An evolving IGF in the context of a new architecture for digital cooperation
There are two public discussions on this topic in the series of online discussions being convened by the MAG Chair and the MAG Working Group on IGF Strategy and Strengthening in the lead-up to IGF 2020:
1.1 IGF+ and a new multistakeholder high-level body (MHLB)
Date |
Wednesday, 30 September 2020, 13:00-15:00 UTC |
Overview of topic |
Paragraph 93 of the UN Secretary-General's Roadmap for Digital Cooperation proposes: “(a) Creating a strategic and empowered multi-stakeholder high-level body, building on the experience of the existing multi-stakeholder advisory group, which would address urgent issues, coordinate follow-up action on Forum discussions and relay proposed policy approaches and recommendations from the Forum to the appropriate normative and decision-making forums”. A paper on "Options for the Future of Digital Cooperation" developed by the office of the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General and the governments of Germany and the United Arab Emirates (in their capacity as co-champions of recommendation 5A/B in the UN SG's High-level panel on digital cooperation's report) also discusses the need for a high-level IGF leadership group. In response the MAG Working Group on IGF Strategy and Strengthening developed three possible approach to operationalising such a leadership group. During this public online discussion these approaches will be presented and discussed. In particular the discussion will look at whether, and if so how, investing in strengthening IGF leadership can help strengthen and sustain the IGF's links with other institutions - within and beyond the UN system and across stakeholder groups and sectors. The MAG Working Group on Strengthening and Strategy's response to the "options paper" is available at: |
Session outline |
PART ONE - inputs (+- 60 minutes) 1. Introduction to the topic and introduction of the speakers by the moderator: Concettina Casa, Head of Internet Governance at the Agency for Digital Italy, Office of the Prime Minister of Italy and co-chair, IGF MAG Working Group on IGF Strategy and Strengthening (5 minutes) 2. Setting the scene: From the report of the UN SG's High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation to the IGF+, the Roadmap for Digial Cooperation, and the proposed new IGF multistakeholder high level body. By Jovan Kurbalija, Executive Director, Diplo Foundation (5 minutes) 3. IGF leadership development as envisaged in "Options for the Future of Digital Cooperation", a paper developed by the office of the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General and the governments of Germany and the United Arab Emirates (in their capacity as co-champions of recommendation 5A/B in the UN SG's High-level panel on digital cooperation's report). Inputs from Mr. Rudolf Gridl, Head of Unit, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Government of Germany and Ms. Yu Ping Chan and Mr. Jason Munyan, Representatives of the office of the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General, Mr. Fabrizio Hochschild (3 to 5 minutes each) 4. Possible approaches to establishing a new IGF Multistakeholder High Level Body developed by members of the IGF MAG Working Group on IGF Strategy and Strengthening 4.1 General principles identified by the WG-strategy: Concettina Casa (3 minutes) 4.2 Approach A - Jorge Cancio Melia, Deputy Head International Affairs, OFCOM, Switzerland (5 minutes) 4.3 Approach B - Paul Blaker, Head of Global Internet Governance, DCMS, Government of the United Kingdom (5 minutes) 4.4 Approach C - Anriette Esterhuysen, co-chair of the IGF MAG Working Group on IGF- Strategy and Strengthening and IGF MAG chair (5 minutes) 5. Further reflections from members of the WG (5 minutes) PART TWO - Q and A (60 minutes) General discussion and possible next steps. |
Co-conveners |
MAG chair and IGF MAG-WG strategy |
Call details |
Time: Sep 30, 2020 13:00 Universal Time UTC Join Zoom Meeting |
1.2 Perspectives on IGF outcomes and outputs: Representation, legitimacy and follow-up in multistakeholder policy processes
Date |
Wednesday 21 October 2020, 13:00-15:00 UTC |
Overview of topic |
This session will consider how the IGF can evolve towards more focused policy discussions which lead to outcomes that can be then be considered by decision-making bodies. It will also consider the challenge of how to frame the IGF outputs when not all stakeholders or views are represented in the sessions that produce them. Equally, BPFs and DCs can only be said to represent the views of those who participate (and generally have specific interests for doing so). That's not to say that any policy recommendations that come out of such sessions or processes are invalid. But it can be used to question their value and legitimacy. This session will discuss the challenges the IGF faces in producing multiple outcomes and policy suggestions, from multiple sources, without any single way of having a community-wide endorsement of the outputs. |
Discussion leads |
Moderator: Dr. William Drake, University of Zurich Speakers: Members of the IGF WG-strategy and the Office of the Under-Secretary-General and Special Advisor on Preparations for the 75th UN Anniversary & the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation |
Co-conveners |
MAG chair and IGF MAG-WG strategy |