Esterhuysen, Anriette

Anriette is the Executive Director of the Association for Progressive Communications, an international network established in 1990, of organizations working with ICTs to support social justice and development. Prior to joining APC as a staff member, Anriette was executive director of APC member SANGONeT, an internet service provider and training institution for civil society, labour and community organizations in South Africa from 1993 to 2000. From 1987 to 1992 she did information and communication work in development and human rights organizations in South Africa and Zimbabwe. She is a founder of Women'sNet in South Africa and has served on the African Technical Advisory Committee of the UN's Economic Commission for Africa's African Information Society Initiative and was a member of the United Nations ICT Task Force from 2002 to 2005. Currently she serves on the boards of GeSCI (Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative) and Ungana-Afrika. Anriette has published extensively on ICTs for development and social equality.