IGF 2020 Pre-Event #85 How to tackle discrimination by AI-enabled technologies? The potential of existing regulatory frameworks and AIAs

    Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (16:20 UTC) - Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (20:10 UTC)
    Room Poland II
    About this Session
    This pre-event focusses on one of the most divisive, disruptive and ultimately, most detrimental to social trust effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled technologies, namely discrimination and the deepening of inequalities. It will discuss what legislative and policy tools and institutional mechanisms and structures can provide the most effective solution to breaches of the equality and non-discrimination principle in the context of AI-enabled technologies.

    ePaństwo Foundation

    Council of Europe



    This pre-event focusses on one of the most divisive, disruptive and ultimately, most detrimental to
    social trust effects of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled technologies, namely discrimination and the deepening of inequalities. It will discuss what legislative and policy tools and institutional
    mechanisms and structures can provide the most effective solution to breaches of the equality and non-discrimination principle in the context of AI-enabled technologies. The events is split in two thematic sessions with panel discussion and breakout groups: 1. Review of application of European and National equality legal frameworks and other regulatory tools as solutions for AI-driven discrimination; 2.  Algorithmic impact assessments (AIAs) and other tools for preventing violations of the equality and non-discrimination principle by AI systems.

    Agenda (all times UCT):

    16.20: Opening & Introduction to the topic AI and discrimination - what we know so far


    • Irena Guidikova, Head of Inclusion and Anti-discrimination Programmes Division, Anti-Discrimination Department, Council of Europe
    • Krzysztof Izdebski, Member of the Board and Policy Director, ePaństwo Foundation


    Session 1:

    16.40:  Introduction Panel: Regulation, a solution for tackling discrimination by AI-enabled systems? 


    • Dr. Chritstopher Markou, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
    • Fanny Hidvegi, Access Now’s Europe Policy Manager based in Brussels and a member of the European Commission's High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence
    • Valerie Fontaine, Board member of Equinet, European Network of Equality Bodies (Defender of Rights, France)
    • Olaf Steenfadt. Project Director The Journalism Trust Initiative Reporters Without Borders

    Facilitator: Menno Ettema, programme manager, Anti-Discrimination Department, Council of Europe

    17.20: Break-out groups on application of European and National equality legal frameworks and other regulatory tools as solutions for AI-driven discrimination

    • content questions:

      • How far is equality legislation fit for purpose to challenge AI-driven discrimination?
      • What promising practices exist regarding national regulation that can be used to ensure equality and non-discrimination in use of AI systems? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
      • What European / International regulatory framework would support improving the national regulatory tools?
      • What are the roles and responsibilities of national stakeholders, e.g. regulators, authorities, equality bodies, other public and private actors, and how can they be supported?

    17.50 Plenary feedback from break-out groups.

    Facilitator: Irena Guidikova

    18.10 Break

    Session 2:

    18.20 Introduction Panel: Algorithmic impact assessments (AIAs) and other tools for preventing violations of the equality and non-discrimination principle by AI systems


    • Krzysztof Izdebski, Member of the Board and Policy Director, ePaństwo Foundation
    • Bartosz Paszcza, Journalist and expert on science, technology and society at Klub Jagielloński
    • Soizic Pénicaud, Open Innovation Officer, EtaLab 
    • Matthias Spielkamp, Executive Director,  AlgorithmWatch

    Facilitator: Irena Guidikova

    19.00 Break-out groups on European and national tools and practices to increase prevention and redress of AI driven in-equality and discrimination.

    • content questions:

      • What promising practices already exists aimed to prevent human rights  violations, particularly discrimination by AI systems. What are their strengths and weaknesses? 
      • What tools are missing? What issues are not addressed?
      • What roles and responsibilities do different stakeholders have in deploying such tools, eg regulators, authorities, private sector and civil society actors. How can they be supported in their role?
      • Do we need a pan European body to regulate and oversight a problem of AI and Discrimination?

    19.30 Plenary feedback from Break-out groups 

    Facilitator: Irena Guidikova

    19.50 Closing remarks by some of the panel experts.

    20.10 Finish