IGF 2018 WS #167
Impact of IoE Identifier Technology to Internet Governance

    Organizer 1: Hongtao Li, China Internet Network Information Center
    Organizer 2: Wei Wang, Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    Organizer 3: Yongzheng Ma, China Internet Network Information Center
    Speaker 1: Wei Wang, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Jimson Olufuye, Private Sector, African Group
    Speaker 3: Leon Sanchez, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Wei Wang
    Online Moderator
    Yongzheng Ma
    Yongzheng Ma
    Panel - 90 Min
    There are totally three speakers including Dr. Wei Wang, Olufuye Jimson and Sanchez Leon. 1) Dr. Wei Wang is an expert in the areas of Domain Name System, Handle, ONS and OID. He will be giving the presentation of“Future Trends of Today’s Identifier Technologies” and acting as the moderator of the discussion of “How does the intelligent identifier technology influence the Internet Governance”. 2) Olufuye Jimson is an expert in the areas of DNS, Cybersecurity, ICT strategies & policy development. He will be giving the presentation of “New challenges from IOE identifier Technology to Today’s Internet Governance Framework” and acting as the moderator of the discussion of “What is the proper framework for the IOE Governance”. 3) Sanchez Leon is an expert in the area DNS and IPv6, and he is also good at the Internet Governance policy. He will be giving the presentation of “The Impact of IOE identifier Technology to Internet Governance Framework”.
    1. Speakers: There are three speakers in this session: Wei Wang, Olufuye Jimson and Sanchez Leon. Dr. Wei Wang is from Asia-Pacific Group and Technical Community. Also, he is serving for ICANN as one of the Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) Board of Directors. Olufuye Jimson is from African Group and Private Sector. Sanchez Leon is from Latin American and Caribbean Group, and Technical Community. 2. Organizers: This session has three organizers: Hongtao Li, Wei Wang and Yongzheng Ma. All are from Asia-Pacific Group and Technical Community.
    Session Agenda (Running Time = 90 mins) 1. Introduction (5 mins) Dr. Wei Wang 2. Presentations (45 mins) 1) Dr. Wei Wang, “Future Trends of Today’s Identifier Technologies” (TBD), 15 mins. Description: This presentation is trying to give a survey on the developing trends of the domain name system, Handle, ONS and OID in the process when the Internet, Industrial Internet and Internet of Things are merging and combining to the Internet of Everything. 2) Olufuye Jimson, “New Challenges from IOE Identifier Technology to Today’s Internet Governance Framework” (TBD), 15 mins. Description: This presentation will be exploring new challenges and requirements from IOE identifier technology, especially from the new features of universal identification, intelligent resolving, security and high scalability. 3) Sanchez Leon, “The Impact of IOE identifier Technology to Internet Governance Framework” (TBD), 15 mins. Description: This presentation will be exploring the potential impact of IOE identifier technology to the future Internet Governance Framework, especially the structure and mechanism. 3. Opening Discussions (36 mins) 1) Topic: “How does the intelligent identifier technology influence the Internet Governance”, 18 mins. Description: This discussion is focusing on how the intelligent technology apply to the identification area and the potential influence to the Internet Governance. 2) Topic: “What is the proper framework for the IOE Governance”, 18 mins. Description: This topic is focusing on the drawbacks of the current hierarchical framework and what the proper framework is for the IOE governance. 4. Close Session (4 mins) Dr. Wei Wang
    This session is planning to encourage onsite and online attendees to participate in the discussion to fully express their views, ideas or comments. The session leaves nearly 40 minutes for discussion. Moreover, even in the presentation time, attendees are allowed to have short comments and discussions on the presentation which are generally less than one minutes each time.
    This session is designed to explore the impact of the identifier technology of the Internet of Everything (IoE) to the Internet Governance. First, the session will discuss the future trends of today’s identifier technologies including Domain Name System, Handle, ONS and OID, especially in the current era that the Internet, Industrial Internet and Internet of Things are merging to the IOE. Second, requirements and challenges of IOE identifier technology to the Internet Governance will be explored, especially the changes from the universal identification, intelligent resolving, security, and high scalability. Last, the new framework of the Internet Governance, or more specially say, the framework of the IOE Governance will be tentatively discussed, especially whether the today’s hierarchical framework is still suitable for IOE? This issue has not been touched on prior workshops or discussions.
    Online Participation
    This Session is planning to support the online participation by youtube. In the presentation time, the online attendees can watch the presentation just as the onsite attendees with their desktop or mobile devices. In the discussion time, the online attendees has the equal opportunity just as the onsite attendees to participate the discussion. Technically, the online moderate will decide which attendees has the opportunity to use the microphone which is reserved for online attendees.