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IGF 2021 Launch / Award Event #42 2021 EQUALS in Tech Awards

    Thursday, 9th December, 2021 (14:35 UTC) - Thursday, 9th December, 2021 (15:35 UTC)
    Conference Room 8

    ITU - EQUALS Global Partnership
    Lena Ostlund, International Telecommunication Union


    Dr. Lidia Stepinska-Ustasiak, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs - UKE. 

    Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director, ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau. 

    Ms. Lade Araba, Co-Founder and President Visiola Foundation; 2020 EQUALS in Tech Awards Finalist. 

    Ms. Constance Bommelaer de Leusse - Area Vice President Institutional Relations and Empowerment, ISOC. 

    Mr. Mats Granryd - Director, GMSA. 

    Dr. Anthony Giannoumis - Associate Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University. 

    Ms. Vanessa Erogbogbo - Chief, Sustainable and Inclusive Value Chains section, International Trade Center and Chair of EQUALS Steering Committee. 


    Onsite Moderator
    Carla Licciardello (ITU - EQUALS)
    Online Moderator

    Loly Gaitan (ITU - EQUALS)


    Therese Littleton (ITU - EQUALS)


    Awards ceremony with the following schedule: - Opening remarks and keynote - Presentation of five awards (introduction of nominees with a short video, followed by live announcement of winner and short remarks by them) - Closing remarks

    Duration (minutes)



    The 2021 Equals in Tech Awards will be given to outstanding organizations and individuals working to help girls and women gain equal internet access, digital skills and opportunities in the tech industry. Individuals and organizations can nominate their own initiatives or those of others for an award in the following five categories:

    Access: Initiatives related to improving women’s and girls’ digital technology access, connectivity and security

    Skills: Initiatives that support development of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills of women and girls

    Leadership (in two subcategories): - Initiatives focused on promoting women in decision-making roles within the ICT field - Initiatives promoting women’s leadership in technology SMEs (small and medium enterprises)

    Research: Initiatives prioritizing research on gender digital divides and producing reliable evidence to tackle diversity issues within STEM and computing fields. More information: