IGF 2018 WS #300
Myths of privacy online

    Organizer 1: Humberto Antonio Arthos Montufar, Usuarios Digitales del Ecuador
    Organizer 2: Alfredo Velazco, Usuarios Digitales
    Speaker 1: Humberto Antonio Arthos Montufar, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 2: Alfredo Velazco, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 3: Rojas Jose eduardo, ,
    Alfredo Velazco
    Online Moderator
    Alfredo Velazco
    Alfredo Velazco
    Other - 60 Min
    Format description: 30 minute session with 30 minutes of debate with the public
    Practical cases will be shown through QR codes, so that attendees can check for themselves each of the vulnerabilities to privacy shown during the session
    The privacy seen from a technical point of view covers Internet users in their entirety, taking into account that many of the consequences shown during the presentation may have a greater impact on vulnerable communities and countries with repressive regimes.
    As the basic measures of protection of our online privacy are increasingly unhelpful, and common user education about the actual functioning of data collection is necessary so that you can consciously assess the risks of your privacy online. Common myths about measures that help our privacy As some measures are easily circumvented by data collectors Other common vulnerabilities in our online privacy Robust measures to protect our privacy
    At the end of the presentation of the topic, 30 minutes will be used for free participation and discussion of the topic, interventions and questions in lines will be collected by the moderator who will present them in the session.
    Is there really privacy on the internet?
    Online Participation
    A space will be opened at the end for online questions after the end of the session, to answer the doubts of the spectators