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IGF 2017 WS #161
Explaining Internet governance to friends & family 101: How to improve our communication?

    Short Title
    Communicating Internet governance to friends & family 101
    Proposer's Name: Ms. Agustina Callegari
    Proposer's Organization: Independent
    Co-Proposer's Name: Mr. Michael Oghia
    Co-Proposer's Organization: Independent
    Ms., Agustina, CALLEGARI, Civil Society, Independent Mr., Michael, OGHIA, Civil Society, Independent Ms. Jelena, Technical community, RNIDS
    Additional Speakers

    Luna Madi, Sr Communication Manager, ICANN (EMEA)  - [email protected]

    Luna serves ICANN as Director, EMEA Communication.

    Jennifer Chung, dotAsia (Asia) -  [email protected]

    Jennifer is the Director of Corporate Knowledge for DotAsia Organisation and oversees
    the knowledge and policy development for DotAsia in the region and in the community.

    • Introduction - Welcome, purpose and objective of the discussion with short presentation of the results of the questionnaire - 10 minutes
    • Break out discussion in 4 groups: 60 minutes

    Topics for a break out discussion:

    1. Reaching a broader public: does IG community really needs it or it is a general mantra?
    2. The relationship with the traditional media and journalists: have we given up trying to reach them unless we have some exclusive info?
    3. Local content: good practices and lessons learned
    4. Why should people care about IG topics? How can we make them care?
    • Share and conclusions- 20 minutes