Formats Description
The IGF 2014 will offer a diverse range of interactions, including main sessions, workshops, flash sessions, open forums, dynamic coalitions and other meetings.
Workshop Session
The workshop session provides a forum for invited panellists to exchange views and make analytical studies on definitions, viewpoints and visions on internet governance from several aspects depending on the main themes of each year. (see: IGF 2014 Main theme and Sub Themes)
Further information can be found at IGF Guidelines for workshop proposals.
The duration of each workshop depends on the proposal of each organizer e.g. 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, etc.
Each workshop will be required to produce the agenda and background paper, and submit the workshop evaluation after the meeting (within 2 weeks.)
See: The examples of the agenda and background paper, and the workshop evaluation for IGF 2013.
‘Flash’ Session
A flash session is a space for presenters/organizers to arouse the interest of the participants on specific reports, case studies, best practices, methodologies, tools, etc. which have already been implemented in particular contexts or are still in the process of implementation.
While flash session organizers have the opportunity to briefly share/promote, put in “light” their experiences, participants in the room have the chance to ask very specific questions related to the processes behind and to continue the discussions around them after the session.
Flash Session may be shorter in duration than some other types of meetings. (e.g. 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 60 minutes.)
Each flash session will be required to produce the agenda and background paper, and to submit the evaluation form after the meeting (within 2 weeks.)
The IGF website gives you an example of flash sessions in the previous year.
Open Forum
All relevant organizations dealing with internet governance related issues will be given a workshop slot, upon request, and to hold an open forum in order to present and discuss their activities. The meetings should focus on the organization’s activities during the past years and should allow sufficient time for questions and discussions. Governments wishing to hold an open forum to present their internet governance related activities will also be given a slot.
The open forum duration depends on each organization. Generally, it is schedule for 90 minutes.
Each Open Forum will be required to produce a background paper and a report on the meeting. The IGF website gives you an example of Open Forum in the previous year.
Dynamic Coalition
The meeting will provide space for active Dynamic Coalitions to meet and to further develop their efforts. Meetings of Dynamic Coalition should not be workshops. They should be action oriented and should make an effort to ensure that a broad range of stakeholders could bring their expertise to the discussions.
All Dynamic Coalitions are requested to present a report on their achievements in general, on their activities in 2013/2014, and their meeting in Bali (if one was held) in particular. The reports will be posted on the IGF Web site.
Only Dynamic Coalitions which have submitted their reports will remain listed as Dynamic Coalitions on the IGF Web site and will be given a meeting slot in Istanbul. All other Dynamic Coalitions will be listed under the heading ‘inactive Dynamic Coalitions’. Upon request, a group that wishes to form a new Dynamic Coalition may submit a proposal to the IGF Secretariat for a meeting slot.
The duration of dynamic coalitions generally is schedule for 45 minutes or 90 minutes. It also depends on each group.
The IGF website gives you an example of Dynamic Coalition in the previous year.
Other Meetings
In general, meeting rooms which are not otherwise booked will be given, as available, to interested stakeholder groups on a first-come-first-served basis, in accordance with United Nations procedures and practice. A number of rooms will be reserved to accommodate ad-hoc requests.
The selection process for the workshop and flash sessions at IGF 2014 will be done by the MAG members and IGF Secretariat in May 2014. It will be based according to criteria and requirements of each session.