Avoiding Internet Fragmentation : Understanding and Contributing to Operationalising the GDC Commitment

    Thursday, 19th December, 2024 (06:00 UTC) - Thursday, 19th December, 2024 (07:15 UTC)

    The IGF Policy Network on Internet Fragmentation (PNIF) focusses on policy, technical, legal and regulatory measures that threaten the open, interconnected, and interoperable nature of the Internet. The PNIF, an IGF intersessional activity, emerged from a community effort led by a multistakeholder coalition of civil society, business and technical organizations. The PNIF aims to raise awareness of actions and measures that risk fragmenting the Internet and wants to serve as a platform tor fostering dicussions on how avoid such fragmentation.

    Session outline 

    1. Welcome, introductions and session objectives (5 minutes)
    2. Introduction: Summary of PNIF discussions in 2024 (10 minutes)
    3. Discussion round 1:  Understanding the commitment in GDC Article 29(c) (25 minutes)
    4. Discussion round 2: Contributing to operationalising the GDC commitment and future discussions (25 minutes)
    5. Summary and next steps (10 minutes)


    • Ms Alisa Heaver, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, the Netherlands
    • Mr Amitabh Singhal, ICANN Board of Directors
    • Mr ‘Gbenga Sesan, Paradigm Initiative


    • Ms Bruna Martins dos Santos, PNIF co-facilitator
    • Ms Sheetal Kumar, PNIF co-facilitator
    • Mr Wim Degezelle, PNIF consultant IGF secretariat
    Session Time
    Thursday, 19th December, 2024 (06:00 UTC) - Thursday, 19th December, 2024 (07:15 UTC)