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IGF 2018 WS #353
Norms, CBMs, and GVD - how can PPPs enhance cyber stability?

    Organizer 1: Jessica Zucker, Microsoft Corporation
    Organizer 2: Simona Autolitano, Microsoft Corporation
    Organizer 3: Jean Pierre Darnis, Istituto Affari Internazionali
    Organizer 4: Susanna Makela, Microsoft Corporation
    Speaker 1: John FRANK, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Ben Hiller, Intergovernmental Organization, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Camino Kavanagh, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 4: Nata Goderdzishvili, Government, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Susanna Makela
    Online Moderator
    Jean Pierre Darnis, Jessica Zucker
    Simona Autolitano
    Panel - 90 Min
    Each speaker represents a unique stakeholder group with expertise into one of the cyber stability measures. They will each present their perspectives on what efforts are working and what can be done to improve the current state of cyber insecurity.
    Speakers will represent diversity of gender, sector, expertise, and geography. We have put in place special emphasis on sector diversity as it is important that each speaker can discuss a separate aspect of cyber stability measures.
    Over the past year, conflict in cyberspace has reached an unprecedented state: from the targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure, to the attempted interference into democratic processes. At the same time, diplomatic discussions at the UN came to a standstill in 2017, and it is not yet clear whether discussions within the UN will proceed. In light of this context, a number of initiatives and processes across governments and within the private sector are underway seeking to address the need for cyber stability. These efforts range from efforts to implement existing or shape new norms and confidence building measures at regional level, to ensuring greater transparency around vulnerability equity processes and initiatives limiting the proliferation of malicious cyber capabilities holistically. This panel seeks to take stock on what is working, and more importantly, bring together diverse stakeholders to consider how public-private-partnerships can contribute to greater stability in cyberspace. The panelists will also seek to identify potential “cyber moonshot” ideas to infuse urgency and set ambitious goals to radically progress cyber stabilization efforts. The following agenda can be used as a general outline for the conversation: - Introductions: State of play in cyberspace - Assessment: What are the ongoing cyber stability measures and are they contributing to greater stability in cyberspace? o CCBMs o Norms initiatives and processes o Government vulnerability disclosure/vulnerability equities process o Cyber weapons proliferation - Moonshot: Do we need a cyber moonshot? What could this look like? - Conclusion: How can public-private-partnerships and cross-sector initiatives enhance stability in cyberspace?
    The online and onsite moderators will ensure that audience discussion is infused throughout the panel.
    This panel seeks to address the range of conflict stability measures underway. It builds off of the previous workshops from last year such as "The need for a Digital Geneva Convention in times of cyber (in)security" and "A Digital Geneva Convention for Cyberspace" and "Multistakeholder Collaborations in Cybersecurity Response". Each of these panels looked at the narrow verticals of different cyber stability measures. This panel seeks to take the lessons learned from these panels and bring them together to look at cyber stability measures in their entirety. This will also enable the diverse set of stakeholders to identify areas for cross sector cooperation.
    Online Participation
    Online participation will be actively sought at each of the steps of the discussion, and the onsite and online moderator will interact throughout the panel to ensure equal participation in the audience onsite and online.