Cybersecurity practices and mechanisms: What are the good cybersecurity practices and international mechanisms that already exist? Where do those mechanisms fall short and what can be done to strengthen the security and to reinforce the trust?
Panel - Auditorium - 60 Min
The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) is a multi-stakeholder platform that aims to strengthen cyber capacity and expertise globally through promoting international collaboration, increasing awareness and reducing duplication of cyber capacity building efforts. As the main coordinating platform for cyber capacity building, the GFCE connects needs, resources and expertise whilst making practical knowledge available to the global community.
In partnership with the African Union Commission (AUC), the GFCE is undertaking a two-year project aimed at developing cyber capacity building knowledge across the continent of Africa. The project aims inter alia to help identify relevant cyber capacity gaps on a national and sub-regional level, thereby enabling African countries to prioritize, communicate and address their national cyber capacity needs whilst fostering coordination and increasing international collaboration with and between cyber capacity building efforts in Africa.
A key element of this project is the packaging of expertise, experience, knowledge and relevant content into modules that can be leveraged by participating countries to address capacity needs. During this Open Forum the GFCE along with its international partners will present these efforts, discussing progress and future outlook. The content- and assessments-related knowledge modules developed in the course of the AUC Collaboration project will be made accessible online.
Manon van Tienhoven, Program Coordinator, GFCE
Elliot Mayhew, Advisor, GFCE
Moctar Yedaly, GFCE Africa Program Director (Moderator)
Nnenna Ifeanyi-Ajufo, Vice-Chairperson AU Cyber Security Experts Group
Martin Koyabe, Senior Manager AU-GFCE Project
Katarina Anđelković, Head of Knowledge Ecology, DiploFoundation
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Targets: Global coordination is important to amplify capacity building efforts and ensure greater effectiveness and efficiency. The GFCE’s efforts to build regional nodes and further increase its regional focus in 2021 go some way to realizing global coordination, as this highlights regional perspectives and priorities for capacity building including but not limited to increasing trust and cooperation amongst relevant stakeholders. The key aims of the project in bringing together stakeholders to prioritize capacity needs and identify pathways to addressing these challenges also goes directly to the focus of SDG 17 and complements calls for greater inter-regional exchanges in capacity-building, especially where priorities align more closely and naturally among developing economies