High Level Panel III - Looking ahead to WSIS+20: Accelerating the Multistakeholder Process

    Sunday, 8th October, 2023 (04:45 UTC) - Sunday, 8th October, 2023 (06:15 UTC)
    Main Hall

    The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) has served as a pivotal platform for fostering cooperation among governments, civil society, private sector, and technical communities to collectively address the opportunities and challenges brought about by the digital age. 

    As the WSIS+20 milestone approaches, WSIS action line facilitators and all digital governance stakeholders should reflect on the advancements of the last two decades while placing a strong emphasis on inclusivity. The multistakeholder model, which recognizes the intricate interplay of various sectors and actors to shape digital policy, is fundamental in ensuring WSIS remains a dynamic process.

    By building on their strong commitment to multistakeholderism, fostering cooperation – including, critically, with experts from the technical community – and discussing the potential challenges, evolving technologies and trends within the digital landscape, WSIS communities can prepare for and look beyond the 20-year milestone.

    Main and Cross-cutting Subthemes: Global Digital Governance & Cooperation | Digital Divides & Inclusion

    •    Ms. Barbara Carfagna, Journalist and Presenter, Rai Television 

    •    Mr. Sigbjørn Gjelsvik, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norway
    •    Mr. John Whittingdale, Minister for Data and Digital Infrastructure, United Kingdom
    •    Ms. Doreen    Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    •    Ms. Tripti Sinha, Chairwoman, ICANN Board
    •    Mr. Jun Murai, Distinguished Professor, Keio University
    •    Ms. Maria-Fernanda Garza CEO, Orestia and Board Chair, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
    •    Ms. Chat Garcia Ramilo, Executive Director, Association for Progressive Communications