Grants to NRIs

Stakeholders, countries and regions often have different priorities when addressing issues ‎related to the use and evolution of the Internet. They also have different capacities for discussing such issues and engaging in national, regional and international Internet ‎governance processes. This is why it is critically important to support and strengthen local processes established within a bottom-up, multistakeholder, open, transparent and inclusive framework. These values are the core operating principles of the IGF, as well as of the national and regional IGF initiatives (NRIs), that in an organic manner, have enshrined and implemented them into their own local communities.
Recognizing the long-standing valuable work of NRIs and committing to develop capacity as mandated, the IGF Secretariat, supported by generous contributions from donors, supports the NRIs processes in developing countries with financial grants. The goal of this is to: 

  • ‎Enhance global understanding of Internet governance issues, by ‎strengthening bottom-up and multistakeholder NRI processes. Of particular interest are local communities ‎in less developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states; ‎
  • Strengthen the global Internet governance framework, by raising awareness on ‎the importance of more active and consistent engagement of local and regional ‎communities in the IGF intersessional collaborative work. ‎

Based on a carefully carried analysis of the NRIs requests toward the IGF Secretariat, their requirements for advancement of local IGF processes and benefits for the overall community, the following NRIs are supported as part of the IGF 2021 capacity development plan. The national IGFs could apply for up to 5,000 USD, sub-regional for up to 6,000 USD and regional IGFs for up to 12,000 USD.

Supported NRI Meeting Information Outcome

St. Vincent and the Grenadines IGF
14-15 July 2021
The use of emerging technologies for disaster resilience
The St. Vincent and the Grenadines IGF was hosted in a hybrid format. With a predominantly online participation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Forum gathered over 300 stakeholders. The grant specifically supported the logistics of the meeting and inclusion of marginalized groups.

Panama IGF

19-23 July 2021 Approximately 300 participants from different stakeholder groups attended the hybrid meeting. The grant allowed for live streaming of the meeting, as well as for financial coverage of the venue rental, travel support and catering services for all participants, as well as the coverage of other costs related to the streaming and outreach.

West Africa IGF

28-30 July 2021
Digital inclusion and access for a resilient West Africa

More than 350 participants took active participation in the online edition of the West African IGF. Funds provided through the grant supported the overall inclusion of stakeholders by covering the costs of interpretation and captioning.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

South Sudan IGF
September 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Sierra Leone IGF
September 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Pacific IGF
6-11 September 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Côte d'Ivoire IGF
8-9 September 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Asia Pacific IGF
27-30 September 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Benin IGF
28 September 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Tanzania IGF

11-15 October 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Ecuador IGF
12-15 October 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Togo IGF

14-15 October 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Bolivia IGF
14-16 October 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Moldova IGF
19-20 October 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Bangladesh IGF
29-31 December 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

North African IGF
10-13 November 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Mauritius IGF
11-12 November 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Namibia IGF
TBC November 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

North Macedonia IGF
22-23 November 2021

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]

Trinidad and Tobago IGF

28-29 January 2022

The grant will support the implementation of the meeting's logistics and inclusion of vulnerable groups. More details will be provided after the meeting concludes.

[To be updated after the annual meeting concludes]