IGF 2018 NRI Coordination Session

    Salle II

    IGF 2018 NRIs Coordination Session
    Open Work Meeting between: NRIs, UNDESA, MAG Chair and IGF Secretariat

    AGENDA (90 minutes)


    1. Introduction

    2. Increasing visibility of the IGF through NRIs; NRIs through IGF and NRIs through NRIs

      • How can the IGF help the NRIs? (10 minutes)

      • Advancing the legitimacy of the NRIs (10 minutes)

      • Securing Cooperation: IGF-NRIs (main session, collaborative sessions) (10 minutes)

      • NRIs participation in the IGF intersessional work (BPFs, CENB) (15 minutes)

      • NRIs contributing to programme planning of the IGF (5 minutes)

      • Online observatory of NRIs (10 minutes)

    3. How can the NRIs help the NRIs? (10 minutes)

    4. Secure funding for NRIs (10 minutes)

    5. NRIs and HLPDC (5 minutes)

    6. AoB

    Session Time