Online meeting of the 2019 Gender and Access Best Practice Forum. During this call the results of the BPF's call for input to help scope the BPFs work will be presented and discussed.
Topic: Gender and Access Best Practice Forums' Zoom Meeting Time: Sep 23, 2019 13:00 UTC Join Zoom Meeting One tap mobile +19292056099,,706394617# US (New York) +16699006833,,706394617# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +44 203 966 3809 United Kingdom +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom +90 216 900 2606 Turkey +90 216 900 1866 Turkey +41 43 210 70 42 Switzerland +41 22 518 89 78 Switzerland +41 31 528 09 88 Switzerland +46 850 539 728 Sweden +46 8 4468 2488 Sweden +34 917 873 431 Spain +34 84 368 5025 Spain +82 2 6105 4111 South Korea +82 2 6022 2322 South Korea +27 87 551 7702 South Africa +27 87 550 7717 South Africa +386 1888 8788 Slovenia +386 1600 3102 Slovenia +421 233 418 515 Slovakia +421 233 056 888 Slovakia +65 3165 1065 Singapore +65 3158 7288 Singapore +7 812 426 8988 Russia +7 495 283 9788 Russia +40 37 170 0418 Romania +40 31 630 1088 Romania +1 787 966 7727 Puerto Rico +1 787 945 1488 Puerto Rico +351 308 810 988 Portugal +351 308 804 188 Portugal +48 22 398 7356 Poland +48 22 307 3488 Poland +51 1 730 6777 Peru +51 1 707 5788 Peru +507 833 9588 Panama +47 7349 4877 Norway +47 2396 0588 Norway +64 9 801 1188 New Zealand +64 4 886 0026 New Zealand +31 20 794 0854 Netherlands +31 20 241 0288 Netherlands +52 554 161 4288 Mexico +52 229 910 0061 Mexico +356 2778 1288 Malta +356 2776 1777 Malta +60 3 9212 1727 Malaysia +60 3 3099 2229 Malaysia +352 2786 4277 Luxembourg +352 2786 1188 Luxembourg +370 5214 1488 Lithuania +370 3799 9260 Lithuania +371 6303 1888 Latvia +371 6303 1808 Latvia +81 524 564 439 Japan +81 3 4578 1488 Japan +39 069 480 6488 Italy +39 020 066 7245 Italy +972 55 330 1762 Israel +972 3 978 6688 Israel +353 6 163 9031 Ireland +353 1 513 3247 Ireland +353 1 653 3895 Ireland +36 1 701 0488 Hungary +36 1 408 8456 Hungary +852 5808 6088 Hong Kong, China +30 231 118 0599 Greece +30 211 198 4488 Greece +49 69 7104 9922 Germany +49 30 3080 6188 Germany +49 30 5679 5800 Germany +995 7067 77954 Georgia +995 3224 73988 Georgia +33 7 5678 4048 France +33 1 7037 9729 France +358 9 4245 1488 Finland +358 3 4109 2129 Finland +372 880 1188 Estonia +372 660 1699 Estonia +503 2136 6444 El Salvador +503 2113 9088 El Salvador +1 829 956 2188 Dominican Republic +1 829 947 9220 Dominican Republic +45 89 88 37 88 Denmark +45 32 71 31 57 Denmark +420 5 3889 0161 Czech Republic +420 2 2888 2388 Czech Republic +357 2 505 4777 Cyprus +357 2 200 0888 Cyprus +385 1777 6333 Croatia +385 1300 0988 Croatia +57 2 620 7388 Colombia +57 1 508 7702 Colombia +56 41 256 0288 Chile +56 23 210 9066 Chile +1 647 558 0588 Canada +359 3 257 1633 Bulgaria +359 2 492 5688 Bulgaria +55 21 3958 7888 Brazil +55 11 4680 6788 Brazil +32 2 588 4188 Belgium +32 2 290 9360 Belgium +973 1619 8488 Bahrain +973 1619 7601 Bahrain +43 72 011 5988 Austria +43 670 309 0165 Austria +61 8 7150 1149 Australia +61 2 8015 6011 Australia +54 343 414 5986 Argentina +54 112 040 0447 Argentina +54 341 512 2188 Argentina Meeting ID: 706 394 617 Find your local number: