IGF 2017 WS #130
How does social media shape our minds?

    Short Title
    How does social media shape our minds?
    Proposer's Name: Mr. David NG
    Proposer's Organization: NetMission.Asia
    Co-Proposer's Name: Mr. Hans Martens
    Co-Proposer's Organization: European Schoolnet (EUN)
    Mr. David NG, Civil Society, NetMission.Asia Mr. Hans MARTENS, Civil Society, European Schoolnet
    Additional Speakers

    Session Moderator: Ms. Jianne Soriano, NetMission.Asia (Asia Pacific)
    Mr. David Ng, eHelp Association (Asia Pacific)
    Ms. Sabrina Vorbau, European Schoolnet (WEOG)
    Mr. Michael J. Oghia, Steering Committee of YCIG (MENA)
    Ms. Heiki Tsang, NetMission.Asia (Asia Pacific)
    Mr. Guilherme Alves da Silva, Youth Observatory (LAC)
    Rapporteur: Ms. Yannis Li, DotAsia Organisation 
    Remote Moderator: Mr. Sam Kong, DotAsia Organisation 


    8 mins - [Background introduction] Setting the scene by session moderator
    40 mins - [Breakout group discussion] Facilitators will be assigned to each group to facilitate the discussion on the topic 
    20 mins - [Report session] Break-out group rapporteurs will present the summary of each group, and online moderator will also recap the discussion in the chat room
    25 mins - [Open Mic / Roundtable discussion] Suggestions on solution to the issues as well as modification of current policies of social media platforms will be discussed
    2 mins - [Wrap up] Follow-up items and key take aways of the workshop