Hamilton Stuart (Mr), Director of Policy and Advocacy, NETHERLANDS

Stakeholder Group: Civil Society

Region: WEOG


Dr. Stuart Hamilton is the Director of Policy and Advocacy at the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). He gained his PhD in Library and Information Science from the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copenhagen, Denmark where his research examined freedom of access to information on the Internet worldwide, and the ways in which libraries can overcome barriers such as censorship or the digital divide to ensure that library users receive the best possible access to online information resources. He has lectured extensively around the world on his PhD subject and other intellectual freedom matters, and his findings have been published in print and online journals. In his position as Director of Policy and Advocacy, Dr. Hamilton co-ordinates the activities of IFLA’s human rights and copyright committees, as well as other IFLA global advocacy activities in the area of access to digital information.

Areas: Public Access to the Internet; freedom of access to information/freedom of expression; privacy; libraries; development