Ndoumba , Eric Armel

Mr. Eric Armel Ndoumba is a Doctor Engineer graduate from Phoenix University in the USA. These ‎studies in the above-mentioned university were sanctioned by obtaining a master’s degree in ‎Electronics and Communication Engineering, a PhD in telecommunications and network security. ‎His transition to Harvard University was crowned with the AT&T ATO leadership award in 2015.‎

During his various passages in the telecommunications business, Mr. NDOUMBA Eric Armel worked ‎for three years as a Senior Wireless Translation Engineer at AT&T MOBILITY, LLC in Atlanta. for two ‎years, he was the Director of Operations Engineering at ERICOMIP, LLC when he was two years ‎before, the Project Manager at TEMPEST TELECOM, INC, in the USA.‎

In the professional assets of Mr. NDOUMBA Armel Eric, it appears that he was also the Director of ‎information systems at Green Valley Hospital (USA). And finally, 3G/4G Radio Performance Manger ‎with NIELSEN MOBILE, INC in the USA for four successive years.‎

In addition, Eric Armel NDOUMBA has been a member of the Security Council on the reliability and ‎interoperability of electronic communications since 2012. Focal point of the Republic of Congo to ‎the Commission of the African Union thru the Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa ‎‎(PRIDA) project and The Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA PAP 2), he is an ‎active contributor to issues related to internet governance, network and information system ‎security. Author of three practical guides to fighting cybercrime, research papers on networks and ‎information systems security.‎

His professional curriculum is also full of certain certificates relating to professional security systems ‎obtained during his various program participation as an expert in telecom, network and ‎cybersecurity (Cisco CCNP routing and switching, Microsoft MCSE and CISSP).‎

I currently work as the Telecommunications Advisor of the Minister of Post, Telecommunications ‎and Digital Economy in the Republic of Congo.‎