Blockchains are a promising technology with the potential to transform many industries. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed before blockchain solutions can reach their full potential.
Blockchains are important because they can be used to create secure and transparent systems. For example, blockchains can streamline the delivery of public services to underserved communities and populations, strengthen transparency and integrity for public services, and ultimately build trust amongst all stakeholders.
As blockchain technology continues to develop, it is likely to have a major impact on the way we live and work. However, notwithstanding the enormous potentials of blockchain solutions, many projects failed to meet expectations because of the lack of comprehensive understanding of the knowledge domains involved, and the disciplined approach of more mature sectors. Furthermore, there are other challenges associated with the design and implementation of blockchains, including:
- Complexity: Blockchains can be complex to understand and use; and
- Limited Consensus on Assurance/Standardization/Regulation: Blockchains are not yet based on shared criteria for assurance, standardization, and regulation.
The DC-BAS is focused on developing assurance standards and best practices to support a reliable internet environment where people can move beyond the “Internet that We Want” and further rely on “The Internet that We Can Trust”.
The DC-BAS is hosted by the Government Blockchain Association (GBA), a non-profit organization with members that work in over 500 government offices around the world. The GBA has over 50 working groups supporting the use of blockchain technology to solve public sector needs and challenges. Its mission is to “Help the public and private sector connect, communicate, and collaborate in using blockchain technology to improve public services.” More specifically, GBA has established an International Organizations & Standards Working Group that coordinates the initiative of the GBA global resources in support of the mandate of the United Nations – Internet Governance Forum (UN-IGF). These include the development of best practices, methodologies, and standards related to:
- Digital Inclusion & Connectivity
- Internet Governance
- Data Protection
- Human Rights Online
- Digital Trust and Security
- AI & Emerging Technologies
Action Plan
The DC-BAS conducts its yearly activities in accordance with its bylaws and the overarching UN-IGF Terms of Reference UN Processes (Sustainable Development Goals; World Summit on Information Society; Core UN Agendas). The DC-BAS bylaws ensure an inclusive and trusted organization that is characterized by its affiliation with the UN processes.
The DC-BAS is organized as a decentralized autonomous organization. This means that each member of the DC-BAS may propose and vote on resolutions to determine the activities, use of resources, and outputs of the Coalition.
The DC-BAS is governed in accordance with a rules-based and transparent set of bylaws that are the result of the consensus reached by its members.
Meetings of the Dynamic Coalition
The DC-BAS hosts monthly public meetings that are open to anyone who joins the Coalition, through the freely accessible subscription list maintained on Google Groups. The meetings foster an open environment where members of the DC-BAS may submit proposals for topics and initiatives, be informed about relevant updates, and engage in meaningful reviews to advance the achievement of the UN-IGF mandate and objectives, with particular regard to the use of emerging technologies, including blockchain assurance & standardization.
Promoting Best Practices, Methodologies, Standards, and Models
The DC-BAS proposes, reviews, shares, and promotes best-practices and standards to support the responsible development and use of blockchain solutions, strengthening trust in the technology.
Piloting Assessments of Real-World Blockchain Solutions
The DC-BAS conducts periodic assessments of real-world blockchain solutions, using the GBA Maturity Model and any other methodologies and criteria proposed, reviewed, and supported by the Members of the Coalition. The purpose of the pilot assessments is to demonstrate how the adoption of agreed upon blockchain assurance and standardization criteria can strengthen trust in the technology.
Showcasing Trusted Blockchain Solutions
The C-BAS promotes solutions & technologies that meet or exceed industry best practices, methodologies, standards, and models by publishing a Directory of Trusted Blockchain Solutions.
Supporting Blockchain Education of Public Sector Officials
The DC-BAS identifies and promotes reliable educational content on blockchain related topics. Examples include publicly available video playlists on subjects including:
- Blockchain & Decentralized Identity
- Blockchain & Healthcare
- Blockchain Based Elections
- Blockchain, Banking & Financial Institutions
Supporting Annual Meetings of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
The DC-BAS supports, promotes, and contributes to the overall success of the annual UN-IGF activities and events. This includes proposing, leading, and coordinating sessions with subject matter expert speakers and panels, as well as hosting physical and virtual booths.
Annual Reporting
The DC-BAS publishes an annual report that highlights the previous year’s accomplishments and describes the plan for the following year.
Mailing List
Interested parties can register – freely – to the DC-BAS by subscribing to the mailing list maintained at:…
Coordinators: Gerard Dache and Dino Cataldo Dell'Accio
- Antonio Garcia Roger, Spain
- Anthony J. Howell, Director & Overseas Representative of the Washington D.C. Office Government of Bermuda
- Hoan Pham Quoc, Ministry of Information & Communications, Vietnam
- Jayesh Ranjan, Government of Telangana, India
- Kyler Hauptman, US National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), United States of America
- Michael Chinn, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States of America
- Tina Spielman, U.S. Department of Agricultural (USDA), United States of America
(Individuals participate in their personal capacity)
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Bara Greplova, International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA), Global
- Gerard Dache, Government Blockchain Association, Global
- Ismael Arribas, Spanish Association for Standardization, Spain
- May Siksik, The Canadian Innovation, Canada
- Sary Qasim, Government Blockchain Association, Middle East & North Africa
- Heather Leigh Flannery, Government Blockchain Association, Chair, Healthcare & Life Sciences Working Group, Global
Professional Associations
- Juan Cabrera, Institute of Directors (IOD), United Kingdom
- Meiyappan Masilamani, Intl Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA), United Arab Emirates
- Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, World Business Angel Investment Forum (WBAF), United States of America
- Ashley (Ashe) Cribb, University of North Carolina Wilmington, United States of America
- Roman Beck, IT University in Copenhagen, Denmark
Private Sector
- Alejandro Mandujano, The Global Academy of Law-Tech Education & Research, Mexico
- Antonio Lanotte, International Tax Partner, Italy
- Bernardt Vogel, VU Venture Partners, United States of America
- Bret Carpenter, Crag Co, United States of America
- Eugene Morozov, Gosh, Greece
- Frederick de Vaulx, Prometheus Computing, United States of America
- Malak Trabelsi, Vernewel Group, United Arab Emirates
- Mariana de la Roche Wills, de la Roche W. Consulting, Germany
- Mike Kanovitz, Jurat Blockchains, United States of America
- Muhammad Saleem, Nexus Telecom, United Arab Emirates
- Nimit Sawhney, Voatz, United States of America
- Paul Dowding, L4S Corp., United States of America
- Shawnna Hoffman, Guardrail Technologies, United States of America
- Dr. Sindhu Bhaskar, EST Global Inc., India
- William Palumbo, TapestryX, United States of America
- Kevin Jackson, National DigiFoundry
- Annual Report 2024
- Annual Report 2023
- Blockchain Maturity Model
- Blockchain Maturity Model Supplements
- Government Blockchain Association (GBA) Training
Documents / Reports available at These include:
Blockchain Maturity Model
- BMM Overview Document
- BMM Solution Requirements
- BMM Assessment Requirements
Domain Supplements
- Banking & Financial Services
- Elections & Voting
- Healthcare
- Identity Management
- Artificial Intelligence
- Gaming
- Land & Property Titling
- Smart Cities
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
- Privately Issued Tokens
- Smart Contract Audit
Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) Rated Solutions
- Banking & Financial Services - TapestryX - L4S Corp
- Gaming - AXES Integrity -
- Identity Management - EarthID - EarthID Technology Ltd
- Voting - Voatz Remote Ballot Delivery, Marking & Return - Voatz, Inc.
Email: IGF-BAS [at]
Dino Cataldo Dell'Accio – dellaccio[at]
Gerard Dache – gerard.dache[at]
Mengyi (Gloria) Wang - [email protected] , UN-IGF Liaison Officer of the DC-BAS