An accessible and user-friendly experience is key for the IGF's public online meetings. At the same time, the IGF strives and commits to keep the users safety at the highest level. The IGF would like to clarify that:
- The IGF facilitates the access to the meetings as much as possible via app, browser and from different devices. However, as with the onsite meetings, participants at the IGF online meetings are always required to adhere to the UN Rules and Regulations as well as the IGF Code of Conduct.
- These meetings, being public, are open and streamed whenever possible. However, the IGF may ask anyway for registration for the online meeting for statistical reasons and to be able for participants to request the floor and intervene in the discussion -as it is required for onsite participants- with required identification by Name and Country for Government participants and by Name and Representation for the other Stakeholder Groups. The list of participants is made available at Indico website.
- Only when the floor has been requested and granted to a registered person, this person can take the floor. In exercising their freedom of expression, users are required to adhere to the UN Rules and Regulations as well as the IGF Code of Conduct.