that should be burdened with laws and regulations. They will do this by developing a policy checklist addressing (1) elements creating a fertile environment for investment in technology innovation, (2) testing of specific technology applications for people with disabilities, (3) effective means to cultivate and disseminate local content, and (4) raising public awareness about how technology breakthroughs may be used to engage in and feel more included in one's local community and the digital world at large.

    The Moderator was selected not only for his expertise in Internet governance and digital inclusion, but also for his experience moderating Roundtable discussions at global conferences on multi-faceted topics involving at least 5 speakers. Drawing on this background, the Moderator will work with the co-organizers and speakers in a series of pre-IGF preparatory teleconferences to orchestrate a coherent "flow" to the first 45 minutes of discussion. Speakers will be asked to identify two or three key points they want to make to address their specific topic; the Moderator, in turn, will interweave these points into a series of questions aimed at encouraging both expert commentary as well as discussion between the speakers. The Moderator will preview these questions and anticipated "flow" of the session with speakers in advance of the IGF so speakers can sharpen their comments and, if needed, gather additional statistics or supporting evidence. PowerPoint presentations will be discouraged. The emphasis will be on fostering an inclusive and informed conversation between the workshop speakers and with in-persona and remote participants. The pre-IGF preparatory process also will entail (1) confirming on-site discussants, who will attend the workshop and be prepared to ask a relevant question as a means of "breaking the ice" and encouraging other audience questions; and (2) reaching out to and confirming the participation of online discussants, particularly from emerging economies, who the Moderator will invite to offer comments or pose questions via the Online Moderator.

    Relevance to Theme: Technological innovation often is associated with words like “disruption” and “automation.” In reality, private-sector efforts to innovate have expanded economic and commercial opportunities for local communities and non-tech industries and created new jobs. Furthermore, tech breakthroughs focused on multilingualism and the development/dissemination of locally-relevant content have supported efforts to develop the “demand side” of Internet deployment -- an essential complement to “supply-side” connectivity policies – as well as enriched and affirmed local culture. Also important, large swaths of global citizens with disabilities have become productive and engaged participants in the digital economy through deployment of various cutting-edge technologies. In short, it is more correct to label technology as a “cultivator” than a “destroyer.”

    Relevance to Internet Governance: A theme that will be woven into speakers' comments challenges the perception by some countries and stakeholders that technology is a "disruptor" that should be tamped down through adoption of policies and tight regulations that hamper access to and/or proper functioning of the Internet. Such an approach, in turn, impedes continued innovation that can enhance economic development, grow societal well-being, and improve an individual's quality of life.

    Online Participation

    The pre-IGF preparatory process will entail reaching out to and confirming the participation of remote discussants, particularly from emerging economies, who the Moderator will invite to offer comments or pose questions via the Remote Moderator following each agenda topic. In addition, the co-organizers will explore the potential for establishing remote participation hubs, delving into technical capabilities and needs that could be addressed by the business community. For the workshop itself, online participants will have a separate queue managed by the Online Moderator. Questions and comments will be rotated between the online queue and the in-person queue at the microphone. The Moderator will work closely with the Online Moderator during the pre-IGF preparations to establish effective means of communication between them to ensure the timely insertion of a remote question/comment. The Online Moderator will be strongly encouraged to participate in pre-IGF training provided by the IGF Secretariat as well as the preparatory teleconferences, the latter to thoroughly familiarize herself with the workshop substance.



    1. Connecting the “Unconnected” – The Need for both Supply and Demand Technologies Foster the Cultural Dimension of Digital Inclusivity
    2. Tapping Technologies to Enhance Literacy, Foster Freedom of Expression, and Promote the Cultural Dimension of Digital Inclusivity
    3. Technology as an Enabler of Economic Opportunity
    4. Wrap-Up: Technology as a “Cultivator” of Cultural and Societal Inclusion, Economic Opportunity
    1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations


    1. How has the development/dissemination of locally-relevant content supported efforts to develop the “demand side” of Internet deployment?
    2. How are multilateral and private institutions using digital technologies to improve literacy in developing economies and bring more global citizens into the digital economy?
    3. How have digital technologies been used to support local communities by creating economic opportunities and increasing local engagement with the global community?
    2. Summary of Issues Discussed

    Concerning the development of local content that drives Internet deployment and uptake, speakers had various recommendations.

    1. Content in the local language is critical, not only speaking the language by supporting subtitles but addressing the relevant topics in their language.

    2. It is important to look for local authors and work with local publishers to create audio books in the local language.

    3. Develop synergies at the local level that generate content..

    4. There is a complementary need to invest in the development of business skills so that young creators of local content can commercial it.

    5. Circulation and distribution of content is critical. Unesco created a mobile app solution developed by a young woman to ensure these textbooks can gain a second or third life.

    6. There's no reason to import internationally the solutions made on the ground. 

    3. Policy Recommendations or Suggestions for the Way Forward

    Concerning the development of local content that drives Internet deployment and uptake, speakers had various recommendations.

    1. Content in the local language is critical, not only speaking the language by supporting subtitles but addressing the relevant topics in their language.

    2. It is important to look for local authors and work with local publishers to create audio books in the local language.

    3. Develop synergies at the local level that generate content..

    4. There is a complementary need to invest in the development of business skills so that young creators of local content can commercial it.

    5. Circulation and distribution of content is critical. Unesco created a mobile app solution developed by a young woman to ensure these textbooks can gain a second or third life.

    6. There's no reason to import internationally the solutions made on the ground. 

    4. Other Initiatives Addressing the Session Issues

    Concerning the development of local content that drives Internet deployment and uptake, speakers had various recommendations.

    1. Content in the local language is critical, not only speaking the language by supporting subtitles but addressing the relevant topics in their language.

    2. It is important to look for local authors and work with local publishers to create audio books in the local language.

    3. Develop synergies at the local level that generate content..

    4. There is a complementary need to invest in the development of business skills so that young creators of local content can commercial it.

    5. Circulation and distribution of content is critical. Unesco created a mobile app solution developed by a young woman to ensure these textbooks can gain a second or third life.

    6. There's no reason to import internationally the solutions made on the ground. 

    5. Making Progress for Tackled Issues

    Concerning the development of local content that drives Internet deployment and uptake, speakers had various recommendations.

    1. Content in the local language is critical, not only speaking the language by supporting subtitles but addressing the relevant topics in their language.

    2. It is important to look for local authors and work with local publishers to create audio books in the local language.

    3. Develop synergies at the local level that generate content..

    4. There is a complementary need to invest in the development of business skills so that young creators of local content can commercial it.

    5. Circulation and distribution of content is critical. Unesco created a mobile app solution developed by a young woman to ensure these textbooks can gain a second or third life.

    6. There's no reason to import internationally the solutions made on the ground. 

    6. Estimated Participation

    Panel attendance onsite was 13 females

    6 males.

    7. Reflection to Gender Issues

    Bridging the gender digital gap featured prominently in discussions. The conclusions were that young women need to be exposed to more innovative approaches to STEM education; this is not just a developing country issue. The percentage of women in countries that do not have gender equality issues that pursue digital careers is often quite low compared to women from developing countries with gender equality issues. 

    8. Session Outputs

    This workshop focused on how the private and multilateral sectors are helping to close the digital gap and supporting meaningful connectivity.

    It answered the following policy questions


    How has the development/dissemination of locally-relevant content supported efforts to develop the “demand side” of Internet deployment?

    How are multilateral and private institutions using digital technologies to improve literacy in developing economies and bring more global citizens into the digital economy?

    How have digital technologies been used to support local communities by creating economic opportunities and increasing local engagement with the global community?


    Key points:


    Connectivity is all not the same. The Digital divides create gaps in what voices are represented. Digital inclusion should consider how technology can facilitate the preservation and promotion of culture through investments in local content.


    The concept of “meaningful connectivity is important. This includes not only access and infrastructure but also the production of local content. UNESCO puts emphasis on the need to ensure not only access, but people, particularly youth in the global south are equipped with the necessary tools to be not only consumers but also producers of local digital content.


    Another speaker maintained that content should not be coming only from the global north to the global south. Countries in the global south have a rich culture and lots of content, but this content should be culturally sensitive to make an impact and be of interest to local communities.


    Companies recognize that they have a responsibility to step up to address connectivity and access to local content. Audible’s Listen Up initiatives in Newark, NJ is dedicated to young high school students who do not have access to culture and lack financial resources and tools. This program funds scholarships and provides students with access to Amazon lab, so they can listen to audiobooks and other spoken content. They have put together a list of more than 100 educational books with the help of teachers.


    Are women and girls are digitally included in digital literacy and education? The problem is making the study of STEM more attractive to women at younger ages.  UNESCO underscored that this is not just a developing country issue. Their research indicated that in countries with more gender equality, the percentage of women who pursue STEM careers is very low; in other parts of the world where there are gender gaps, more than 50% of women have pursued tech degrees and careers.


    Another issue is building confidence among young women to pursue tech careers and careers that use technology to develop locally relevant content by providing mentors and role models. Vanessa Ann Sinden (Triggerfish, South Africa) tackled this issue from the perspective of women in film and video. Globally, 60% of students who go for tertiary education in film are women but less than 20% of those employed in the field are women. There is a huge disparity between the confidence to go study and then a lack of confidence to apply for that job, and also not seeing themselves in these careers or having role models to look towards. To overcome these challenges, it is important to provide access to film and animation training for all and for them to see this career is seeming they can do. 


    Concerning the development of local content that drives Internet deployment and uptake, speakers had various recommendations.


    Concerning the development of local content that drives Internet deployment and uptake, speakers had various recommendations.

    1. Content in the local language is critical, not only speaking the language by supporting subtitles but addressing the relevant topics in their language.

    2. It is important to look for local authors and work with local publishers to create audio books in the local language. Using local actors, in turn, not only ensures linguistic integrity but also provides employment opportunities for local artists.

    3. Develop synergies at the local level that generate content. The Women in African History project brought together women, technology, and content to bridge digital and gender gaps.

    4. There is a complementary need to invest in the development of business skills so that young creators of local content in a digital format can “pitch” their product, secure financing, and commercialize it. This underlines the link between education, local content, infrastructure, and access, and economic growth.

    5. Circulation and distribution of content is critical. Unesco developed a program that looked at how to circulate textbooks for young people in school. Once you're finished with the textbook, there's no circulation. So they created a mobile app solution developed by a young woman to ensure these textbooks can gain a second or third life.

    6. There's no reason to import internationally the solutions made on the ground. The reason why the solutions are often imported from abroad is because these did not exist and so people thought they needed to reinvent the wheel.