Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change


Note: The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during Fifth Meeting of the IGF, in Vilnius. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

>> Good day, everyone.  I'm a little sad it's the last day.  I wanted to share your meeting this afternoon.  And I want to make sure that you can hear me because then that way we're having another meeting inside the audio system in this room.  So, I was told by colleagues that we have to use the room with its interference of another room.  I want to take a little time to make sure you can hear me before we get started.  We have a mic speaker over there and another one over there.  So if you're having difficulty hearing, now's a good opportunity to sit over there, over there or right next to me.
So, it's a new experience for me to come to IGF.  It's a nice play to come to Vilnius and I have to go explore it this evening.  I just wonder if I can get a show of hands to see who is hearing what I'm saying.  Is anybody hearing what I'm saying?  So you're having trouble over there?  I can tell.  If you'd like to move near a speaker, you can then get a better chance to hear us.  Yes.

>> Isn't there supposed to be a working loudspeaker in the microphone so everyone can hear locally?  Can we ask a technician?

>> Tom, I only got 50% of what you said.  You have to speak with your mouth very close to the microphone and quite slowly.

>> I think Christina picked up a point.  I think the last speaker on the microphone is supposed to give you local feedback from the audio, but it does seem to be on.

>> We ask the technician to lower the other microphones, first of all from the other speakers and then we'll try.  Thank you for this adjustment.

>> Actually, we can get on as much as we want.  It's a matter of how we speak.  So do remember to get your mouth very close to the microphone.  Okay.  I think, um, one thing Christina wanted me to say, which is important and that is that we hope to go in to collect your e mail address.  We will send around a sheet of paper and the idea is to informal this so that we can send you information after this session about future projects, briefings, and ideas about internet and climate change.  So, that's our ambition is to follow up this meeting, um, the chance to continue our discussions online afterwards.  So, what I'd like you to do is make the most of your opportunity today to see each other face to face.  I'm not going to disappear immediately after this session.  Amongst us on the table here are people who have contributed some presentations which we put up on the screen.  All of you are welcome to join in the round table discussion and I'd like you to think about your own personal activity in their internet and climate change.  Everybody has a computer and connection to the internet and can control the amount of energy that you use and pay for.  So, you could start at home, but if you are motivated to move wider and you could look at your own organisation and you can look at your input to international standards with a view to influencing the way the future products are built.  So, my company is called Climate Associates and it was formed by British tech communications who worked on international status for RCT climate changes in BT and we left the organisation under good terms and formed our own company consultancy called Planet Associates Limited with the idea of encouraging organisations and people to implement their own carbon reduction initiatives and implement those initiatives to their clients.  So in any profits we get, we put them back into meetings such as this which come on a voluntary basis.  So, I'm here because I want to be, not because anybody can paying me.  We have introduction, a round table which means that all of you can get a chance to speak in this embarrassing way on the microphone and I'm hoping that each of you will get gradually louder as we get on the phone so we have no difficulty hearing you.  And up there, give your affiliation, your name, and if it's in the climate area, so much the better.  Then we will have some presentations that have been presented for you or prepared for you earlier and then we will have, um, a discussion on next steps of future activities of the coalition of internet and climate change with any other business.  So that's most of the agenda.
I want to ask before I go share with you the detailed line up of presenters whether this needs any adjustment, whether anybody wants to change anything.  Okay.  So that's the basic idea to this.  We got two hours in this room officially.  I don't know what will happen after that.  So, the key objectives of this coalition is to coordinate international of the effort to address the impact of climate change.  So number 1 is to increase awareness of international climate change.  So, if you come to this meeting and you never heard of it before, the connection between internet and climate change, we hope that you will be fine with this idea and will be able to improve the performance of wherever you can in the area of energy requirement and uses of resources to build your internet.  It's the best practice on submissions reduction by each of both and the internet.  I hope you understand what we mean by that.  To identify areas of collaboration among matters.  So, um, we're already had a meeting over coffee of the presenters and some ideas were starting to emerge jointly between one person and another organisation to increase the effectiveness of their internet and climate change mission.  And to other organisations, our side of the IGF who have an impact on climate change.  There are several of the united nations system which is represented here as the host of this coalition.  Looking at our achievement, we have a membership which is now free, but 42 have joined; ten since last year.  So these are people that are willing to operate under the reference on the previous slide.  Share the same objectives.  And that green cred.Ales on the Web Site for the Dynamic Coalition.  If you're on the organisation, you have some green credentials and now's the time to put them forward to Christina.  She put them up along with your company logo.  And there's the ongoing work which needs development and will be the topic of discussion which includes workshopping.  It includes the e mails and collaborative projects.  I say why do we care about energy saving and you don't need to look much further than the fourth IBC assessment report, which is proposed to the reduction of green submissions of 25 to 40% below 19 levels by the year 2020.  And the art of doing this is to, um, try to keep the average global temperature rise below 2 degrees centigrade.  So that's got quite a big impact on climate that has never occurred before as far as we know on the evolution of the planet.  So we're facing a prospect in this generation of more than two degrees rise, which means many people will be suffering.  This is to keep food production and levels of local climate variations when they are included.  So more variability of crops can be expected in the places we normally expect to find it.  And the possibility of run away global warming is not as distant a threat as we may wish.  So, if you do the calculations, then a certain degree rise is theoretically possible than CO2.  But Dr. Hasmiss said the global will be reached by 2016 if levels of green gases and carbon dioxide are not reduced.  So what he's really saying is we don't understand the risks.  Just by doing that, 25 to 40% below 1990 levels isn't necessarily going to maintain the two degrees.  And I know that not so centre will look at venus to try and understand their climate.  What if they got 40 to 50 degrees centigrade on their surface as we have 15?  Our question isn't understood properly.  And what we want to do is make sure that humans can't produce a surface temperature and came to that venus.  But we're approaching.  So there's another side to this story.  One of the drivers across this with fossil fuels and the good news to climate about the it is the oil can't be extracted any faster.  We're reaching the point where we go towards the peek and the production.  So we should see a steady platter and have to share the resources of oil amongst users.  If you go back to oil alone, admissions would be capped at present levels and start to decrease.  That would be natural exhausting of the fossil fuel, but unfortunately for our climate is the cold and oil shell that would be used.  So we have a chance to beat the tipping point that Dr. Hanson knows in 2016 using Cole as an alternative method of doing it.  Unfortunately for us.  And even worse news is that the Cole would not be able to support the type of energy which we have built on one of the natural gas.  It's a thought being protected by one of the differences.  And in the last amount of energy resources, we may well have life on the planet with run away warming.  That's a big risk and that's one that we really need to, um, understand amongst society for community to make sure we do find out what the risks are.  In our own community of internet and information communication continues, we have the view that we can do some good.  So the kind of technologies we need to go forward would be some of the finals to produce the source of sustainable energy, not producing carbon dioxide.  And then we also reduce our dependency on carbon dioxide using Phil working and travel avoidance with electronic conferencing facilities.  Then we go to the detail of the agenda for our session.  You have already seen the outlined agenda.
Now I'll show you the presenters line up that we have and then we'll come after to our round table.  So we have Christina who is right behind me.  She's the person who's made this event possible and she's gonna present the ITEU perspective.  That's international tell communion that's part of the U.N. in umbrella and hopefully we'll have Mr. Regia.  He's going to talk about global sustainability initiative.  And Helen, but she will.  Mr. Tom Lynnstrom, director and government relations.  Ericson and then we have assistant secretary and part of the ministry communications much transport.  And then chief executive from Bangladesh.  After from the OECD is also here to present.  I don't know what there is.  So thank you for coming along.  And the OECD is really important for us because it has notes to pass away forward for the 30 or so countries inside the economic development cast.  And he will tell you more about that.  So now I'd like to move towards our round table and talk about my first slide.  So you can see it.  Which company are you from and what is your main aim.  So I will give my introduction.  I will switch my microphone off.  What you need to do is within reach.  Get your nose into it and make it lighter with the red light just for the time that you're speaking and then shut down the light.  Okay?  So it's round to Christina who's busy texting and she's not even listening.  Go up there and get ready with your microphone.  Okay.  Let's see what kind of noise you can make, Christina.

>> Christina:  Good afternoon, everyone.  You can hear me?  Yes.  Okay.  Sorry.  We're trying to fix a problem with our presenter.  So, we are delighted to be here today to present to you actually.  I know you have seen this climate change and actually, I would like to start and I need to use your computer because we have to display these lights.  Unless you want to do it.  I would like to start with   

>> Christina, we're doing the round table.  So we can't use your sliced yet.  You're gonna have to wait.

>> Christina:  Sorry.  I was a bit distracted.  So our program is the international tell communication union.

>> You can pass around to the next one?  He's not leaning over enough yet.

>> My name's Eric.  I come from Tanzania.  I will also be following up international association on climate change.  And I assume now as the Chairman of the group of planet change commission.  And, um, it's really good to be here.

>> My    I come from Austria.  So far I was not working on this topic, but I'm interested in what's going on.

>> Hello.  I'm from Bangladesh and so I am a member of this standard ministry.  My interest is because our leader took a lot of interest and she's incorporating Copenhagen and what do you call?  Action plan.  I'm trying to understand how we can implement that action plan and may constitute.  Thanks.

>> Hello.  I'm presenting for one of the universities.  I'm researching a green ICT and user ICT and climate change.  And thanks IT for inviting us.

>> Good afternoon, everybody.  I come from Bangladesh.  Thank you.

>> (Audio is fading in and out) I test the climate changes.  So I come here to listen to you all.  Thank you very much.

>> Know good afternoon, all.  I am from the Department Relations at the World Intellectual property organisation in Geneva.  I follow very closely the UNF triple C organisations and it's good to see Christina here as we collaborate across the street from each other in Geneva.  Thank you.

>> Hello.  Good afternoon.  I'm from Japan.  My office is in the university of technology.  I'm interested in this subject.  I'm curious to know how the ICT will be able to help out.  Okay.  Thank you.

>> Hello.  I am Sue Anderson from the British ministry of science.  I work in the national department of this coalition.  I notice British on the screen.  It should say Danish.

>> Good afternoon.  I work for the Belgium government and I'm in charge with the information issues.  I'm a specialist in the urging climate.  Thank you.

>> I guess it would be me.  I'm John.  I work for Freedom House in Asia in their field office.  I'm generally    I'm new to this issue.  I'm here because I'm interested in internet technologies and how they have access to technology which in turn shakes environmental policy.

>> Good day.  I'm from Lithuania and I'm interested in climate change and what programs you might have.

>> I'm Heather Kreach with the National for Sustainable Development.

>> Hello.  I'm Tom Lynnstrom from Ericson.

>> Hello.  Heather Sillmar from Ghana.

>> I'm here to see what we can do as we have new revelations with respect to climate change.

>> Hello.  I'm working at OCD and one of the main topic on area of work was creating policy analysis.  And currently I'm working on employment issues.  So what is the climate impact creating in our cities.

>> Hello.  Good afternoon.  My name is Arthur.  I'm also work at the OCD.  I just want to say on the remarks, we're 33 members now.  That means Sonia, Slovenia and Israel will join this year.  The OCDs is, um, an organisation that has let's say 33 members, but in general for example, we have four of these that we worry about exchanging.  We're also very happy to work with the ITU together with climate changes use.  Ah, thank you.

>> Good afternoon.  I am    I come from the ministry of communication and information technology in Egypt.  And I am part of the ICT team of ministry.  Thank you.

>> Hello.  I'm a computer engineer.  I hope one participation will be fine.  Thank you.

>> Thank you for being so bold to take a microphone in this way.  Hopefully you'll be able to join our e mail list.  Officially, we ask that you be able to follow up on some of the discussions that we'll have this afternoon.  Now, I would like to move to our presentations and we're gonna start by the remote one or with Christina.  I don't know the situation regarding Donelo, the second one of the artists.  We may go to speak to us.  Not yet.  So, I think we're going to go to Christina, the first one on our list who is the group coordinator from the tell communications talent bureau, TSB of ITU in Geneva.  But the TSB keeps them in order and does a lot of work inside the U.N. and on that side coordinating to publicize the work and make it be more widely adopted.  So I'm gonna close down my presentation and move to her's.  So now I want to see why Christina is and we'll get situated over a microphone.  Um, or else she can come and sit here and flip the sides.

>> Christina:  Good evening, everyone.  We provide you all with examples of our ICTs and kind of used to climate change.  I would like to start.  I know we have the internet for a great opportunity for keeping the action actually.  I think it's a good opportunity for both representatives from the ICT representative as well as environmental ministries to speak and use this opportunity to share experiences and how we are all together using also this platform.  And let me start by saying that, um, as many of you know, usually climate change issues are being debated and the united nation climate change conference.  So I would call this from the U.N.F. and all U.N. agents actually as well as civil society, SET industry, parties that are contributing to the development.  My first line actually is a line of how this towards can work together and how ICTs can be a key tool will in areas of the very action plan.  So for example, a shared vision and mitigation administration or technology involvement and transfer.  And here let me say that our colleagues we work very closely with them on these areas well as science and data.  We have colleagues from the logical organisation.  Usually, we conclude the presentation we have.  Instead we decided to reverse the order.  Climate change is not an issue certainly, but even more at the U.N. level, he's leading a process and I think it's one of the few issues that we say is gaining and gaining much more attention from media as well as from the general topic because we do realize the latest developments in Pakistan or tie heat or in Chile there is a real problem for countries that needs to be faced and a challenge.  I start talking about one of the fewers of the action plans.  So specifically our mitigation and I must say that the mitigation organisation is one of the three sectors actually of the ITU.  The ITU is the U.N. agency and actually with 192 members and more sector members.  So they also represent the ICT industry.  This is quite unique in the U.N. system and is specifically in TSB.  We work a lot on developing international standards and one of the things that also that are certainly useful for you as well as what we are doing is to have next generation which are able to reduce the power consumption to 40%.  But we also have some work specifically in the developmental standards as well as the policies on recycling and more roughly on our analysis.  And all new standards are now checked for energy efficiency.  So it's a corporate process that goes across the different study groups of the ITT as specifically as our membership is very hard committed to climate change creating the specific study group.  Study group five on environment climate change.  So with respect to the ITT study room five started its work formally enabled 2009, but in reality, he narrated most on of the deliverables from the focus group which was created in 2008 and it was tracked by our Chairman.  So this focus group produced for deliverables and the deliverables have now been included in the work program of the study group.  And specifically, I won't mention that there will be a next meeting that we'll have at the end of the months and another one that is let's say the ITT side.  They will be held from the 25 of November to the 1st of December.  Specifically, ITT sector 5 is a working part that deals with five questions on climate change and one of these is a target that he gave to the development of the global methodology for environmentally assessment of ICT services, ICT projectings and ICT organisations, ICT countries and I must say that the reason of the goals to have the methodologies ICT in cities.  The methodology is very important because where you develop projects and especially when you want to know exactly how for example the ICT can help an action of the missions just to give you an example.  What does it mean using to replace trouble.  How you can measure and how you can quantify the reaction of the missions and also to calculate the Emissions of the ICT factory itself.  So actually what we are trying to do also is we're trying to establish a sort of business case to go with and this work is being carried out with more of the organisations and more traditionals key stake holders ranging from countries, academia, ICT industry as well as an active contribution from all the U.N. agencies.
One of the key activities that ITT does is have the establishment from all the coordination climate change and the objective of these platform is atomic, but also to see collaboration from external areas including members of the organisation.  So actually everyone can participate in this and share views, exchange knowledge and this is important because as I said, this is an interest that is to resolve the two different roles in the environment and ICT industry.  The next meeting where you are all invited because there will be also possibility to a family remotely where we have actually of the 29th of September.  Physically it be out in Rome and we will    it will be a possibility for more participation.  And just to give you one of the key concrete examples of what the work of that TSB meeting in this area is for example a standard for a universal charge, which was approving match 2010.  Actually, whatever you mean that standard for universal chart it means that in the future, you will not be obliged to carry out your luggage two different charges if you have two mobile homes for example.  You won't be able to use the charger for different mobile phones.  It impacts directly above E waste because clearly, it's having one charger instead of one.  This slide gives you an idea with two pictures that instead of having your bag full of charges, you will have one charger and this is an activity that's been carried out in cooperation with the ICT industry.  There is also identification and priority.  So for example, there is a new group that I have been creating and the next meeting will be held in January 2011.  The focus group is for everyone.  It is another opportunity are it all of to you work and contribute and also in smart building and transfer assistance or remote merging technologies.  So again for example, standards were also relating to the policies to see how this technologies and this new sectors can help in their action and Emissions.  So ICT can be an enabling tool in respect a direct tool.  Going to the areas of the early framework, there is also adaptation and again, ICTs can be extremely helpful.  For example, when disaster strikes, how ICTs can help.  So, for example, our development sector is heavily involved in providing actual assistance to developing countries and immediately supporting to get the things that have been running.  So mitigation can't be guaranteed, but also there is as framework that they put in place.  So, for example, providing countries with policies so that they can react, but they also can prevent disasters, which is extremely important and it is also having involvement that around country    sorry.  To assess the contribution the ICTs can make to reduce HGH admissions.  So for example what, we do is, ah, specifically we develop recommendations for new technologies and also we focus on providing evolution for good additional things as well as working very closely to provide climate services information.  Continue is as such and we have a framework that was set up by our    we have very easily collaborate and the celebrate the world and we also working together with the unit in the environment.  And we were extremely asking that the U.N. trying to raise awareness and new ICTs can be able to.  They have an organisation to help with some organisations that are extremely important.  They're very much committed.  Therefore, I must say that the IT omissions are actually for staff members here and are 60% below the U.N. average and decreasing.  We are obliged to choose as a first option to train instead of, for example, um, planes.  There are other measures that we put in place, like for example, we organise the symposium last year in Korea and that was a great example.  Actually, none of us flew and participated.  They're from New York and he was at that time in New York and it was in Geneva.  But it is also a new thing in having meetings.  Even meetings where our membership is deciding help pay the less and that's a great airport.  But also as part of the mandate, we raise awareness and actually, I would like to invite you to join us at the IT trace event which will be held in New York on the 24th of September during the climate peek in New York.  This workshop will present studies and discuss forward how this methodology, for example, can be used by companies and those applied by countries N. collaboration with the ministry on the environment and ministry of meetings, I am very pleased to say that I represented from Egypt with us to organise the symposium of ICTs and the environment of climate change which will be    it is a kind of road map which will be actually a set of recommendations for action.  And with our colleagues from the world intellectual property organisation rule out together and during the next round we will see negotiations which we'll be having in China on the second.  We will organise again to enforce the message that we need to promote the importance of ICTs.  We will have a climate change to all of our sectors.  Sources say this is a great opportunity to share knowledge and experience.  ICTs play a hero in the technology industry to reduce Emissions.  We choose.  For example a disaster strikes, we're able to react immediately and again, it's a contribution that specifically the UTs are giving and go back in climate change.  We're working to develop every methodology and also measure the climate change and have more energy efficiency process.  But thank you very much.  There are some extras that I will put on the Web Site and actually our presentation and all the presentations of the speakers will be posted on the Web Site.  And if you have any additional material, please send it to me and it will be made available.  Thank you very much.  

>> Okay.  We have time for one question.  We with would like to move on.  So, is there any quick comment to Christina?  We'll be having a discussion anyway at the end of this session.  So, Danilo is online now.  Can you hear me?

>> Yes.  Can you hear me?

>> Danilo, let me give you a brief introduction.  You have been a member of the global sustainability initiative since it's inception and before that, you're in a sustainability working group with the European tech communications network operators associations since 1997.  So I think you have probably been in the ICT climate change arena for any of us in this room.  So I would like to hand over the microphone for you to make your presentation.  We're gonna see how well it works.  We have slides, I think, locally.  I wanted to put your picture on the screen remotely.  So let's see how we go.

>> Thank you very much.  Allow me to thank you all very much.  And (low sound) we can see today that this is not the case.  Fortunately, I have received things.  I can share all my thoughts with you, but also my presentation.  Above the share, we have things here myself.  It is much better in the groups.  Okay.  We move on.  (Audio is fading in and out) also in the actions, you have solutions to certain issues that are charged.  (low sound) seems the climate change is actually one of the things and one opportunity and one challenge where ICT and opportunities have joined support.  We had a very important issue, which was above to measure up the results.  It is a (low sound) we have Emission savings, costs.  We just look at United States situation.  We have from 140 billion plus dollars to 2020.  On the slide, you can see it's an area where it would be broken down.  I won't go into the details.  You'll find everything (Audio is fading in and out) you'll see individual constitutions from areas and we also have to, you know, form the areas and we expect it to be safe and smart solutions.  (low sound) another thing is identifying the kind of support the government generates and they're expected to provide in order to make things happen.  Make sure that the IC prevention in the sectors identify.  We have framework and there's a solution made specifically for the policies that address the economic and behavioral challenges.  We have all these reports we have to face the lack of policy commercial assessment.  They actually recognize that the report and your line policies and opportunities itself was quite significant and received the very policy.  Ultimately, we have other states that measure and have reaction to rising solutions.  Therefore, they study to create five primary objectives.  The first which is right on target.  They have existing methodologies.  Even when you want to go out, we just want to look at work and that organisation that we're doing to get those already reserved there.  Second, I have the key characteristics of existing methodologies.  Third, developing across for the use and an article for next step methodology and methodology that must be pragmatic and at the same time must be widely used.  We wanted to test the methodology by applying it to the service.  We have six case studies where methodology was bright and we looked at how it was working and the obstacles and how we can ultimately be doing that as well.  Finally, we have issues for organisations.  Where do we go from here.  The study 18 or 19 companies ranging from service providers to manufacturers to software companies as well as investigating association say hey, you see a picture on the screen.  We're having to prepare the study.  And, ah, I represented this with such companies which represent most aspects of the IC industry.  They're very comprehensive inputting study.  In addition, we also incorporated contributions of those ICTs and ACL experts as well as organisations.  Christina herself was involved in a study.  They reviewed a number of methodologies and there were quite a few across the world.  There were several organisation thinking about methodologies and they are in the association as well as (low sound)    but actually, we expect an obligation and it's ranging from later this year to a couple years from now.  It has not been dated to one of the methodologies.  But, you know, ah, the tight market in this session we just speak about a challenge close to the ICT sector and information recommendation this last year.  And we see that it's absolutely important developed with a comprehensive and pragmatic organisation.  So the team can look at performance build up.  It was very important and keep in mind there were eight specific needs to be meeting and provide a pragmatic technology.  Second, you need to be burdened with it, the burden of assessment and resources asking that.  This was accomplished by excluding the assessment and digital compliance.  Third, it needed to be detected with the communication and approach to the very audience.  Fourth, it needed to be fixed for various (low sound) it needed to be a little closer to the others.  It should be applied to develop as well as merging and development.  So the case study and the team looked at both.  They needed to be general and they take that option and also they needed to keep that.  They process the ICT industry.  They needed to get guidance in the industry for the process.  These are the development.  And finally, they needed to be ISO 2010 standards and it also needed specific guidance.  Now, the case studies.  You have 30 potential case studies only seeks case studies up here.  They recognize to show up and, ah, they have a number of ICTs in the areas such as the matter of organisations and logistics and small transformation.  They have associations and solutions applied to the business and start it.  They have technologies.  The resources for all the case studies were a number of participating and resources.  The next slide you seed path that we follow beginning with 30 case studies and coming down to 9 and then keeping only 6 because they were aware that BNC data was available.  They were represented with memory which they brought the scope and also the measurement scope.  There is the review and the value of case studies.  They have different areas and apply different locations as best by different organisation ranging from a whole large one and creating contributions and questions and target solutions.  What's important is that methodology between situations before the application of the smart ICU solution and the application with the smart IT solution.  But just to give you an idea if you look at the first one, ah, it was the producer and consumer ready trained of potentials from ICT.  We estimated that the effect was reduced by four point fourth degree we provide the household per year.  You have seen that methodology and it is very common.  How it works?  Well, the process of three steps by defining the leading assessment and the third one is assessing the resulting.  Within each of these steps, there are 2,000 steps where they should be integrated.  Methodology is based on life cycle approach, which is why it changes in the system and resulting in the IT solution.  For example, in participation, they're using remote connection.  If it works, there is a standard travel by plane or train or car.  They involve in the studies and define in the studies and the audience option.  There is three factors.  They have a decision making process which we make in the sense to the architecture and they have admissions that are included in the assets.  Now moving forward.
There are four main areas that we want to take this methodology next and the application.  The first area is the governmental edition of the case studies.  There are many old areas than just those seeking a configuration and the case studies examined.  It must be identified.  This was demonstrators and successful methodologies, but also have certain things using and they won't settle for the solutions.  The second area is a shared area.  As soon as it is increasing, it becomes more and more available and accessible.  They are able to capture in the case studies and they share and collected the application of the methodologies in the assessment.  The third area is assessment tools and databases.  What make its related out there is methodology provides some tips and tools about merging.  It is really important they can be made possible by the availability and also available tools.  For example, it is just here.  We have an application over the methodology in the process.  And the standardization of it and life cycle process which I will assess.  Well, I won't any further.  I don't want to bore you.  We have access the specific Web Sites to everything which is around.  From that page, everyone can now report on the work sheet and you have the latest case studies.  Watch the video on what's interesting and it is kept update the.  This page will have many visibility and we will have methodology out there.  Thank you very much and for your attention.  If any details, please visit web page and download.

>> Thank you for your presentation.  We have about 20, 25 people here in the room.  We're looking at    we're looking at a screen following your discussion which provides us with the English words on a prompt, which is quite interesting.  We also have your presentation in front of us or did have.  I've got one question.  I'm not sure how well you go to participate in the discussion when we complete our presentation.  So I'm asking now.  Quite a lot of us are from what we call developing countries have yet to reach the high energy intensity western developed countries are familiar with.  Now in the smart 20 report, the use of ICT is going to have up to five times of energy reduction.  So it's some energy in terms of carbon footprint can lead to five times reduction in another sector.  And I'm just wondering if you have any tips to pass on to, um, such developing countries who haven't yet got the intensity that everyone else has.  Factor 5 may change.  They may not have hugely developed transport systems yet.  So, it's the only thing there for them they need to note.  Thank you for that question, Daniel.

>> I have a question.  Of course.  Actually, start increasing your energy consumption and the services and noble practices.  But in order to do that, I understand that the technologies    this is where proper globalment and organisations can reach out, but there must be    I suppose it can be done.  This is actually not that difficult.

>> Okay.  I think you may have given us some indication of how we can use ICT to general advantage over other ways of consuming fossil fuel energy for example.  So it's something good for all countries to have a super ICT infrastructure.  Thank you for your presentation and if you're able to join us online, well, that's fine.  Otherwise, I will leave you to go back to your business of the afternoon.  Now, I'd like to move on to our next presenter who is Miss Helen.  Almost next to me in the red.  She's going to present a perspective of climate change on the ICT industry.

>> Helen:  Thank you.  I'm here to talk about importance.  That's a collaboration between    we need that project and the project management structure.  This project is a project to integrate climate change into tell communication industry.  It's beg implemented within 6 months.  After the conference, they have 15 climate change conference held in Copenhagen 2009.  It's a private sector.  They have responded to global climate change.  This project is completed will strengthen the capacity of stake holders incorporating with climate shops.  They have industry scales and technology to respond to climate change.  It's quite a broad objective.  So there is a need for us to tailor out this project so that we really know what's coming.  We notice that the tell communication companies fix it of climate change.  [INAUDIBLE] like any other company, any other industry, tell communication are subject to climate change.  We also realize that as heroes unlike other industries, tell communication has the path of the solution.  Tell communication can help the way we plea and plea and have realizations and have other sectors of the company.  The implemented institution for this project is that with the support of Ghana.  They are leading and implementing and are supported by the ministry of communication, which is represented in Ghana by the international tell communication union.  And the Ghana legions and the Ghana national reserve management organisation.  The implemented one is for two years and the project cost is approximately $100,000 U.S. dollars.  The beginning of activities will be looking at history fueled and collect the climate change and tell communication industry.  We also want to determine tell communication activities that contribute to all and the impacted by climate change.  Also I will conduct with the [INAUDIBLE] to using tell communication in support of disease reduction and management.  And there is also the need of training of tell communication aspects.  The output of the projects now will be looking out as using tell communication to monitor and adapting to climate change.  We want to establish links from tell communication centres of climate change issues.  One is also to create awareness of climate change activity for things.  In addition, we create a Web Site.  That is WWW.EPA.com.  Some of the assumptions we'll be looking at some of the risks disregarded is some elements of activities we already have been taking place.  This is implemented strategy assumes that some data exists.  The activity therefore is to test this assumption.  Mainstream activities while implementing the various activities with respect to networking.  Establishment of mechanism for harmonizing information.  Development of centres.  Prototyping and information service.  Development appropriate methodologies to support these activities.  The key issues to be addressed will include what are the issues relating to the climate change in tell communication.  What organisation and companies will be coordinating with the process?  What will be required and how will capacity meet the needs?  The project structure.  That's ran by a team.  Which provides the project?  And the members of the steering committee includes the ministry of hope, and the last is organisation.  And we have two of them.  We implemented this project and we'll be reporting everything to the steering committee.  At the end of the project, we hope our DPA for the first time will be having climate change issues.  We hope they will know about what the climate change and all that is about it.  We also hope that there will be the need to escape and adapt to climate change issues.  Thank you.

>> Thank you very much, Helen, for making that presentation.  I don't know if anyone has a quick question.  I think we'll hear some other presentations in this kind of area.  So I think you should be good if we discuss the issue of developing countries later.  So, the next person to speak is Tom Lynnstom from Ericson.  He's the director of government relations.  Before that, he's had work in the area of radio spectrum and has had some success in providing spectrum for, um, data networks over wireless.  He's got a presentation entitled activities addressing climate change.  I think you can give it from your own position.  Tom?

>> Tom:  Yes.  That's convenient.

>> We'll be flicking the slides over from this side.

>> Tom:  That's good.  It is a pleasure being here.  I want to say what we're doing in Ericson to reduce climate and also I think what our products can do in other sectors of the industry.  First I want it tell you that Ericson you might think that we're a manufacturer of mobile phones.  That's in fact not correct.  This is a company which we own half of.  Ericson is the major supplier of the manufacturer of mobile phones which they connect to each other and to the internet.  We also do all sorts of other ICT equipment everything from TV coding machinery to delivery networks and fiber networks, et cetera.  So, that's why our company is difficult to the next slide.  This is just to illustrate we're well known now that the ICT sector accounts for about 2% of the mobile CO2 Emissions.  And this mobile tell comps is about 0.2%.  And then the rest is sort of ICT in general with data centres, et cetera.  But the main part of the CO2 Emissions global is, of course, from other sectors and globally.  This is the part with just the important one where we want to reuse because this is why we have sort of all the major polluting industry industries.  And that's, of course, where we can get the most leverage.  So we move on to the next slide.  To put our interest and our contribution to using CO2 load into perspective is to show you this slide.  This is all projection of how the broadband access connections in the world will look in the future and here starting this year, about half of all the broadband connections, that's half of all.  So the internet connection as well will be wireless systems.  Most of those with technologies.  As we go along in 2015, it's protected as about 80% of all global broadband connections that will be two wireless systems.  So this we think is important because it means that a company that provides 40% of the mobile infrastructure if all can be used in the consumer and the things we consume when we build them can make a huge impact on the climate load from the world's broadband systems.  So, on the next slide, this is our own foot print and when we say our own foot print, we mean actually the whole life cycle "minerals that are getting to the level and used in our products.  So, our whole supply chain, all of our own activities and also all of the activities of all the operators of various types that you sell products and the use of those products and finally a little positive when we have the recycling of other products.  And here the important thing is that the major climate load, CO2 footprint comes from the operation of the product.  So that's come the base stations and fiber systems and electronics actually is working.  So, this means that it's very important that we get a reduction in the climate load from the products when they are actually in use.  So, going to the next slide.
This is the key performance indicators and the targets that we set for the common intensity in our products.  And when you    at this slide, the darker room colors here show the carbon intensity of the products that we make when they in operation and this is sort of the normalized carbon intensity per specific capacity in a system which you can think about it as a subscriber or something.  So you can see that this has been reducing over the years and last year, we set ourselves the target to reduce the carbon intensity by 40% over 5 years with 2008 as the baseline.  And actually, from 2008 to 2009, we managed to make a 15% reduction.  So we were well on track to achieve that 40% reduction in the carbon intensity.  The lighter blue represent our own activities.  So Ericson and we have the same target there and then we achieve the 20% reduction in the first year.  So we're all hopeful that in that respect we'll be able to reach this target.  The line in the top of the chart here shows how the total activities of our companies, the CO2 load per net sales that we're having.  So you see the development is that internal sales and our activities are getting more and more, less and less carbon intensity.  So even though we have    this is actually larger sales this year than the five years ago.  We still have the same carbon load from that.  So if you go to the next slide, this is the main principal that we apply to really get, as I mentioned, the main load that is from the operational products.  So it's very important that we can convince major ICT operators such as mobile operators to really use the most energy efficient products.  This is something we would do and reduces their total cost of ownership.  So we see another win win situation where if we can reduce their total cost of ownership and at the same time reduce the carbon footprint, that would be an excellent outcome.  Wait till you do this is to make sure we modernize and optimize the networks as far as possible and there are many different things you can do in addition to just building the better electronics.  It is also excessive to turn off things and optimizing networks during nighttime whether there are fewer users and you turn off parts of the network or you have sleep mode and turn them on when you actually have traffic.  Another method is to make sure you have more a sharing assets and resources.  So, I mean, when you see globally, they share networks and that's really a positive thing from a climate point of view.  And finally the third method is to make sure you change the things that power the networks.  So we provide both solar and wind power alternatives to the base stations that go out in the geography.  It turns out that actually for some operators 40 to 50% or their operational cost is energy related.  So they are routine to reduce their costs.  So, in the next slide, we show that the basic form is that, of course, we want to reduce the amount of energy and we have traffic that we get out of the network and if we can provide the most efficient network in this way, we really have a positive form to bring to the market.  So turning to how our products and ICT products in general can help reduce the climate load in other sectors and, of course, it's important that all sectors really improve their energy efficiency, but if you think about the case where you have    when you improve the energy efficiency or say the cars that transport media, that's incremental change you can achieve.  But if you instead completely take away the need for say one and buy a car and reduce that electronic communication, you have a transformational change where you reduce most of that climate load for that.  It was mentioned earlier here that the smart 2020 study shows that you can actually achieve about 15% CO2 savings by 2020 if United States buy an ICT and this actually corresponds to about 600 billion Euros in savings.  It turns out it's saving CO2 is actually a good business proposition.  The next thing we want you to bring up is that this is actually a chart (   telling us that she's been studying how technology develops and implementing in society.  It turns out that there are    for each of the industry revolutions where we believe that the IT and telecoms the latest ones beginning with the semi conductors and micro processors.  Each of these revolutions has two different areas.  One is the installation phase where you start building up and use in the systems.  And then you reach an infection point where you start seeing use of this new technology in all aspects and all sectors of society.  And that's where we really see the big impact from this technology and for ICT.  We have that point where everyone is talking about how will the internet and how will communication continues be used in all sorts of industry.  So this will provide a big opportunity to really have this enabling effect in other sectors.  So the next slide shows our analysis show that anything that benefits from another connection will be connected in the future and if you think about it, initially you connect it to places with the fixed network and letting the ATs and ITs we saw of the mobile communications and now you can start to connect.  What's happening right now is that you're starting to connect the things.  So, this is actually a very positive thing we think.  Of course, there will be more things produced in which they consume energy, but more importantly, these things which are not connected to be in sectors where they actually save energy.  So, you heard about the components in all the electrical system will talk to each other so you can have that management of power production and power use, but also that household appliances can be monitored and only run when you have surface energy in that peek load times, et cetera.  So, this is a very good development that supports the reduction on the climate load.  So, on the next slide, we just took out of a big portfolio cases two examples of where we have been active and trying to reduce the climate load and assessing the positives of that.  The first one, top one here is in Croatia where all of the primary healthcare and units were connected to a national assistance that had patience and journals, et cetera.  If you look at referrals and Eco structure side of that and calculate the CO2 reduction from not printing paper and not having people traveling to pick up the referral and then travel again to a second time to the pharmacy.  You will see that the CO2 load you created in installing this system you win back with a factor of 15 in the savings that you have from less transport and less printing and less everything else.  The second example is with Sweden.  They had customers to have a project do smarter work in their own operations.  During this past, they have office space reduction of 50% and the travel reduction of 40 to 45%.  And this is both the own travel to and from the office where they promoted tell working and tell conference and these are two examples where you can really reduce the climate load by using, ah, ICT equipment.  I think we'll skip the next slide.  You can see it on the Web Site.  This was just the calculation on the case of how the factor 50 came from the savings compared to the added use of the computer systems.  So finally, we think that energy efficiency is really a key factor when we assess address of our own footprint.  We think that ICT really is part of the overall challenge globally to reduce the climate impact of our activities.  We think that there is a good methodologies to assess the impact as Jesse report mention the earlier also talks in more detail about.  So thank you.  That's our contribution.

>> Thank you, Tom.  Does anyone have a question for Tom before we move on to the next presentation that I think Christina is going to give out on the slide    on the screen in a moment.  So, Tom, key slide you showed earlier was increasing volume of broadband connections which are going to wireless.  You have the infrastructure and they're going to use these two and have maximum resilience and so on.

>> Tom:  Yes.  I can say a few words about that.  I think the reason that you'll see such a dominance of wireless mobile systems to full broadband connections is that developing countries never got around to building much of a fixed network and actually, if you look even in well developed countries, I happen to know the example of Spain.  They don't reach more than 34% of the population penetration of the fixed network meaning that 34% of the population had a telephone subscription.  Only a few countries reached close to 100%, but most countries reached very low levels.  So to have any communications, you would build a wireless system and the cost to build the wireless system is much lower, of course, than building anything which is wired.  Then, of course, we need to consider that you need communications to the base stations, but that's much fewer points in the geography than having a connection to every household.  You asked about the benefits to developing countries and we have a lot of examples of good benefits.  Actually, if you go to our Web Site Ericson.com and look for governments, you will find that a lot of examples and I just mentioned at least one where we have    where even rural areas that now have mobile coverage by getting simple information about, ah, the next phase and weeks whether you can know when to redo the harvest instead of doing it at the wrong time.  You can find that information about the market prices in different locations so you know where to land your Fisherman's catch.  You have benefits from already very minor communications by SMSs or GPRs data collection.  And this will, of course, save not only time and money, but also a lot of the trips where you go to market to find some goods that are not available.  So, I mean, in general, this was showing already half a century ago where it became widespread globally and lowers the transaction cost in the economy.  This is why communications is a very important factory in the economic and societal development.  So, when you can reduce the transaction cost, you get over positive benefits on your growth.  So there are very    a lot of the studies show that if you increase the broadband penetration, you increase both the GDT and you create more jobs.  So, they have study by the world bank which shows this and there are a multitude of studies that confirm this.

>> Okay.  Thank you, Tom.  Now, we'd like to move on to our next presentation which we have two presenters.  This is professor that signs in communication technology and the undergraduate program of the Asian university in Bangladesh.  The other presenter is chief executive officer of Bangladesh that works for radio communication.  So I think we are going to take it in turns.  I think also we're represented by at least one    so two.  So we have a very good representation from that country.  So, um, fine.

>> Thank you.  I will try to forget about the slides and we'll focus on a couple of major issues.  First of all, the continuation to the speaker when he was citing    we also need to look into other infrastructure and the basic capacities so that we can have a sustainable overall level development.  When we talk about ICT and how we need to look forward in the Emerge economy, it's a tough task.  It's easy to say that to be done.  We need our infrastructure.  We need our communication and if we started doing it in another way, is it a better way for us?  Certainly, but is it physical for us?  That's something and another question.  And if I'm looking at for a practitioner point of view, I have a different answer.  Instead I'm looking at it from another point of view.  And certainly our policymakers here who are actually    I'm mention the way forward, ITS.  When we talk about ICT, definitely we need networks.  We don't want the reinvention of the wheel.  For many of the teams, we are not even a part of.  So when we talk about climate change, when we talk about internally displaced corporation or where they are focused on and when we talk about insuring access and availability and affordability of communication, um, we need to know from each other.  I would love to know more from what you are doing and we need to share in Bangladesh in terms of that.  We talked about it.  We had a formal chat with the Chairman and all the speakers.  It was very productive.  We sort out some of the needs and how we can now look forward.  Another thing that we think should be there is localizing on the solutions.  When we talk about technology solutions, when we talk about implement friendly solutions, maybe it can't get the original analysis, but what happened on half of the continent may have some overlap, but we need our own solution.  So, if we just quickly go through the situation, we know we are one of the most valuable countries in terms of cycle and drop and what not.  When we talk about all of ICT in the climate change as a change maker, we want to see within our country or region and how we can reach the divide.  More importantly, we want to empower the base of the pyramid population, what really matters to us.  So, this is just one of things you can find it online.  We are seeing the learning curve of the internalizing ICT for climate change.  So you have from your left to right.  If you go, you have the first, second and third and she's actually between one and two.  We move forward to that more extreme right where the society has all of them.  The society know in general what needs to be done and we have our own set of solutions.  So, when we talk about key challenges, definitely raise awareness of the televised to solve problems and we need the climate change there.  We see it in the global south.  And also as I mentioned before, the sense of ownership has to be there.  It's not that it's us versus them.  It's here in this world.  We are all linked together and we absorb it together.  And when we talk about strategy clarities, we are, um, doing some critical work in that regard.  We have the parliament here and we can shed more light on that.  We have our own framework.  We have different sectors where, ah, our parliament and different policy making organisations are working with private sector, not governing sectors.  We are looking for convergence.  We're looking for self knowledge network.  And we are looking for adaptation in communication and also technology corporation.  So the localization is there.  And in terms of way forward, I think we have some practitioners very practical point of view.

>> Thank you for your nice presentation.  This one is a separate presentation.  This one is part of the other presentation.  So I would like to share with you a process.  Number 1, communication and the second is part of the technology transfer.  So for the damage transfer, we believe that corporation and the last one.  Now, we will see how we use ICD in that area.  We have already mentioned in validation we have a 64 distinct.  This is our 64 distinct.  There are 20 districts basically in an area and our own people will become climate revolution.  So, this is a very    this is regarding using ICD.  This is our building purpose and also since the society and private sector has some media and side by side with motivational activities in a sense of the areas.  We have international community to support like knowledge technology.  We believe the technology corporation.  In process of that, there's a huge business involvement.  We have the topology corporation and there is a partnership.  There is the knowledge sharing like my friend.  So the corporations and we believe the technology and meth technology transfer and now we believe technology corporation.  So that community can help us regarding technology so that we can take it from there.  Now I plan to sharing specific activities regarding other activities in our countries.  So we can share international communities.  We can recommend our best participants regarding ICD and regarding other activities.  And then we initiate from the project and by the organisation tools for learning from them.  We started    we started as through conservation at that climate and sent it to areas so that people are easy on this work regarding that sense.  We see the organisation as a counter part of other activities.  We start with people that meet the program in our countries and also in other countries also.  There is a very big gap because between the program and I know it meets some peoples needs.  We see it between people's needs and the development program and also the descendents.  We can provide support to development programs for order names and initiate.  We design innovative programs.  We support and also international community.  And we start private partnership program and also regular monitoring.  So I think they're building a very significant rule.  What we believe in the industries.  Thank you very much.  Thanks to all of parliament.  And thanks to Monica for writing this session.

>> Thank you for your presentations and I do have to apologize that we're running late with our presentations than we anticipated.  So I'm not sure how long we have in this room.  I'm here as long as necessary because this is the same to you.  My holiday and relaxation where I'd rather be.  I will try to keep things moving if possible.  So who's next?  Heather.  I know you've been sitting there waiting.  It's now your opportunity.  She's the director of global connectivity in the international institute for sustainability.  I heard too much about the special person on the aims of the organisation.  She is involved in networks and partnerships and internet connector engagement of policy support and having a leadership for the network age of the topography.  Let us   

>> I am and I'm not going to show my presentation.  I will talk for a few minutes.  Thank you for your kind introduction.  How many of you around the table know ISD outside of the work that we've done here with the internet governments form?  Then let me give you very, very brief overview.  We are a policy research organisation.  We work on a wide range of sustainable development issues, but something that would be of particular importance to all of you if you're following the climate negotiations is our flagship publication called the earth negotiation bulletin.  This is basically the answer of development negotiations.  We have special status with the Secretariats of the major development conventions.  What we do is we have access to all of the open and the closed meetings as well that a team of writers that sit at the back of the room and take minutes.  And then we prepare daily summaries and then an analysis at the end of every meeting, every conference at parties, every meeting at the parties and so forth.  And in particular, we cover the U.N. framework conventional climate change.  I mentioned this because most of you who are interested in the context and the status of the negotiations, the best place to go to get an assessment of that is here with the negotiations bulletin.  We are the organisation of record.  We also compile a lot of auxillary information around the negotiations that are out to climate change context and we receive a lot of support from the highest levels of the U.N. system to publish that through something called Climate Now.  If you go to the URL www.climate L.org, you will apply to all things related to the negotiated context.  In addition to that, we work on a wide range of climate change issues.  We work on adaptation.  We're involved in the community risk assessment and screening tool for adaptation.  We work on a north American energy regime.  We also provide background advice to various governments on the emergence of the post regime.  So we're very much involved in climate change at the policy level.  My team looks in a very focused way at some emerge issues of ICTs and climate change.  Some of you have decided on the OECD workshop this morning when I was talking about the latest study that we just completed, but whether it's a business case through carbon credits for reducing green house gas Emissions in data centres.  This was a Canadian study.  We looked at medium size data centres operated by the universities and three locations in Canada and without going into all of the detail of this, we do a carbon foot print analysis.  We compared the available tons of CO2 for reduction.  We use the only firm number we have in Canada right now for carbon pricing which is a ton.  We have zero Emissions status centre and we changed the final conclusion that there is no business case for credits for accelerations.  So this is quite a definitive finding in this.  Our study will be published on our Web Site probably within 24 hours where you will get a chance to look at health doing and the findings.  It was useful.  It was one of those exercises where there is aspirational ideas, fantasies of some types of how data centres can operate finance through training regimes and that simply isn't from our study.  Simply isn't the case.  Now, there may be various other good reasons to go to zero Emission data centres, but it will require other incentives besides carbon credits to make out reality.  One of the issues we looked out very closely was the idea of inter university cooperation and the data centre resources where you will move to a community club.  Now the creating a positive incentive and enabling policy environment to support that is going to require an enormous amount of effort the universities don't give out their assets easily.  You can win very good reasons to rationalize in Canada it's called the fact of education is a provincial jurisdiction.  So financing comes out at the prudential level and so forth.  It was extremely interesting study.  It's nice to get some definitive answers on the table for change instead of someone saying wouldn't it be gate to have a university data centre to play horse and take advantage of that natural cooling and pay for it at $15 a ton for    $15 for a ton of CO2 reduced.  So, let me conclude by saying that my team and I particularly challenged by the fact that the other domains of sustainable development those working in water and climate change and natural resources management and so on are for the most part very disconnected from what is discussed in the ICT and the internet domain and vice versa.  There is a serious divide of interests here and we are very committed to trying to bridge the gap.  Aside from this conference room, our ICTs the internet sustainable development is available for your reading and, ah, by all means, um, again, get in touch with me if you would like to pursue these thoughts further.

>> Know I understand that this transcription that we see on the screen will be made available on the internet.  I think the record of what you just said will be there and I think this is important messages coming through especially the case study on data centre.  It seems to be one of those intuitively wrong solutions to introduce in that way.  So hopefully you come forward with an alternative.  Maybe I should put that to you.  Is it too soon to get an alternative answer?

>> In terms of business incentives?  No, we don't.  I think that's our next step.  I think we need to sit down.  This particular study was done by Canada's research innovation network.  Basically it's the governmental body that puts the fiberoptic network to connect out the universities across the country.  So we need to work with them.  Our proposal is they look at investing in green community clouds because they have some leverage with the universities that they've now connected through optical networks.  But again, when the incentives are going to be when struggles with the idea that regulation is perhaps needed.  Showing there are other ways to encourage    you have these options more carefully.  But that is    it's always important to look at one option and if it's simply not viable to take and focus on what they actually work.  So that's our next step with the industry.

>> Thank you very much, Helen.  I think we need to move on to our next presenter.  We have policy panelists and also in the area of ICT and trying to change.  That is one of the ski spokesman and if not one of the only key spokesman.  Would you like to present to us in some way?

>> We will lower the dimension and I will try to be brief and stay within five minutes.  Thank you for introducing me and I would like to also pass on to some of these my colleague Christian from the OCD who just as myself is working a lot.  We have at least two experts from OCD, if not more.  Are you hearing me well?  I can hear the echo.  OCD works and the environment has been around now for a couple of years and so we've had papers on things green IC policies from governments and Christian can tell you more about that.  We have a report coming out on the general information communication technologies and the relationship to the environment.  That's something I have mainly written and we've had conferences and our latest conference was with the ministry for science technology and innovation.  So it's great to have you here and last year, we had a big conference where everyone was there and it was a very good conference for us to push forward some of the work and especially not only to conference papers, but we were going towards putting some of those things into action.  An action government means policies.  So OCD has issued a policy recommendation where they are basically principals of how governments can use information from technologies to that environment.  We talked before about OCD being in 33 countries and, of course, those are mostly from the industrialized world of developing countries.  Developed countries or I don't know how you would like to call it, but it's true that many of the people are aware around the table here are not, ah, don't come from countries that represent OCD.  They exchange information.  I have the council recommendation here.  This is what the OCD has required and the country governments and, ah, we will be very pleased to engage out further discussions of how this can be relevant or can be made relevant also in other countries where we come closely with colleagues from Egypt and other countries to make that more into developing country context.  Well, I will mention only one which is coordination and coordination especially between ICT, policy communities and other policy communities it means a private change.  And this is something that came out of the club computing earlier this morning that dealt for computing and leaner IT infrastructure.  We had a very interesting mix of people from ICT companies, governments, representatives dealing with ICT policies.  Heather from the ISD.  And we also have an environment policy make up there.  It is all ICT.  It was a very good engaging discussion for us to get a reality check of what we can achieve in terms of helping environment policy makers understand the contributions of ICTs.  And also some of the pitfalls that come from ICTs such as more edger use that we talked about.  So, the issues are really important internally.  We will have the ICT communities and policy networks and external toward the wider audience.  This is all something that we want to work on further.  We'll have more possibilities to explore.  Again, from the countries we have an example from Germany.  There is a very interesting project sponsored by the government, which is called E energy.  This is about information telecommunications technology.  So it is how they interact with electricity.  They provide data and what are the actual benefits and the actual implications and what is am canning out of these projects and so this data    this everyday helps to coordinate    well, later on based on the policies.  So I think we'll see more of this coming.  So we have great examples from the Ghana corporation protection and genetic    what is interestingly important is generate data that can be used.  So, ah, one final note.  In two weeks time, OCD will have a conference and we'll be very pleased because we'll have a gentleman to solve issues about mobility, logistic routes and help ICTs.  So, so far.  Thank you.

>> Thank you for your presentation.  Before this session started, I met with a number of presenters and I topic which came up really in discussion there came from Dr. Fahem.  Something he said rang a bell with me.  What it was was a term of base stations   

>> The BTS, green BTS.  We were talking about it.

>> He mentioned the use of diesel and how that was.  I just wonder if we can have a discussion for a few minutes about how important it would be to go to renewables of solar and wind to power base stations.  Prepare much and the importance of what that might have and making access ubiquitous around the world.

>> We were the four of us and now we are still 6 of us.  So the thing is we also talked about it in the morning session on cloud computing.  The Indian experts were talking about the diesel fuel option in DTS.  You have power cut or central or more hours in a day.  And that's wherever it can happen.  And what happens is like so the cell phone companies we do have a hundred person in the country.  We do have consumers of diesel fuel and it has to be there.  So the largest TSM provider, um, the sister company identified to come up with great BTS.  But, um, it's a feel good concept.  Whether or not, there has some business and sustainability is a thing to see and we are toying the idea of having regulations and by having solar panels, but at the same time, we'll know the thing we started talking about in the representation.  If you really want to have a fast track development and a communication infrastructure to be there and even though we were co locating many providers and they're using the same BTS all because it's a metaphor here.  Whatever communication infrastructure we are talking about, um, having it green.  It's a struggle.  It's morally right, but it's practically possible.

>> You might be able to help.

>> Helen:  Maybe just to cover.  This diesel to cover down the base stations has come up in other countries as well and one of the issues there is not only the reliance of non renewal resource.  It's the fact that they leak.  The parks in protected areas and are not monitored.  And so there are    there are very localized environmental impacts coming out of this and aside from the climate change and energy issue, there are other problems with the energy infrastructure for these things.  One of the issues that we've heard though and the reason why this is continuing is that A, there's not market for solar panels.  B, there's not the, um, technical understanding.  The solar panel technicians available in remote areas.  Or wind technicians available in areas to do the repairs to the local energy sources if repairs are necessary.  So, this is a real problem.  Usually they can find some mechanic to fix the diesel generator because it ubiquitous, but they can't find the technicians that can't find the renewable technologies at this point.  So that's a real barrier to try to go down this road.  Absolutely.  That's the direction it needs to go in, but there are real problems with incentives and training.

>> It would be up to developed countries or developing countries to produce the solution.  Is it a technology problem or a business case problem?

>> Helen:  I think it's both.

>> Is there anyone here who support me in continuing a discussion on our E list that we've compiled for this meeting afterwards on this kind of topic whether we can find a way forward to ubiquitous fossil fuel carbon base fuel stations?  One person interest.  I know Tom had to leave earlier.  There's three.  Yeah.  So    you're interested as well, aren't you, Helen?  Are you interested in this kind of topic as well?  I think so.  So around the table this afternoon, we did have interest in that as a continuing topic for the domain to try and solve.  Whether we get practical and financial solution, I don't know, but I think the price of this diesel is going to come out the next five years.  I think we can make it happen.  Are there any other issues that people have picked out they would like to race for future discussion?

>> Very good evening right now.  One thing I note is that internet computing is a true development.  The benefits are a lot in question.  Um, the contribution of, um    of internet computing to the power footprint has put 2%.  I have somewhere 2% or 5%.  And it should take the end of it.  That is the set of the industry taken together.  And so at the end, I gladly share the realities right here.  Source is telling us that today, the planet is lasting for the last 2,000 years.  We have current trends by the end of the century to be    it tells me less than 2 million.  And so    and where is the carbon footprint of internet is still old on, the pace is increasing and I have Tanzania where usage was only 2,000 people by the year 2000, but last year, it was 520,000.  The pace from 0 in the population to 1.3 in 20 years.  And so the impact of the footprint carbon of the    of the internet computing would be great.  The standard that came out from our colleagues indicates that business is in that option.  This morning in our discussions on this matter, it was raised that perhaps the issue bringing this element within this discussion should be addressed to part of the convention.  I think the secretary does not negotiate.  I think that's the industry that needs to do more.  I think the innovation has been able to bring out should not be focused into bringing solutions becoming transformative force to the climate change.  In my view whether or not business is a non option within the internet with the ICT industry, some incentives needs to be addressed.  Neigh put measures that can protect the environment.  I think it is truly.  We are reducing Emissions from different stations.  Let's not throw the current.  I think movement is still a demonstration.  (Audio is fading in and out) the footprint to which it is bringing to the table in that matter of this is had.

>> Thank you.  Okay.  So I think that is why we're here in a way.  It may be that an e mail discussion after this meeting we may not be able to make huge progress.  Although, I think what you're saying is that you want the visibility of the ICT industry at the level of the UFCC to be higher than it is today.  I think that's it in a nutshell.  So maybe we should record that and, um, perhaps we could carry on with some more discussion on how we might do this on our E list.  I know that, um, Malcolm Johnson, the Chairman of TSB, the director of TSB has this on his own agenda.  It was the last couple of meetings to try to get the ICT recognized as a kind of sector in its own right.  I think you would be talking to    if you're talking to Malcolm now, he would be supporting you 100% in this area.  Christina is nodding.  She's from TSB.  So we are aware of this.  I think one of the issues we need to consider and how the counting is done for the industry because our use of manager is to have it for in the energy sector which is slight diverse, but we don't actually burn fossil fuel and we don't actually emit CO2 from the electronic products.  So the counting is done in another sector.  Anyway, perhaps we shouldn't have such a long discussion about this.  So maybe I'll just pass it over.

>> Maybe just a really quick final comment particularly in the content of the UNCC.  This issue comes up over and over again.  The ICT sector feels that it isn't appreciated within the context of the UNFCC and also we're feeling that it's simply underrepresented there.  I think that those of us working on those issues need to be reminded that the UNFCC is in a negotiating arena and if we don't have a position, then our purpose there is irrelevant.  I think this is part of the challenges that we haven't realized that we need to figure out what do we want out of the convention and climate change and the key of the regime because unless we have a position, there's nothing to negotiate.  It's a form where deals are brokered, but we're not coming in with very specific requirements for us to participate within that regime.

>> Christina wants to say something.

>> Christina:  Yeah.  I would like perhaps knowing and the negotiations we've had.  Yes.  I can't agree with you that the industry hasn't figured it out exactly what we want, but I would like to remind all of us that there is a driven process and IT will forward that the rights of governments to decide.  I think the position that perhaps we may consider to take or at least the ACT industry is a really likely expression that is transformed in the forces.  The industry has the ability to change our lives.  I don't know if it was in Ericson's presentation where there was a difference and a couple years ago and the auto motive industry changed our lives.  I say that the internet be the same because now we are all connected.  I think there's a message that we should bring and ask the government raise it to consider ICT as part of the solution and consider in the framework.  It doesn't matter.  I fully agree with you that CDM is not the project mechanism that we have to use.  As you said, I think for me and interesting example of ICT can have and do the same of what we need and it will be after your governments is for you to raise awareness.  This is after you    none of us can make    it doesn't matter.  Our main policy message is I wouldn't even see yours.  I can gather in the government.  And again, they begin about replacing troubles today was a great example with someone participating in a conference and he gave his presentation and shared his views.  We see the zero Emissions.  That's reasonable.  That's practical.  We have different facilities.  We have like televised and a big difference to improve, but also I believe that again this is something that we have to work on in the ICT industry, but also where you think that this force can be injected.  Thank you.

>> Would you like to speak next?

>> Thank you.  Actually it's Denmark.  You mentioned video conferencing and I would like to mention that we recently sent out a centre for the city and we have been focusing many on how to make it interesting and more attractive both for businesses, but also with the common sector.  Basically we have lots and lot of studies which tries to pay out and excite the benefits.  That would be an issue we would be interested in discussing some more.  Thank you.

>> I thought there would be a lot of interest in this discussion.  Trying to make this event definitely able to be broadcast, but kind of the organiser stepped in and gave us the facility.  We have to be more mature on how we do these kinds of events with access.  A new issue or comment?  Would you like to make one?

>> Thank you Mr. Chair.  I just want to share some of the    some of the development in our country environment.  And the environment you have seen now administered.  She was one of the main speakers in the conference and she's thought of issues.  And it was, you know, where we sit in the community.  And there she, ah, she made a trust fund several million and also to the projects.  But probably there's little commission in the climate change.  So, in that sense, there's a lot of school work.  So may I propose that the coalition on climate change you also monitor work and then do a general level, you know, ac   general level kind of contracts so that we can    we can know and share experience from each other and go forward.  I remember parliament and I followed the action plan of action.  And then in my own, I see a developed one for reserving    for service order and green belt.  So slowly, slowly we have this work implementing the intersection plan.  We'll definitely come to the movement.  Thank you.

>> Thank you.

>> I also wanted to propose that our centre would like to organise this general program at SART level, salvation level.

>> What I would like to do now is ask Christina to comment ideas she had regarding the way that we organise the coalition in the future so that we can have more participation remotely having e meetings rather than having to meet by this face to face every time.  So just pass the mic over to her.

>> Christina:  First of all, yes.  Sorry.  First of all, thank you very.  For this.  Very good proposal.  That's very much welcomed.  It will give a boost to this economic coalition.  And I would like also to apologize because unfortunately, we couldn't manage the timing, but that was a major problem, but this is not something that depends on ITX and based on different events.  But coming back to the proposal, I think that one of the thins that I'm discussing with some of the presenters before was the idea to have e meetings and show really how it can be helpful to continue the discussion on issues of climate change.  We could organise specific talks and an SA for example.  Talks for government which will be limited to government only.  I mean, we are in the highest protected accounts that can reserve and the focus of the task for example, ICT and climate change in parliament will change policies or any decoders and sharing the expertise on certain issues.  For example, we had from Bangladesh ICT and adaptation.  Adaptation is one of the pillars of the framework which I think will give it an immediate boost if we are representatives in the region and I guess the idea would be to have discussion that will lead to projects.  So not discussion, just for the sake of discussing, but our frame to incorporate the proposal and IDT can certainly seek with the IC industry the necessary assistant.  The IC industry is very key.  They have the solutions.  They are ready to help, but also it is important they need some guidance and again, it is not up to the IC to come to the country ask tell us.  I need this in my country and they have 92 other states.  So all of you actually, you have different parts.  So I really invite you to, you know, send us proposal.  They have activity meetings and actually take the Chairmans.  It can be a useful tool where you can put forward new issues that you would like to discuss.  You can tell us which actors you would like to have in that discussion.  And you also can discuss new issues that you think can be powerful to shape your own policies, your own national strategies.  That's what we think.  It is not ITU interest.  As I said and I state it again, this is a full agreement process.  They're there to help and meet your needs.  In a way as we do it, it would be again up to all of you.  So I really encourage you and representing our government to have the joint coordination activity, but also again as I was pleading to the representative, for example, use the NGOs community to build knowledge, to share the knowledge and see and tell us for example what's your experience on the ground.  For example, you in Bangladesh are doing [INAUDIBLE] with the NGO.  What can we do in Ghana?  That would be an excellent way how we can share corporations.  If you think of this    I really encourage you to send me your ideas and your thoughts of that.

>> Thank you.  Mr. Chair, just to say that it was a very nice talk and he gave a very wonderful speech.  We'll definitely go back and try to convince to talk to you and also send some to you.  Thanks.

>> Okay.  I think it's time to summarize the meeting.  Anybody have any more burning issues that need to be recognized around the table?  Quickly summarize what I think follow up actions.  So we'll prepare a brief report of the meeting.  I'd like    Heather's still here?  I would like to try to get a link to her report on the data centre.  So that would be an action.  We have noted that we can make more use of our E list.  We have two E lists.  One that we collect today, which is an unofficial one that we have because you are here and you recorded it on your paper.  So we can send the report of the meeting by that list, but there's also an official E list that the coalition members, which are people who have said they would like to be a member and to therefore note it on the coalition Web Site on 42.  So that is kind of official E list.  They will be used mostly for the discussions of these issues.  It's possible that in the mean time we'll use the unofficial one as well just to get things moving and get people across or give me a reason why they call be a member and we can separately involve you in the discussions.  Then the issues of    sorry.  I switched myself off.
I notice there's interest in the green BTS for global main stations.  There's interest in making ICT better recognized it UFCC level, which we made it to handle.  There's the issue of better use of video conferencing for activities such as this dialing coalition which we can publicize.  And then there's the issue of working with support monitoring and reaching a level, which I think also we can pick up on through the use of the electronic facilities to maintain a momentum of this group.  So that's my summary.  Is there any other point anybody would like to make before we close?  Okay.  So, we'll close the meeting and I'm here to talk to anyone unofficially.