Short Title
    What digital future for vulnerable people?
    Proposer's Name: Mr. Enrico Calandro
    Proposer's Organization: Research ICT Africa
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Chenai Chair
    Co-Proposer's Organization: Research ICT Africa
    Ms., Anri, VAN DER SPUY, Private Sector, Independent Consultant
    Additional Speakers

    Dr. Anja Kovacs


    Suggested Agenda (90 minutes):
    a. Introduction to the workshop topic by Anri Van Der Spuy, workshop co-organizer

    b. Presentation of the RIA Beyond Access research (indicators on digital rights awareness) by Chenai Chair (5 minutes)

    c. Panelist remarks (5 minutes each: 20 minute in total)

    d. Open Discussion (35 minutes), facilitated by on-side moderator, including comments and questions from remote participants

    e.  Closing remarks from panelists (5 minutes each: 20 minutes in total)

    f.  Wrap-up of the discussion (10 minutes)