Dynamic Coalition on Digital Financial Inclusion (DC-DFI)


In today’s interconnected world, financial inclusion has emerged as a critical pillar of sustainable development and equitable growth. The Dynamic Coalition on Digital Financial Inclusion is dedicated to addressing the multifaceted challenges of financial exclusion. This coalition aims to bridge the gap between technological advancements in finance and the segments of society still alienated from these developments, recognizing that access to financial services, facilitated by open and interoperable protocols, offer the potential to connect existing, diverse financial systems and to build new solutions from the ground up. This is the foundation for inclusive economic participation and growth.

  • The Global Challenge of Financial Exclusion

Globally, a significant portion of the population remains unbanked or underbanked. This systemic exclusion has profound implications for individuals and communities, particularly in low and middle income economies. The inability to access financial services not only hampers individual prosperity but also impedes broader economic progress and exacerbates inequality. The coalition seeks to shine a light on these disparities and spearhead initiatives to foster inclusive, open, and interoperable financial systems that work for more people. These technologies directly contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goals #8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and #9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). By enabling efficient, accessible, and affordable financial transactions, they foster a conducive environment for decent work opportunities and catalyze innovations in industry and infrastructure.

  • The Digital Divide and Financial Services

The digital divide presents a formidable barrier to financial inclusion. While digital financial services offer unprecedented opportunities for inclusion, the lack of access to connectivity and by extension technology, or mechanisms of identifying oneself, continues to exclude vast populations. This gap widens the chasm between the financially included and excluded, making it imperative to address digital access alongside financial services. The coalition recognizes the critical need to integrate digital strategies in its pursuit of financial inclusion.

  • Systemic Issues and Regulatory Landscapes

Financial exclusion is further compounded by a myriad of systemic issues, including insufficient financial literacy, inadequate infrastructure, and often restrictive or unclear regulatory environments. These barriers prevent the effective implementation and scaling of financial inclusion initiatives. However, the opportunities that interoperable payment protocols present — such as reduced transaction costs, faster processing speeds, and immutability — are substantial and under-explored. The coalition aims to navigate these challenges while maximizing the potential benefits for all stakeholders, including governments, the private sector, and civil society.

  • Financial Inclusion Communities Must Learn About Internet Governance

Internet governance processes have been effective because of multistakeholderism: everyone comes together, in good faith, to contribute to the development of standards, protocols, and policies to ensure that the Internet and its many building blocks are available to others on fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory terms. While this coalition will advocate for embedding the principles of financial inclusion within the broader framework of Internet governance, it will not seek to disrupt or ignore what the Internet community already does so well. The coalition will promote a technology-agnostic approach that emphasizes universal access, regulatory support for fintech innovations, and the need for robust digital literacy and consumer protection, while acknowledging the importance of the multistakeholder model and the generosity of existing institutions in making available space for this dialogue.

  • Setting the Stage for Collaborative Action

As we embark on this mission, the coalition’s action plan is centered primarily around responding to one research question:

How can the adoption of open, global interoperable payments networks overcome existing barriers and leverage opportunities to enhance financial inclusion across diverse stakeholder groups, and how will this shape the evolution of the Internet and digital economy by 2030?

We are now organizing a symposium on digital financial inclusion and Internet governance to be held in April in São Paulo as a pre-event to NetMundial +10, which will result in the production of an issue paper that will inform the coalition’s activities throughout 2024. In addition, the Dynamic Coalition will participate in the Responsible Finance Forum in Fortaleza, Brazil in July 2024 as well as the Interledger Summit in Cape Town, South Africa in October 2024.

The Interledger Foundation will support this Dynamic Coalition in its inaugural year, and will provide funding to support the various activities.

We invite interested stakeholders from across the Internet governance community to join our efforts, and encourage you to contact us for more information or to collaborate with us. It is our vision to work within the existing Internet Governance Forum (IGF) ecosystem to collaborate with existing Dynamic Coalitions to to address policy areas that are not currently within their charter’s scope, and we also seek to engage with traditionally-excluded communities to provide them a hope within the IGF structure for their voices to be heard.

Action Plan

Participation Modalities

The coalition operates as a non-hierarchical, independent, and inclusive collective of individuals and organizations dedicated to integrating digital financial inclusion themes, concerns, and solutions within Internet governance and digital policy frameworks. Recognizing the vital role of open, global interoperable payment networks, this coalition is committed to representing the diverse interests and voices of those affected by financial exclusion in Internet governance discussions. The coalition relies on the active participation of its volunteers and has a Chair to provide structured leadership. While the coalition speaks with a unified voice, it acknowledges the diversity of perspectives within its membership and will provide space for dissenting opinions. The coalition will meet virtually once a month, with meeting agendas circulated by the Chair in advance of discussions, and will share written

updates on its mailing list and on the community forum of the Interledger website. Furthermore, the coalition shall convene in-person annually at the global IGF to ensure the coalition’s perspectives are effectively presented in all relevant discussions.

Key Activities

To address the coalition’s goals, it will:

  • Conduct independent research to understand the impact of interoperable payment protocols on digital financial inclusion. This research will be shared with external stakeholders, including policymakers, to support evidence-informed policymaking.
  • Engage with communities at the local, regional, and global levels to understand their specific needs and challenges. This grassroots approach will help tailor the work, and recommendations, of the coalition to ensure our activities are culturally and contextually appropriate and respectful.
  • Encourage innovation in financial technologies by proactively engaging with fintech startups and established financial services institutions who are implementing, or could implement, open and interoperable payment protocols.
  • Engage with national policymakers in international fora to promote the adoption of ethical, interoperable payment protocols.
  • Publish an annual report that highlights our work over the year.

April 2024

  • Schedule monthly working group meetings.
  • Chair to draft and publish coalition website.
  • Chair to undertake literature review and share some relevant summaries of materials with working group members.
  • Chair to develop meeting agenda and Issues Report with background information for review ahead of formal call in May.
  • Hold symposium at NetMundial+10 (April 29-30, São Paulo) to raise awareness of coalition and inform preliminary issues paper.

May 2024

  • Coordinate with guest speakers to preview presentations and refine messaging for clarity + confirm attendance with members
  • Conduct external engagement at the 20th anniversary of the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+20) and present work of the Dynamic Coalition.
  • Dynamic Coalition call #1 and #2

June 2024

  • Coordinate with guest speakers to preview presentations and refine messaging for clarity + confirm attendance with members
  • Chair to develop meeting agenda and Issues Report with background information for review ahead of formal calls
  • Dynamic Coalition call #3 and #4
  • Begin preparations on initial draft of the annual report.

July 2024

  • Coordinate with guest speakers to preview presentations and refine messaging for clarity + confirm attendance with members.
  • Chair to develop meeting agenda and Issues Report with background information for review ahead of formal call.
  • Dynamic Coalition call #5

August 2024

  • Dynamic Coalition takes summer vacation “reading month” and opens public consultation seeking input on annual report.

September 2024

  • Update report based on comments received.
  • Share updated draft of the final report with coalition.
  • Dynamic Coalition call #6

October 2024

  • Update report based on comments received.
  • Share updated draft of the final report with coalition.
  • Dynamic Coalition call #7

November 2024

  • Send final report to graphics designer for layout.
  • Finalize draft annual report and work on plan for IGF engagement.
  • Dynamic Coalition call #8

December 2024

  • Hold in-person coalition meeting at the UN IGF in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to present annual report, and to ensure other IGF activities are familiar with the coalition’s work.


Mailing List


  • Neema K. Lugangira - member of Parliament, Tanzania
Private Sector 
  • Dr Stephanie Perrin - Palantir
  • Name of Representative Pending - Visa, Inc.
  • Caroline Sinders - Convocation Design + Research
Civil Society
  • Smriti Parsheera - CyberBRICS
  • Vineel Reddy Pindi - Interledger Foundation
  • Raashi Saxena - Accessibility Lab
  • Nasser Eledroos - Color of Change
  • Name of Representative Pending - Mojaloop Foundation



Contact Persons: 

  • Ayden Férdeline - Research Fellow, Interledger Foundation - ayden [at] ferdeline [dot] com