IGF 2017 WS #202 Internet of Things : Supportive Role of Smart Solutions in the Decision Making Process

    Short Title
    Smart Solutions in the Decision Making Process

    Proposer's Name: Ms. Nirvana Farrag
    Proposer's Organization: The Egyptian Cabinet Information & Decision Support Center-IDSC
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Heba Abd ElHamid
    Co-Proposer's Organization: The Egyptian Cabinet Information & Decision Support Center-IDSC
    Mr. Menghestab Haile
    Country Director - Egypt, World Food Programme (WFP) Cairo, Egypt

    Dr. Jimson Olufuye
    Chair of AFICTA

    Additional Speakers

    Mrs. Estherine Fotabong, NEPAD's Director of Programme Implementation and Coordination

    Estherine Lisinge-Fotabong is the Director of the Programme Implementation and Coordination Directorate of the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA). Before that, she was the UNEP Country Liaison Officer for South Africa and the Environment Adviser to the NEPAD Secretariat. Before joining UNEP, she held several positions including: Assistant Lecturer in Law at the University of Soa, Yaoundé, Cameroon; Director of Policy and Strategy; WWF Central African Regional Programme Office – Biodiversity and NEPAD Programme Officer with UNEP-DGEF. Mrs. Fotabong has a Master’s degree in Law as well as in International Affairs specializing in International Policy and Practice.

    Mrs. Dalia Salem, Head of the European Sector, Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation


    Session Format: Round Table - 60 Min


    Organizer: The Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC)

    Co-organizer:  World Food Programme (WFP) in Cairo, Egypt & AFICTA

    Format: The workshop will take the format of a moderated roundtable discussion which will give both the speakers and the participants from different backgrounds and expertise the opportunity to get together in an interactive setting where all views and ideas can be shared equally. This format is useful in raising multiple questions and in engaging in meaningful dialogue while the moderator will work to ensure that critical elements of the engagements are documented and shared afterwards. The workshop will depend on the role of the moderation in posing different questions to the speakers and the audience and lead the participants in agreeing to the discussion points.

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Forum Host    Ms. Nirvana Farrag, Director General, International Cooperation Department-the Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center, IDSC (5 min)

    Speakers: (35 min. - sorted alphabetically)

    Speakers represent different organizations including international organizations working in international development, government entities concerned with information technology and communication, African institutions working in the field of ICT from a regional perspective. Gender balance is taken into consideration in selecting the speakers for the workshop. The proposed speakers represent geographical, gender and multi-stakeholders (government, international organizations, independent consultant, private sector, etc.)

    • Dr. Atef Elshabrawy, CEO-founder, Social Innovation Expert
    • Ms. Dalia Salem, Head of the European Sector, Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation
    • Ms. Estherine Fotsbong, Director of Programme Implementation and Coordination - NEPAD
    • Dr. Hoda Dahroug, Acting Head of the Central Division for Community Development Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Member of the Presedential Advisory Council For Community Development
    • Eng. Hossam ElGammal, Chairman of the Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center, IDSC
    • Dr. Jimson Olufuye, Chair of AFICTA
    • Dr. Mostafa Fathy, Head of Information Technology at Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO)

    Discussion facilitation:

    Speakers will present their speech/presentations in 5 minutes (each). Presentations/speeches will be followed by an open discussion where participants are welcomed to comment and interact in the workshop (15 min.)

    The workshop will be concluded by a wrap up covering the key questions raised during the workshop (5 min).

    Onsite Moderator:  Mr. Menghestab Haile, Country Director - Egypt, World Food Programme (WFP) Cairo, Egypt

    Online Moderator:  Ms. Heba Abd ElHameed
    Rapporteur:  Ms. Iman Mahdy

    Online Participation:

    Online participation will be available during the workshop to enable participants from different countries who did not have the opportunity to participate in person in IGF 2017 to engage in the discussions and share their views about the topic. Remote participants are encouraged to send their questions/comments and the speakers will respond and interact accordingly. They will have the opportunity to interact on an equal basis with those from in-room participants. 


    Nowadays, we are living in a world where virtually everything — from cellphones and cars to washing machines — is connected. Physical objects are connecting to networks, communicating with devices and sensors, and creating and sharing data to build the “Internet of Things (IoT)”. In reality, the IoT is much more than smart homes and connected appliances. It is about creating new ways of helping people and organizations in advancing their lives in a digital age. This global connectivity between the Internet and devices presents governments and organizations with tremendous opportunities to reduce operating costs, increase employee productivity, enhance citizen experiences, improve agency connectivity, and accelerate meaningful innovation.
    The main aim of the workshop is to address the impact of Internet of Things and smart solutions in enabling the decision making process through various technical, social, economic and political perspectives. The workshop will attempt to highlight how Internet of Things tools can have a significant role in shaping the digital future of the human life through greater connectivity and ultimate functionality.
    In order for decision-makers to meet the aspirations of nations, they need to pay attention to the role of IoT tools in impacting performance since IoT goes hand in hand with efficiency, transparency and accountability. Decision makers need to learn the importance of embracing data-driven decision making through the engagement of various multi-stakeholders. in addition, decision-making is now based on a combination of our knowledge, experience, intuition, and data. Data-driven decision-making is accurate, on time, valuable, and actionable data.
    In formulating the digital future of the human life -especially in developing nations-, welfare and prosperity can be achieved through the use of modern day technologies such as medical treatment databases, cell phones to improve livelihoods, and computers to enable ability the citizens to compete for online jobs in the global market. In this context, governments can become closer to its people through the use of information technology and communications and utilizing smart solutions to increase efficiency and help in making their lives better.
    Whilst ICTs are generally adaptable; their effectiveness in addressing development issues still depends on utilizing smart solutions and the Internet of Things tools to encourage a healthy and regulatory environment.

    The workshop will address the impact of internet of things and smart solutions on the decision making process through the following questions:

    1.  What are the challenges and barriers facing our digital future and its impact on the decision making process?   
    2. Give examples of how the internet of things can impact decision makers?
    3. What the roles of decision makers in developing internet of things policies?
    4. How far IOT help advancing and sustaining and improving the standards of living of people?
    5. How can smart solutions support all stakeholders in the decision making process?

    Relevance of the Session:
    The workshop will tackle the role of Internet of Things in shaping the digital future since the Internet of Things is shaping human life with greater connectivity and ultimate functionality, and all this is happening through networking to the Internet where no limits exist to what can be connected to the Internet. Internet of Things can begin to reach its full potential—especially if leaders truly embrace data-driven decision making. 
    Tag 1: Internet of Things
    Tag 2: Digital Future
    Tag 3: Multistakeholder
    The workshop will include speakers from multistakeholders various backgrounds in order to provide diverse inputs and opinions about the supportive role of smart solutions in the decision making process and the international best practices in the Internet of Things.

    The speakers represent different organizations including international organizations working in international development, government entities concerned with information technology and communication, african institutions working in the field of ICT from a regional perspective. Gender balance is taken into consideration in selecting the speakers for the workshop. The proposed speakers represent geographical, gender and multi-stakeholders (government, international organizations, independent consultant, private sector, etc.)

    Onsite Moderator: Mr. Menghestab Haile
    Online Moderator: Ms. Iman Mahdy
    Rapporteur: Ms. Hoda Salah

    Online Participation:
    Online participation will be available during the workshop to enable participants from different countries who did not have the opportunity to participate in person in IGF 2017 to engage in the discussions and share their views about the topic. Remote participants are encouraged to send their questions/comments and the speakers will respond and interact accordingly. They will have the opportunity to interact on an equal basis with those from in-room participants. 
    Discussion facilitation:
    Speakers will present their speech/presentations in 5 minutes (each). Presentations will be followed by an open discussion where participants are welcomed to comment and interact in the workshop (30 min.)
    The workshop will be concluded by a wrap up covering the key questions raised during the session (5 min.)

    Workshop Format

    The workshop will take the format of a moderated roundtable discussion which will give both the speakers and the participants from different backgrounds and expertise the opportunity to get together in an interactive setting where all views and ideas can be shared equally. This format is useful in raising multiple questions and in engaging in meaningful dialogue while the moderator will work to ensure that critical elements of the engagements are documented and shared afterwards. The workshop will depend on the role of the moderation in posing different questions to the speakers and the audience and lead the participants in agreeing to the discussion points.

    Conducted a Workshop in IGF before?: Yes