IGF 2017 WS #67 Content Regulation and Private Ordering at Internet Governance Institutions

    Short Title
    Content Regulation and Private Ordering at IG Institutions

    Proposer's Name: Mr. Ayden Férdeline
    Proposer's Organization: ICANN Non-Commercial Users Constituency
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Farzaneh Badii
    Co-Proposer's Organization: Internet Governance Project
    Dr.,Farzaneh,BADII,Civil Society,Internet Governance Project


    1. Moderator will set the scene introduce the panel

    2. Issue 1: content regulation and trademark overreach in IG institutions

    3. Issue 2: policies that can lead to trademark overreach and hamper free expressions

    4. Issue 3: Stop DNS abuse but don't hamper free expression

    5. Issue 5: Multistakeholder community response to content regulation in IG institutions